Bino's garden

Worst case scenario, the roots are becoming tangled as the plant grows which will make it look like symptoms of nutes deficiency. If it starts to appears in more plants, may be a good idea to get rid of a couple to leave more room for roots.

Hope you enlighten this issue,
All the lucky :four_leaf_clover:

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I’ll start by raising the panels at least another 10 centimeters, for sure. Thank you.

Hmm, I don’t know
 I don’t think it’s a nutritional issue due to all the issues I mentioned, but obviously I’m not going to rule out the possibility. The males are about to be removed in the next few days, so there should be some space for them to be more comfortable.

I think it may be the lights. I’ve run multiple plants in a bed with no issues whatsoever. 16 3.5- 5 feet on a 16 square foot bed


Hail! Even though it has this characteristic of deficiency or is burned by the lights, this leaf is awesome! What a crazy shape, bro! Don’t even worry about that, maybe it could have been burned by some leaf, and it could also be the most fragile for fertilization! Waiting anxiously for Watching them grow, the garden is so beautiful đŸȘŽ

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I’ve done it like this other times and never had a similar problem

Hail brother! I was noticing this, it was crazy, right? How are you?

I distanced the panel, I hope it improves. I was (still am) careful to know if it was fungal contamination, but now I’m betting that it really is a burnout from the LEDs. Thank you @crownpoodle for bringing this to my attention!


About 6 bleckberry males were detected in the cultivation bed, tomorrow I will sacrifice them and take some cuttings from the more robust ones to make some beans later.

1 ssdd x kush4 is also a handsome stallion, I’m excited to think about the possibility of 2 females and 1 male!

The panel a little further away seems to have fixed the burns on the top, they are growing well and from the looks of it, both are female.

I wish everyone at OG a great week and good smokes.


Beautiful man! Good job! Love watching your grow progress.

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Thanks namesake! I still need to improve a lot of things to get it the way I want it, but it will get better over time! Brazilian greetings!

I want to see this cauldron filled with flowers!!!


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oh, me too man! I can’t wait to smoke my flowers again
 getting closer every day

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Today was the day to do general maintenance. Stallion #8 was chosen, well branched and with a good (but undefined) smell when rubbed on the stem.

All other males were chopped and thrown on top of the substrate with a light covering of bokashi, diastatic malt and dry straw covering.

An ssdd x k4 male is already laying sacks and I’m guessing two females and a male in them, very excited.

I hope you are enjoying a great Tuesday OGers.



Babosa tech :ok_hand:t4:



Nice floor tiles!
Great that everything is going well.
Many have underestimated the power of the new LED’s. :grin:
I run my 100Watt quantumboard at maybe 30% all throughout veg and flowering.
Thank you for growing!

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You know how it is brother
 it doesn’t fail!

They were placed by my grandfather almost 100 years ago! Oh man
 I really didn’t think they were capable of so much! Thanks for your visit, brother!


For now I’m using a makeshift tub from a few years ago, it seems to be working well. The clones woke up happy!

 I think it’s time to retire these things. I need an “original” cloning incubator, just because it fits better on the shelves I’m going to work with from now on.


Cultivation bed continues with 10 blackberry moonshine bx2 that promise to be females, the other 6 males were cut. The burn of the two plants has definitely been overcome, they are much better and growing well in the last two days.


Good morning OG. Three photos in the morning because I forgot to register them yesterday. My 3 kush4 x ssdd which are probably two females and one male.

My desire was to let them get married and be happy until the last day, but I will have to sacrifice the male and take clones. Things don’t always have a happy ending, but the point is
 It’s not always the ending!

Have a great friday everyone and have a pleasant weekend.


Now the fun begins. Ten females out of sixteen plants is pretty good. They’re recovering well from the light burns. The Kush4 x SSDD are turning out amazing. So, are you keeping a cut from both males?


It may be that I saw one more male yesterday, so it would be 9/16
 I’ll give it a few days to be sure. Still a good return, right? I’m happy with that.

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Oh, I’m sorry @Shanti-ri , I forgot to talk about the cuts. Yes, I’m keeping a cut of two males, one of the 16 well-structured BlackBerry and the male of K4 x SSD. For now I wouldn’t make an open cross or dedicate an entire plant, I don’t have anything in the pots. First I need to find something to smoke, after that I’ll make whatever mess I need to make :call_me_hand:t4: