BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

All shittin’ aside…
Don’t sit on BT. Mine or JP’s either one. I think the ones you bought from JP originally came from @Oldjoints if so, its the same as what I grew and pollinated with a male that never really got to be a real nice plant, but he put out some real nice pollen. That’s where my seeds came from. Either way, I will used @Oldjoints wise words, when he handed his BT seeds to me. “These are a Must Grow.”


I’m looking to squeeze a few plants in. Some BT and some Chunky Junky may be what the Doctor orders. :grinning: Thanks again for including me! :fist:t3: Your little Chunky one seems to be living up to the name so far. Lookin good at BigMike’s!


Thanx bruh. I love that little plant. I hope its a girl, so I can grow her out, and set her on fire


good morning @BigMike55 and OG ! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have the best possible day and a great start into the weekened! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:

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Good morning @BigMike55 and others. Hey :wave: check out the sky :milky_way:. NO RAIN wahooo finally the sun :sun_with_face: is shinning, the coffee :coffee: is hot :hot_face: and the weed is GR8. Hope all are enjoying the sun :sun_with_face:! :wink::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Morning friends of flower.
Gonna be a good one. Feel great, look great, life is good.


Good morning @BigMike55 ! I hope you and everyone else have a FANTASTIC day!


Good morning brother Mike, and all OG!

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Good morning @BigMike55 and all you others!


Look what my friend @LoveDaAutos sent to me.
I truly appreciate it buddy.


The dude is very generous and a great OGer!


Indeed he is.i don’t know if i got THE phenotype. But I have to say. Cap Junky S1 from @LoveDaAutos is some of the finest cannabis I’ve smoked in years.


Everyone always says that. I’ve tried interacting with the guy countless times on here and have been ignored every time. He removed himself from PM’s I’ve sent him. I tried asking if he would trade me some CJ seeds, I tried talking to him about other stuff too… if he’s as great as EVERYONE says, that must mean the asshole and no one is telling me.

I’m not saying anything bad about him AT ALL, so no one take it that way. I’m just saying that as much as I’ve tried over the year I’ve been on here, he has never responded to me and literally made it a point to NOT talk to me :confused:

Edit!! Not complaining. Just maybe someone can tell him I don’t suck :person_shrugging:t2:


All I can say is he has been overly generous to me.
I would gladly send you a hybrid cross of his with Cap Junky in it that he sent me.


Maybe you DO suck. Hahaaaa… Just kidding.
I don’t know man. He has always treated me well.

Have you showered? Lately?? snicker.


No shit :laughing::laughing::laughing: that’s what I’m worried about :crazy_face::crazy_face: I though you people were my friends and would’ve told me!

It’s no biggie really. I would be dumb to turn down seeds though. Ill reach out after I finish getting all of my stuff I’m behind on sent out.

Like I said guys, it’s obviously gotta be me!

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Down the road I will be making Cap Junky seeds with what few I have. I don’t find a lot of strains worthy of these efforts but the CJ is!


I’ve never had anything but good exchanges/interaction with @LoveDaAutos


And I’ve literally NEVER Heard anything negative about him. That’s why I’m thinking he hates me for some reason :sob:

Damn it! lol Y’all keep talking about the CJ and I’m gettin that ‘itch’! :scream: :rofl: Both rooms in the barn look like a damn jungle though! TOO FULL