BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

I was looking at the picture and SHAZAM! It disappeared before my very eyes. I have read that one of the withdrawal symptoms of duloxetine are “brain zaps”. I think I just had one. I have not had a capsule in 24 hours…. Lol



Now this made me laugh I can see those eyes behind your glasses just blinking for a second then having to take a moment lol :joy:
Damn withdrawals


I take Duloxetine daily. And if I miss a day? The next morning my head feels like you’re frying bacon up there. Freaky shit. I wish I didn’t need them.

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That kind of meds makes me nervous. The doctor prescribed me some amitriptyline years ago. I saw crystal spiders the size of dinner plates crawling down the bedroom walls when I was trying to sleep. The next one they tried caused me to have twitches in my face and arms. I will never take another antidepressant.


If I’m gonna be seeing shit, I want to be high on some shrooms not some pills.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I wanted to experience shrooms. It bummed me out considerably when I found out they didn’t work on me.

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Morning @BigMike55 and all you OGers hope you are doin good.

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Here’s what I get to tackle today.

Buddage is starting to stack nicely


No like for that!

I know, it is a really powerful and addicting med that is prescribed for different things. My primary doc prescribed it for my diabetic neuropathy which is actually an off label use.

For me the side effects finally became unbearable. It effects people differently, some side effects are not a problem and it works good for them.

I am not that lucky…

How old is that top pictured bud?

Are you talking about the live one? Its 3 1/2 weeks from when I flipped to 12/12 lights.

The ones in the tray, to smoke? About nine months old. Its great smoke too. Crystal Skull Kush.


Mornin @BigMike55 hope you are doin good.

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I am. If I was any better, I’d hafta be twins!


Good night @BigMike55 and OG, see yall tomorrow. Thank you for sending me those seeds in that fancy package, that is nice. Sleep well brother.

Mornin @BigMike55 just checking in Buddy!

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Hey brother.
Hope you’re doing good today.

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Hey brother. I hope all is going well. How is Zee doing?


She’s doing a bit better. Seems she will be good for a couple days and then she pays for it with a couple bad ones. I try to help her along as best I can. But MY chores are enuff. When I have to do mine and hers it gets a bit frustrating. But she’s all I have and I love her very much.


Tell her Eva and I think about her often. :+1:t5:


Glad to hear she’s doing better. Hopefully she gets complete soon!
Damn, I misread … so she has relapses? That sux
Rose was asking just last night, wondering about her,.how she was.