BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log (Part 2)

I have bad news and good news.
The bad news is, I was scoping my plants this morning for any buggage. No bugs, however, I did find a few nanners on my flowers. Shit!
The good news is that both the CJ and the BT have a few nanners.
Which, in my opinion, means, it was not the seed that caused the hermie. I’m almost 100% sure that my grandson screwed up the light cycle. I have the timer set for on at ten and off at ten. He is using my flower room to sleep in. He comes in at different times of the night. I’m absolutely sure he has not realized the importance.
I HOPE its not the seed. I gave out a truck load. So anyone growing my Chunky Junky… Be aware I got some nanners around five and a half to six weeks into flower.
I have some seedlings going of CJ too so will be able to know for sure in a while.


I truly doubt both strains are showing bananas at the same time due to genetics. I believe you have the correct reason for the problem. I am sure he doesn’t understand the importance of it all as you said.
If there aren’t a lot pluck them and hope for the best. If not you know what has to be done brother.


Gotta implement a standard training program for visitors in the grow room :rofl:

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The air in there is enough to germinate another grower. Lol

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Its only a few and i only lack three to four weeks to harvest. I will pluck them ater a daily search.


Pluck on mother plucker……


Just don’t be cop socking , mother forker


BigMike the MotherPlucker. Hehe.


You’ll miss me when im gone.


Pink Floyd reference?

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Good afternoon guys. I’m finally off of work and ready to start the weekend.


Somewhat. One never knows about this MotherPlucker.

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Whats up @Golfnutt ?
Im sure its gonna be hotter than the hinges of hell down there. Just like here. Be careful man. Lots of water.

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I will be plucking before long also:


Is that yourcelium

It certainly is Ollie……

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Holy Pluck!
You got it growing on!!

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Yes sir. I’m looking at about 96° in the shade.

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So are the oxen free?:laughing:

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I don’t know which plucking one I like better. :thinking:

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