BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Hell yea bro practice and patience makes perfection

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2pm today

Right now.

Pots are on the dryer side but not bone dry. Cool damp soil not very moist about 1inch from top i didnt dig any further down then that, i imagine its more moist down there. I was going to let them go until tomorrow morning but im not sure now. You think they’re thirsty bro?


Water tomorrow. They look alright.


Just in a similar situation I left watering 12 hours late and they were droopy when lights on for an hour but all happy again once fed ( I am in coco though )

Don’t want to be letting it dry too much so learnt from that mistake!

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I have, many times, let them go until the leaves are so limp, you would swear they were done. But they almost always come back after a good watering. Hang in there bros. Its a weed.


Heres the ladies this morning. The iss perked up but not my coral kush. Wonder if that needs to dry out more or something. I suck at judgin this right now lol


It’ll stay that way if it was like mine.

You may never get body; this is why I smoked it during the working hours for MONTHS until I ran out. One hit = mentally on for hours!

It will mature, but if it was like mine it’ll be a firmer version of the same. :smiley:

Have you tried yelling at it? It may not help the plant but you’ll feel better.

:rofl: :ok_hand:


Don’t overthink it…sometimes things just work out…


If your pot is still heavy, I would let it go another day before doing anything.
I don’t run in. Coco but I understand you don’t want to let it dry completely. But I may be wrong on that.
What are you using for nutrients?
I run strictly Fox Farms. A little expensive but why screw with success? I have it dialed in pretty good with my normal feeding and just tweak it from there. And I don’t use it full strength either. About half strength during early veg and increase it as needed.


Lol i prefer to treat them nice when i lock them away in their room and then i scream absurd things from outside the tent :joy:


Im running royal gold kings mix organic soil and bio bizz nutes. They didnt get fed anything yet. Feeding today.

I want to feed today, pot feel’s light but not bone dry. Im trying to keep the pot from completely drying out to stop soil ph from rising (maybe im overthinking it)

I’m sure you already know this.
When you add anything to your feed, wait several days to see any changes. It takes a while for anything to take effect. Don’t wanna get rambunctious and over feed by accident.

I usually try to burn the leaf tips with nutes. About a 1/16 to 1/8 inch of tip burn. That tells me that they are taking all they can take.


Im seeing cal mag def signs on lowers so i was going to hit with a tiny bit of cal mag. Im not wanting to water with them being droopy like that. I bet its moist down in there and im just trippin and love to overwater.

One thing for sure we shall see


true! they do and you see it all the time on timelapses

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Ok boys and girls. BigMike has made a command decision.
Seed popping day has rolled around. I have decided the beanage that will be soaked for this grow.
Juicy Pussy from my buddy Gary @repins12
Pineapple Skunk from @NDNCHILD
Cap Junky from @LoveDaAutos
Blue Tara from @Oldjoints
Strawberry Diesel X Space Dude also from @Oldjoints
Texada Timewarp store bought.
Now, I’m only going to soak three each and hopefully end up with two good babies each. Then I will have to cull boys or put them in the shop to collect the dust. Except for the Cap Junky which are S1’s already. . Then flower out the girls.
I’m also doing a reversal on a Vortex plant using clones. Then try to make girly seeds with its sibling.


Nice lineup Mike…should be a fun grow.


Sounds like legit awesomeness brother!


We’ll see if I can do them any justice. Good thing about it, the bean donors will know if I’m doing OK or not. Since they have already grown them.


Run the Cap Junky, I ran one and was impressed with the trichome coverage.


I’m with Tejas. Excellent smoke as well.