BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Looking good brother!
Both of those strains are pretty amazing, the Blue Tara should smell like blueberry in flower, the other will just smell fruity.
Both are damn good smoke……. Good luck I will keep following along!


I knew you would be interested in seeing a couple of your babies.
Hope you hang around a bit more. You know BigMike. I like taking pics of my girls. And don’t mind showing them. Hehe.


So here we go. All up potted. After one day they are all standing tall and no damage or slowdown. All pretty.


Good lookin group ya got goin there, bro! :fist:t3:
Grow on! Looking forward to seeing what they all hold for ya! I know they’ll be awesome with you at the helm!


Thanks bruh. I feel I do ok for a Novice Grower.


Don’t matter when or how long. If ya got it, ya got it!
If you’re a novice, some of us should probably just set it down and back away slowly in a year or two! :joy:

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I have always been pretty good with plants. I once had an indoor cactus that I would put outside in the spring. It was about seven feet tall. I ended up giving it to a nursery. Too big to handle any more.
Prolly in 20 years, I will still be saying I’m A novice. There ain’t A single day goes by that I don’t learn something new.


That is most likely why you are such a good grower @BigMike55… Once someone believes they understand something, they stop learning. The best individuals in any field are the ones who never claim they understand and who are always looking to learn something new. I am glad that you keep on learning and growing brother! :v:


I know everything about growing?!! Where would that be fun? Imagine a musician never ever learning a new lick on his guitar! How long until he hangs his axe on the wall as an ornament out of total boredom.



Live and learn, once you “know” something it becomes a barrier to other considerations.


And thank you for wearing them when we were out and about. I’m sure the little woman is glad for them also.


Hey there @BigMike55, here’s a shot of Zamadelica x ?, they just got new pots this morning.


Are those auto flowers @Greenfingers ?

No @BigMike55 sent them to me from his outdoor Zamadelica that got pollinated by some stranger in the neighborhood :joy: we don’t know the pollen donee.

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Oh I thought the x meant express or something lol

Looks like the “?” Mighta been something indica leaning. The original Zammy leaves were very long thin blades on the leaves. I failed on the mother of those seeds. I ran into some giant family problems right at harvest time and ended up letting it mold.
I’m interested in seeing what you get. Remember. Those seeds were from Zammy but it was grown outside and I haven’t a clue as to what the daddy was. Nothing from me.

I still have several Zamaldelica seeds left. I enjoyed growing her. I will revisit her in the near future. Maybe my spring planting. But I want to run her indoors. Just to see.


How’s things going @BigMike55 guess u seen where Bobby’s back on the hill. Good things happening recruiting wise I’m hearing. :+1::boar: WPS

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Doing pretty good right now. I had been dealing with family stuff but I think that’s done now. Jeez, that was more than a full time job… Then me and the wife got COVID. I was wishing someone would just waste a bullet on my old ass and put me out of my misery. I’m back near 100% now tho.
Yeah things may be about to turn around. Always liked Bobby. Thought he was “da MAN” at first. We’ll see.
Hope things are going well for you my friend.


Can’t complain I guess. That Covid was a bitch. I had it probably a month or so before y’all did. I was sicker than hell with every flu symptom but both my parents had it same time and I thought my ol dad was a goner there for a few days. Glad that’s all behind us. Good to hear ur doin better buddy. Hogs got to be better than last year :weary: rough season. Have a good one @BigMike55