BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Ok. Two weeks and a day from seed. They are standing tall.

These two Cap Junkies look entirely different. Be interesting to see what they do.

If I had to choose a favorite right now it would be either this Blue Tara

But I really like the leaves on this strawberry diesel x space dude. Already sporting seven point leaves. Two weeks old.

I think this Pineapple Skunk needs a bigger pot.

That’s all I have this time. I’ll try to not bother you guys again until next weekend. Unless something strange or fantastic happens.

Tagging @corgitron


Don’t know how I missed most of this thread great job



Looking healthy @BigMike55, you have a nice variety. :peace_symbol:

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Looking good @BigMike55 that strawberry d x space dude looks killer. I’ll b running a couple of these my next indoor run in the spring plus a couple outdoor as well if everything goes as planned. For two weeks old those look great I think u must b doing something right :wink::green_heart::v:


Lookin good bro! :fist:t3:
That SD x SD has awesome leaves. Must be the Strawberry Diesel. I just ran a little Strawberry Diesel x GG4 and the leaves were almost identical.
Cool little plant. It stayed very squat and thick. A few lowers topped themselves early on.:+1:t3:
Yup! Ya got some roots there! :joy: I bet that one’s happy to have new shoes!

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She (or he) will be put in a bigger pot directly. Funny! I was going to cull that one for lack of vitality. Guess it showed who is boss. It has nearly caught up to everything else.
The Cap Junky is what has me a bit puzzled. Must be pheno related. One has fatter, rounder leaves. The other is long and pointy.


The CJ I grew out started off like the lower one in your pic. Kinda gnarly and wrinkly. I look forward to seeing what they both do for you.
The Steakhouse pheno is showing in at least one of those skunks I think. Ya know how a seedling starts to swell the stalk from the top down? That pheno will do it at least twice. Once as a seedling and once in veg. It’ll stall, the top will get squat and thick and then the stalk starts swelling. You’ll want to toss it because it stops going up. I did. Then she really opens up in flower and you’re happy ya didn’t! :joy:


Just a reminder as I am sure I told you this already but the Blue Tara has a serious stretch once put in flower. Not so much on the Strawberry Diesel x Space Queen.


Thanks gentlemen. Notes have been taken.


So I contacted @CoastalMarySeeds about my seeds not germinating. I was told to pick a replacement so I picked Peanut Butter Breath. I received my seeds today. This is what I got:

Gotta love a company that treats their customers like family!


God my handwriting sucks lol


I wasn’t going to say it but yes, yes it does!
For those wondering the handwritten pack is
Elev8’s Eden Fire……


I read that just fine.

Impeccable service after the sale. I’m gonna hafta look into some of their gear.

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I have their Hash Church going at the moment, I am hoping for good things…….


By the way brother. Your Blue Tara and the Strawberry Diesel x Space Dude are showing great potential. Frickin growing like weed. Hehe.


That is got the superfrost going on there. Nice. Hope yours look like that.


I think you will enjoy both of those strains.


I will say this though. As far as looks goes. That Pineapple Skunk is giving the Blue Tara a run. All my plants so far have started off really nice this time.


I liked the leaves on the Strawberry Diesel but as far as smoke it’s Blue Tara by a landslide……


Check it out guys! Tomorrow is three weeks from seed.

Already sporting nine point leaves.

Pretty lil thangs.