Bino's garden

Show me, brother. I’ve already built the sub-irrigated garden here, I’m not sure if you’ve followed along. It worked very well for me but the project was lost over time. My cultivation was shared with a friend and, you know, most of the time these things don’t work out and we separate things. Then the trays end up being very expensive and I left that alone.


Hi comrades. From what I can see, we are getting close to flowering. Wednesday is integrated pest control day and there is a possibility that we will start on 12/12. The plants have been branching well the last few days and I just wanted to make sure I could get good cuttings. These are the photos from now, they just woke up.

I hope you enjoyed a productive weekend. Stay safe and drink plenty of water!


Hey brother,
Yes… I remember your diary with SIP!!!
Here, I made an irrigation system with underground irrigation hoses, some junctions, and an aquarium pump!!!
Then, I added a soil moisture sensor from Embrapa in parallel to the system!!!
To this day, that sensor is still in my pot, haha
The only photo I found from when I set it up



Thanks for the photo brother! Now you’ve shown what separates the men from the boys, this project was awesome! Thanks for sharing, I now understand perfectly how it works!

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Hi OG! The time has come, tomorrow is the day to apply some pesticides and then we will have the first day of flora. It was so quick… not even 30 days since the seeds burst.

All plants will be cloned and males will be sacrificed :cry:. I will select some plants to make some beans separately and we will have another round with the selected girls. I wish you all a bright week!


Hey brother,
I think you commented somewhere, but…
Don’t you use mulch on the soil???


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Yes, I use it brother! I took it off a little before starting the cycle to contain some gnat fungi and then it was difficult to put it back on hehehee. After this cycle I will add more, plant companions… those things

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Here they are on the second day of bloom. I hope everything goes smoothly from now on. Tomorrow I’m going to clean the shins and remove some fan leaves to make room for light for two runts that are a little stuffy.

Not much new, they’re just doing what they need to do. I hope everyone at OG is comfortably well, paz


Looking awesome dude!

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The undergrowth has taken over the pot… it’s too beautiful!!!


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Or should I say, its looking awesome Bino! Still crazy to me you’re Bino too. Never met anyone in 40 years with the same nickname!

Thanks partner!

I like it, man… next cycles I want to sow some flowers to help with diversity.

this really scared me a little haahah, here in Brazil I know some people with the same nickname, even if they are few. From bino to bino :grin: :+1:

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Binos are the best🤣

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Salve salve salve
Muito legal ver projetos tão maneiros como seu ganhar visibilidade internacional. Acompanho seu trabalho desde muito tempo. Sucesso mermão tmj

Uma dúvida, você incoula a água do reservatório com o que e com qual concentração ?

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Hello brother, how are you? Thanks for the visit! Just doing what I love and trying to make some good friends. I’m glad you’re here, I think it’s the only way to follow my races these days. I’m off IG and don’t feel like sharing anything there, I don’t know, it seems like things have gone off the rails. I don’t see anyone interested in sharing experience, just interested in numbers and hype, you know… I run away from those things.

In the ru tank I only used EM1, if I remember correctly, it was 5ml per liter. It is necessary to inoculate to avoid contamination from pathogens in general, microorganisms and insects.


A photo of the garden today. I’m too lazy to clean up leaves and smaller branches, maybe tomorrow. I already see two males in bed… I’m going to wait a few more days to branch out a little more and use them as ground cover.

I also disconnected the Quantum from the bed panel, I noticed some sprouts with the tips of the leaves slightly burnt, so I chose to turn it off. I’m also taking a break from watering, if I remember correctly, today I’ve been without watering for 4 days.

I hope you are enjoying a good thursday :call_me_hand:t4::green_heart:


Today was the day to shave my shins. I try not to be so strict about pruning but every time I pick up the scissors I make a mess, but ok, I’ll come back in the next few weeks to cut some more. I hope they stretch a little longer.

Too many plants in such a large pot makes it difficult to manage, I don’t want to do that again. A great saturday to everyone.


Could anyone help me with a problem? I spent the afternoon researching the reason for this and was unable to come to any conclusions. I have 16 plants in the same pot and two showed this dryness, however, this only happened with the shoot at the top of the plant, it did not happen with young shoots in other branches, only in the apical bud.

This is my first cycle after two years and I have greatly increased the volume of my substrate, before I worked with 200L in bed and today I have 500L, and I’m still learning how to deal with it. My guess is overwatering but I’m not sure if it would only affect that specific part, I think the plant would show other signs. I also thought it could be a light burn, but 6 50W cob citizen clu wouldn’t be able to cause these burns from 15cm away, or am I wrong? Others would also have been burned I think. Could it be some type of mold or other type of pathogen?


I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do but I’m going to call some people who could possibly help, but please, anyone on the forum could make a contribution if they have a good guess.

@JustANobody @ReikoX @JohnnyPotseed @DougDawson @Emeraldgreen @crownpoodle @BigMike55 and everyone from OG. First of all, I greatly appreciate any help!


Even though it’s not on them all, I’d guess the lights are too close. Regardless of strength.

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