BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

Whoa man, I hate hearing that.

I had a stomach bug over the week end that knocked me out where I was completely out of commission for about 3 days. Still not back to 100% and feel so sluggish and tired.

Take it easy and push the liquids, big time.

When I was in Nam a Doctor told me my kidneys were the washing machine for my whole body. He told me to drink whatever makes me pee the most. So at the time (I was 20) that was beer, so I drank plenty of beer. today it is water, tea or coffee…

Feel better Brother, sending good thoughts your way.



You sound much worse than me. Sending positive vibes your way, in between coughing attacks. All the best Brother.


Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather Big Mike. I hate being sick and hope for the speediest of recoveries.
I am with Gumbert here: Push lots of fluids!


I concur with Dr. Billy, though doubling the number of shots would be better. Hope you get to feeling better soon!


It’s better than that NyQuil I bet. lol

Better tasting, for sure!!!

Alcohol helps to rid the body of the grippe :sweat_smile:

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I tried that green NyQuil a long time ago. I still remember that taste. That’s some real nasty to create a lifelong clear memory of a taste. lol

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That Nyquil, the red cherry vicks cough syrup, and Jargermeister :nauseated_face:
What are tastes from my youth that are best never experienced again. Ever. :joy:


I am buying Buckleys as we speak.


Canadian NyQuil?

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Doesn’t put me to sleep. Tastes like drinking VICK’s vapor rub.


I find the dextromethorphan in over the counter cough stuff causes a blood pressure spike due to my diabetes.

My brother makes some over sweet, low % alcohol cough syrup that we use for sore throats. The latest is blackberry but he’s made a lot of flavors. He once infused a run with coffee. I believe it was corn, if I remember correctly. He usually used brandy though. That was amazing.


Good morning and hope you get better soon brotha! :coffee: :vulcan_salute:

Good morning @BigMike55, @InTheWoods, hope you are feeling better. Looks :eyes: like @InTheWoods is drinking some coffee :coffee: here this morning and I am working towards some myself, just came in with the dog :dog:. :facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:

Good morning brother Mike, and all OG! Sorry to hear this ,my friend, you take care and get back to good health soon!


Hey brother, hope you are pushing the liquids and getting a lot of rest like the Dr said.


Feel better @BigMike55

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I do feel a tad better. Still feel super drained and sleeping a lot, on and off.


Hang in there @BigMike55 sending good thoughts your way Brother. Don’t forget the fluids… Drink plenty of fluids.

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