BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

That’s already spoken for with Frankie x Fat Bastard… when & if I get to it, lol


Franky Danky
Not tryna name it for you. Just being goofy.

Or Frank the Dank

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I just now looked at my new cuttings that I put into beer cups yesterday. They are still standing tall. No wilting at all thanks again @JohnnyPotseed


Good afternoon F-man


A good day to yourself :fist_right: :fist_left:

That is a very nice leveling of the canopy you have engineered there Big Mike! Those little gals are getting nicely blasted at that level. As well as lifting the shorties, I usually put mylar over my media in an attempt to attain maximum relectivity :sunglasses: lectricity is spensive


It’s hard to busk with drums, lol.
I appreciate a good drummer, and I have played with some bad ones.
Bass is actually my main instrument, so here you go……

This guy went on vacation to a tropical island.
He noticed when his plane landed, that he heard native drums playing nonstop.
On the 2nd day, he asked his native guide if the drums ever stopped.
The guide just said, “Bad when drums stop.”
All through the day, and into the night, the drums kept playing. Poor guy couldn’t get any sleep, or nothing.
The next morning he asked his guide again if the drums ever stopped.
Once again, the guide replied, “Bad when drums stop.”
So the guy asked him, “What is so bad about the drums stopping?”
The guide replied, “Bass solo.”


So true.

I played an an African drumming ensemble for many years, my drum teachers, from Haiti, Guinea, and Ghana, always said that when the drumming stops the fighting begins, so its best if the music never stops :sweat_smile:


Hell yeah. And you can really tell from the blast of growth in the past several days. Guess they like the sunlight as much as full sized plants do.
Since I’ve been using five gallon buckets to grow in, I find if I turn it upside down, its the perfect height for those little two gallon nursery pots that I use to transition from beer cups to five gallon buckets. Seems to work really well. And a board between two makes a nice level table.


They really do love it. Unless I see deficiencies, some plants can’t take the light as well, I just blast em with as many lumens as possible

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Dankenstein… Smoke good


Good morning brother Mike, & all OG!


Good morning JP!

Hope everyone has a great start to the weekend!

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Good day @BigMike55 and friends! Rained pretty hard last night. This morning looks :eyes: gloom and doom! Have a GR8 day! :wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Morning friends and family. Hope y’all have a wonderful day.


@BigMike55 Do you transplant them from the solo cups straight up to the 5 gallon pots? :astonished:


I still have one minute to wish you a good morning. :slight_smile:
Good morning.


No sir. Normally I go from the beer cup to a 2gallon nursery pot, then to a five gallon bucket or grow pot. I also put some mycos in the hole when I transplant. Both transplantings. It really makes those roots go crazy.
I feel that transplanting twice helps to keep me from over watering the youngsters.


Getting closer looks of my. other Chunky Junky plants. I have two mid sized plants that I BELIEVE one to be a girl and the other to be another boy. Four seedlings that are not big enuff to show.


Good morning brother Mike, & all OG!