BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Glad I got a couple clones of that Blue Tara. I WILL be running her seedless nest grow.
The smells coming off her, although slight at this point, is incredibly delish this morning. And these girls still have 3-4 weeks left before chop-chop.
And I really like how that Cap Junky is stacking.


Here’s my good one (CJ). TONS of bud sites, just waiting on the stack!


Hell yeah!!!
That’s an awesome plant bro. congrats.


Oh… Man… You’re killing me… Just go ahead and rub salt in to all my paper cuts…

@BigMike55 these pictures are beautiful! Love the frosty look. Great job Mike.


Wow @BigMike55 super impressive garden. I hope I learn how to grow like @BigMike55 someday. I’m paying attention and taking notes. :persevere: my poor plants pale in comparison

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Even a blind squirrel picks up an acorn once in a while.
Guess I got lucky.

But I appreciate you guys saying so.


Bad thing about this grow is I accidentally partially pollinated, I assume, everything in the tent. I know there are some seeds. So after harvest, the buds won’t look real good. Depending on HOW seeded, I may just get the seeds and use everything else for Bubble Hash. I have a machine. And some friends.
I will keep each plants seeds separated.
Only had the two males. A Blue Tara and a Strawberry Diesel x Space Dude. So any beans will be a three way cross. Kinda.
I.e. Cap Junky x Blue Tara And/or (strw diesel x space dude)
The other two isolated plants are Blue Tara x Blue Tara And (IStrw diesel x space dude) x (strw diesel x space dude)


Or it could be the best thing that ever happened! We’ll have to trade some Cap Junky crosses once it’s all said and done. Ill have CJ x BMR, CJ x JTR, and CJ x Trainwreck eventually


Another great day for some more classic rock. This is probably unfamiliar with most of you. But check out this guitar master.


Now THAT’S some old school pickin right there.

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Sounds like a maestro at work to me.

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He was just a showoff. lol

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No. This guy is a showoff.

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I could listen to Parisienne Walkways in the background all day. I’m a bluegrass picker but I can appreciate the talent that it takes to create the sounds he comes up with.
I don’t know how he does it but I’ve heard him growl a guitar without using an effects pedal or anything else.
I think he must use his palm to chime down near his picking hand or some trick that I have never heard of.
I have my friend Ron’s axe here to play around with and I’d love to figure that trick out to show Ron how to do it. lol
He’s never been into metal but as a blues and Jazz picker he is amazing at 80 years of age.

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If like Parisienne Walkways, Gary Moore does a beautiful version of The Messiah Will Come.

Or Roy Buchanan original.


I’ve listened to Moore’s version of The Messiah Will Come Again (I think it might have been you that linked that song for me a while back) and you are right. I’m not prone to cursing I could about this. That was amazing. I’ll listen to the original when I get to my stereo.


Thanks for the tip on adding some melted cheese to the schnitzel, a fight broke out over who got to eat the left over piece :wink: I put brie on there!


That happens frequently at the German Bar. In OKC.

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Just found this thread, hope you don’t mind me lurking around?


As long as you don’t say Shit. Or Fart too loud. Lol
Nah man, you are very welcome here.