BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Morning @BigMike55 hope you are good.

I ordered a SkyBasic microscope this morning, it should be here Friday. Figured I need to act while Ms Trish is visiting her twin sister in Phoenix…


Play with that thing when you get it. A lot. Not just plants. Use it to zoom in on lots of different things. It will get you well used to using the controls.
Did you get the Bluetooth one? I think you will like it.
Like I said I use the loupe until I get about a week or so close to harvest. Then this thing will really get in there close. Good luck with it.

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Oh yeah. I don’t know if you wear glasses or not. When I just used the loupe, I had a hard time with it. I finally had those cadillacs took out of my eyes. Now I can hold the loupe steady right in front of my eye and focus by moving whatever I’m looking at, closer or further away a tiny bit.

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It says WIFI. Here is the amazon link:


That’s the one I got. Mind me asking $$$?

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Man! My flowers are swelling up better than Rosie O’Donnell at the All-You-Can-Eat Buffet.

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That one says 39.99

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$40 and after I ordered it I found a coupon for 25% off but it was too late.

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I hate it when that happens.

Did I tell you guys. I’m going to go to Hot Springs Arkansas in April. My little sister lives there. We are going to watch the TOTAL Eclipse. I’m pretty excited. Twice. I have not seen my sister in five years. Plus the path of totality for eclipse won’t come across the US again until 2045. Partial eclipses, yes. Total eclipse is a different thing entirely. Hoping for clear skies.


Mine is the same thing exactly, only it’s by Pancellent
ooops, not exactly same, lol mine has a flexible shaft holder

Sounds like you’ll have fun, if nothing more than the visit! Enjoy, brother.

I talked with her yesterday. She said, if you did not already have lodging reserved, good luck finding a place. They are expecting over 200,000 out of towers. Its a pretty rare event.


lol sleeping in the car allowed?

Yeah It’s gonna b crazy around here. Im excited and like u hoping for good weather. I’ve always been a nerd for things going on in the sky. Been gettin up in the middle of the night for meteor showers and eclipses for years. This is a big one

Somewhere in next county over renting out a bunch of pasture land. They said on the radio that pop up camp would become third most populous place in yell county practically overnight lol. There’s banners all over town here. Motels and campgrounds been booked for a year round here


Ok. Here we go. I’m just gonna do bud shots this time.
First is the Strawberry Diesel x space dude

Next are the Pineapple Skunk

And then there’s Cap Junky

Blue Tara

Glad I took clones from the Blue Tara. I did not on the Cap Junky. Thought it was going in the trash. I will have to locate more beans.

And yes. I did get a bit wild with the nitrogen. Thus the burnt leaf tips. But the buds look good.


Looks like a bit of natural purpling going on there, too. No temperature changes involved.


I don’t know how you manage to let that main cola go like that! I would’ve snapped that bad boy to the side so quick :laughing: turn those sides into tops :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

I’m just kidding! You’re obviously doing a fantastic job, I just can’t help but fiddle fuck with my plants constantly so training them gives me something to do other than defoliating :crazy_face:


I would normally do some topping etc. I wanted to see what these would do au natural. Impressive colas. But you are correct. Topping would have been tons better.


I’m honestly kind of surprised it hasn’t fallen over! Looks pretty heavy!

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