BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Waste not, want not!:raised_hands:t3:

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Hey Mo!
What’s up, bro. Are we looking ok, medically? Can I do anything to help?? Talk to me, son!


WeightWatchers hash diet…yummy!


man so much going on in here its always fun to catch up. hows the zams did you end up chopping

Yup! Chopped and drying as we speak. It may be close to trim time. Have not checked today.


How’s it goin @BigMike55 hope u got a chance to chill some today. I’m just chillin tokin the bong and jamming some tunes. Pink Floyd came on and made me think of u. Hope ur having a better day at least. :v:


How is that zameldica flower looking, is it curing yet?


He’s probably in trim penitentiary with that thing! :laughing:


Actually, I did get some nice buds from her. Have not tried it yet.
I must admit, tho. With all the major life problems I have been dealing with, I ended up letting it over dry. I am thinking to try to make hash out of the dregs. Thank my Frickin grandson for that. I just never could find enough time to devote. I will be trying out some of her over the weekend for sure. Right now, I’m fixin to fire up some of that bubble hash I made last week. Fingers crossed.


If it’s over dry stick a piece of lettuce in the jar with the bud, the next day mix it up and it will moisturize after another day. Make sure to take it out after that though.


This morning I tried the Zamaldelica.
So far here is what I think. Taste??? Its still very green tasting. And smelling. Kinda has a back taste of something familiar. Maybe , hmmmm, celery??? But its still harsh and haylike.
I broke up one of the nicer buds a ground it up by hand. I never use a grinder. I like to feel the stickiness on my fingers and that fresh bud smell to my nose. The stickiness is there. That’s a good sign. I took the first hit on the bong. Waited a few minutes and did part two. Starting to feel my eyes getting tight. Then I did chapter three. Pretty ripped right now, but Very uplifting and clear headed. nothing in the body yet. But my head is floating nicely.
I need to let it cure for a couple more weeks I think.


Sounds promising so far.

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Gorgeous clubs your sporting buddy! I can tell you the 1st time I saw big tops was grown on Hearst Castle property in '78. I’d never seen a bud wouldn’t fit in a gallon bag before. Couple guys I knew, there dad was a cowboy on the ranch, so the had access. Good job @CanuckistanPete.


Why thank you sir!

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My 4 island sweet skunk. The 2 up front im loving . The one on the right has dark purple leaves only on the underneaths. Its a pretty cool trait i noticed when it was a seedling and is following thru veg.

These babies definitely dont go like an over saturated pot, im really learning how important “less more often” is. I used to water and keep soil saturated and this round im really paying attention to the babies and how they react to everything i do. I got some omri cal mag im going to be hitting the plants with a light dose or veg and cal mag nutes to get the ball rolling for real


Those are nice babies right there.
Good luck.
FYI, my best grow for those was watering (or nutes) slowly until it leaks out the bottom. Then heft the pot to see how heavy it is. You will know when to water by how light the pot gets. During heavy veg, that’s about every other day or every third day.
Cal mag is a good addition. I also feed enough so that I get just the tiniest amount of tip burn. Like no more than an eighth inch. Not telling you how to grow. Just saying what works for me. You do you.
Good luck, man. You have a great start.


I need all the tips and advice i can get bro. My last grow wasnt exactly bountiful if you know what i mean. I fucked up pretty good running a 450w led 2ft above canopy on 60% :man_facepalming:t2: now i use photone to get a general idea of whats going on near leaf surface


I’ve been using a 300w light bar in the veg tent. Placed about 18-20 inches above the canopy. I find a sweet spot around 75-80%. Also a small fan or two for circulation. And an exhaust fan to pull heat and humidity out. Remember. Every time you add something that runs on electricity, you will be adding more heat, as well. gotta stay on top of that. Specifically humidity. I have ruined entire crop because of no air circulation causing bud rot. Ouch.


Yea i found budrot/white mold growing inside of my main cola on a fat bastard i had tucked away in a corner. I hve a lasko fan below and above canopy and always had low humidty or so i thought. Not sure how that happened but i will be running a box fan this round.

My downfall was 450 watrs dimmed 65% max 2 fr above thru flower so shit stretched and stacked like shit, canopy penetration sucked, buds were airy. Will do better this round for sure


I can tell you this.

At least that’s been my experience.