BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 1)

I am about as north as you can get. I think it is a generation thing. I have even used it here.

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This plant has started flowering. What is BTK and where to get it? Ok in flower?

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if you are in the usa it’s called
Safer Brand Caterpillar Killer II Concentrate, Organic, 16 oz. and you can get it at ace hardware or a tractor supply store. Although I wouldn’t spray things on my buds and wouldn’t recommend it, I can’t find any documentation claiming it could harm you. You could wash any residual off, I bet. Also it says the poison crystals break down in the sun after 4 days. Says the poison can’t be dissolved in human tissues. Documentation says you’ll be exposed to btk multiple times in your life without knowing it because the soil bacterium btk is common.
I use it to kill thrips, aphids, caterpillars, earwigs. organic certified if that means anything.


Thx brother. I will look for it

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Blak N Blu Cookies is good. She just now started flowering. So she should be safe. Plus it’s on the other side of the yard. You know. The spot where all the frickin spider mites hang out.


I think the reason I have caterpillars on that specific plant is that she was so thick with budsites that the caterpillars had a great place to hang out and get big and fat, mostly un noticed. Where the other plants were stated outside and are more airy and branchy if that makes any sense. This buggy plant was started inside and was already very close to flowering when I placed her outside on May 15. And she only gained a little in height but really filled out with budsites since then. The whole plant looks like a giant Christmas tree shaped cola. I went ahead and trimmed a lot of the fan leaves to get air circulating in there and went thru, bud by bud search an destroy mission. Maybe I caught them in time to save the rest of the plant. I just got finished smoking a bowl from her momma, (remember, this is a clone of the monstercrop), and I’m lit up pretty nice. And my arthritic hands are not hurting right now. That’s a plus, because I fight with that every day. It sucks.
Anyways I want to give her a few days to recooperate from the mishandling she experienced, and I get new pics of her.


Did that massive center cola sustain any damage?


Yeah, she sustained probly half of the damage on the main cola. Sucks man. This was my first try at growing a plant in the sun. If it wasn’t for my Blak N Blu Cookies, I would be totally turned off by outside growing.


Yeah, if you can imagine it, it’ll happen outside at some point. You learn to anticipate those things with time.


It’s fucking depressing as all hell tho.
And it makes me feel like I didn’t provide enuff protection for my girls.


Ok here is a serious question. Ever get a seed in your fresh bag of soil?
I up potted this plant in brand new, straight from the bag, Happy Frog Soil. I swear I was not smoking around it or anything that would cause a seed to be there. Went straight from my garage to the tent. Now I dont exactly know if its cannabis or not, but if it is, i have no idea what it is or where it came from. We will see in a couple days. But yeah, it sprouted right alongside the edge of the grow bag.
Looks like cannabis to me.


That’s cannabis. It does come from Humboldt county. :sunglasses:


Mystery seed! :face_with_monocle:


That’s what happened to that seed I lost :laughing:
:green_heart: :seedling:


Heres my Blak N Blu Cookies. Shes really looking pretty.


Here are her tops. Not quite flowering yet but close.


Heres the one I had caterpillars on. Maybe she will be ok. Really hurt the buds tho.


I just wanted to say.


I got the 1000th post.


Send me your particulars by DM and I will send you something.