Bino's garden

No worries, sometimes things just get lost along the way.
I understand your concern—I’m only smoking brick weed at the moment. I’m in the middle of a seed run, and some problems and postal delays messed up my plans, leaving me with nothing to smoke.

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The kush4 x ssdd on the right has a very beautiful branch, it grew without any kind of training or pruning and it hasn’t stopped stretching yet.

The cultivation bed also has beautiful plants, now recovered from the burn and growing more and more, tomorrow I will raise the panel a little more.

Today, a photo from another angle to change it up a bit because it’s saturday!


Love it dude, you’re definitely a Bino! Only Binos can kill it like that!

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Hahahah, bino thing, you know how it is

Just the photos updating the garden. I already see some pistils and probably some more males, we will see in the next few days.

May everyone have a great week ahead!


I have found some strange things with plants. Look at these branches, is there something wrong? yes, there are literally SHORTS growing where there should be a calyx (where the first pistils are usually shown). I imagine it’s something with my substrate because all the plants are showing it… follow the photo

Has anyone had something similar? I was worried about some herma, because the bud was born as an expression of a male flower, but as the days went by, leaves and pistils opened… honestly, I still don’t understand.

I need to update and say that the two k4 x ssdd are female!!! very excited about this

Both genetics had their parents cloned to donate some pollen later.

Other than that, one or two more late males in the bed, tomorrow they should be sacrificed and added to the mulch.

I hope everyone is having a great tuesday!


1st picture is male, third is hermi. Imo


Man, I would guess the same thing, but what was once something very similar to a pollen sac, is now a sprout with leaves and pistils. If so, I don’t imagine it’s genetics… something stressed them here in my setup… I imagine in the substrate. I’m giving it a few more days to confirm this. Thanks for the contribution brother!

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Very sad to say that all the plants hermed. One wall in my flora room was made with PVC lining and it was leaking light from my flora room, literally an entire wall was lit… I’m still wondering how I could be so stupid.

Anyway, I have a lot to race against time now. I’m waiting for a message to see the availability of some cuts with a friend, if that’s not possible, I’ll be popping new beans this week.
edit: Oh, I almost forgot. A new 80L vessel has been added.

This was the criminal wall.


Speak my friend! Wow, what sad news, to see that beautiful garden leaving!! Did you keep the clones? Because if it’s the light that made Herma, it doesn’t come from genetics, just take it again to be sure, here’s how I have to move it the plants always appear a little thinner but it’s only in some more sensitive genetics, because the most photos look really good! I hope this garden turns green as quickly as possible! stronger than ever


Hello brother, thanks for visiting and sorry for the delay. No, I was about to take the cuttings in the second/third week of flora. Okay, it’s good that it happened as soon as possible to keep my eyes open and with extra attention, you know, it takes a lot of dedication to play away like that. Anyway, lessons from indoor gardening.

Hello OG friends. Starting a new cycle with jack, the ripper and blue chem, both from here on the forum. A blue chem was born with resin and a strong smell to the touch. Excited for this race.

In this photo are two clones that I got from a close friend, hoping to save some time in this race, since I threw away more than a month not paying attention to the light leak from my last cycle. 24k and candy kush from dna genetics that will be flowering in the next cycles.


Hello OG
Some photos to mark day 1 of this race.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Good to see you back up and running brother.

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Welcome to the game again, brother!



It’s good to be back, brother!

I’m back and this time more prepared! Thank you brother! :heart:


Hello OG, stopping by to share good news. Apparently the 24k clones are doing well and will sprout, especially because one of them has already shown roots.

The cuts I already got from roots, 24k and candy kush have adapted well now. They were grown in mineral media, so it took them a while to understand their new environment. I’ll just ensure adequate light and watering from now on.

And these two photos show Blue Chem and Jack the Ripper, still adapting to their new environment.

I wish everyone at OG a great week and lots of progress!


Hello, OG! Just leaving a garden update.

In this cycle the bed is housing 6 blue chem, a donation from my friend @creatorknbsland who came from @Zanzibar and @eskobar and are in the two rows on the right. In the left row we have 3 jack, the ripper from the @ix3u coop. Thank you for your donated efforts with the community. I hope you enjoy seeing them growing in Brazilian lands.

In the smaller pots, the two larger plants on the right are also jack, the ripper, in the center are two recently rooted 24k DNA cuttings and on the left are two orange stash that were born strange and late, but have already picked up another gear and are growing well these days.
Other than that, they all received a top pruning today.

I wish everyone a great weekend!


Hail my friend! this is incredible :star_struck:, these Escobar bluechem are monstrous, look at their size, then send some photos of the leaves, here my male bluechem were cut and I left the branches low for revegetation and I cut some branches to be safe, I used one of them has some females around here and I intend to use the other one too, no big deal just for my private seed vault!


It is interesting to save some of this pollen. I’m going to clone them all and select a male to make some seeds for stock. One of mine was born very resinous and with a wonderful smell, even when it sprouts. Their structure is incredible.