BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

No my brother. It’s a different animal altogether. What @NDNCHILD put up is a Jews harp. I can play a mouth harp (Jews harp) but the bow is a more difficult instrument to play. It’s kinda like playing a cross cut hand saw. The amount of tension put on the saw (or bow) raises and lowers the pitch. You have to have a very good ear for that or it sounds terrible.

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I stand corrected.

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I only do it because I care about you bro. :slight_smile:


ES335 Style guitar has a very unique feedback. I always wanted one just for this style of music. Good pick @BigMike55 .

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Yeah, you don’t want folks thinking your brother is a moron.
Thanks, bro.

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I just like Snoopy. :slightly_smiling_face:

Gary Clark Jr. Is known for playing mostly Epiphone Casino guitars.
He even has a two tone Black and Blue signature version.

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I actually have an Epiphone ES339 in gloss black.
It is similar in style and shape as the ES335 except it has a smaller body. Almost the size of a Les Paul. but it is a semi hollow body.

Never gave it a second thought.
If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. Its not often but …
No man, we good.

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I used to have a similar problem. @MoBilly I just started acting like a total moron… wouldn’t ya know it… I faked it till I maked it! :partying_face: :drooling_face:

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There you go man! I’ll just put on my pointy hat and sit in the corner.

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I just tell people, when God was handing out “qualities” I chose smart over good looking or rich.


Don’t do it! It’s a trap! It’s lonely in the corner. :pensive:

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That’s okay. I normally talk to myself a lot anyway. We’ve had some outstanding arguments me and me.

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Get back to me when ya go full fisticuffs! :joy:

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That was back in 82 I think. :slight_smile:

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I usually don’t talk to me. I usually talk to my invisible buddy that follows me around like a shadow.


This is just TOO FUNNY!!!


Really? I thought it was your evil twin that you mumbled to all the time.

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Nah! He’s there too but I like him. He keeps that other goofy bastard in line.