BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

I have never heard of it. Can you elaborate a little. Like what it is and where to get it. Would you not have to trim out all the rotten shit anyways?


I have been trying to keep as much electric stuff OUT of the tent as I can. Motors create heat. I figger with the lights there’s already plenty of heat in there.

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That’s exactly why I put my dehumidifier in the lung room. But that room is too large for the thing to make much of a difference. My next thing to try will be rerouting my intake from the living room to my storage room on the other side. It’s about half the size of my living room but the storage room has been collecting dust for years. I’ll have to change my filters every few days until I can thoroughly clean it out. That’s been needing done anyway but I hardly ever set foot in there. Whatever it takes though.


This is the combo I want eventually for my garden(s):


Mike, Bud rot (Botrytis) is a insidious disease and once you get it there’s not much you can do…
Our cannabis bud structure is so tight. Hypochlorous acid is very efficient on Powdery mildew, Alternaria, Septoria. It’s greatest benefit is in use as a preventative…
I think if you search hypochlorous acid with the magnifying glass you’ll find the complete thread…there were many contributors.


Here Mike…


Did that happen outdoors?

I once screwed and duct taped an appropriately sized hvac metal vent to the out-vent of a 70 pint dehumidifier. Downsize coupled that to flex exhaust tubing, and thus vented the hot exhaust from dehumidifier out of the room. (Required that I cut a 6” hole in the drywall, but hey, a drywall hole is fixable)




I would think that the warm air from the exhaust is the dehumidified air… Wouldn’t that kind of make this just an exhaust fan if so?
I may be wrong. I’ve been that before. lol


No this was an indoor plant. My outdoor version is doing good.
I have a 4 inch exhaust fan going full blast. And a tower fan in the corner and a small fan next to the ceiling. I also recently have left the tent open during the lights on cycle with a box fan pointed at the door opening.


You may be correct. My thought was that it’s the intake on the unit that’s pulling moist air into the unit,the unit dehumidifies it, exhausts it. That exhaust air is definitely hot! It may also be dry. But (?) the moisture in room is treated without addition of HOT exhaust air from dehumidifier. It does raise the question of what is that cumulative fund of air within the room replaced with! I wound up changing my setup so could have door to that room remain open. One thing is certain: one way or another, gotta keep humidity to acceptable levels if working indoors. (And do so without unacceptable heat increases.) Outside—- yep, that hypochlorous thread previously spoken of sounds like the golden key of prevention.


That’s the way it is with me @BigMike55 . I have two 6" fans in that room. One is on a heat controller and one on a humidity controller. The problem is, The humidity in the house is 75%. That exhaust fan is running 24 hours a day but it’s not doing any good. I need to control a smaller room that feeds the greenroom.


Because of the competing and offsetting unintended consequences one faces in the effort to achieve a consistently favorable grow environment, it’s challenging to get there by hook or crook. But rarely is the maxim of an oz of prevention being worth a pound of cure more aptly applied than with respect to artificially creating the happy home for our favorite plants.


Somehow, that felt like you took a shot at my growing abilities. Haha.


ermm… wait a minute here. You have ‘growing abilities’?! :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1: J/K brother lol

Oh, that was another shot? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That would never happen. :slight_smile:


Naw @MoBilly you know I’d never do that! :lying_face:


It’s all about the environment with that botrytis. I try and maintain 45% RH and 22C. Never let the buds rest on each other. I’m always scrubbing and cleaning as well, to keep the spore count low.
Contrary to most people’s set ups I don’t have fans blowing around, just an extraction fan.