Black Domina

I have aquired a Black Domina clone from a friend and would like to share my grow. I also would like to know if any of you have grown Black Domina and what your results have been. First time growing her for me.


Happy to follow along, that strainā€™s definitely on my list to grow. Iā€™ve seen some wild pictures.



BONGā€¦Iā€™m inā€‹:muscle::muscle::muscle:


Oh & Salute @Michigangrown_outdoo


Definitely happening. :+1:

Bong? Whereā€™s the bong?!

I love Black Domina itā€™s one of my favorite Indicas around. Iā€™m familiar with the first and second versions from Sensi Seeds. I like the first one Neville made better but I think the last version was more potent and smelled stronger. Do you know what cut you have?


I really have no idea what cut I have. I know the cut comes from a reliable source that is known to have older genetics but thatā€™s about it. Wish I knew more. I am excited to see how she turns out though.


@mota ā€¦ U ainā€™t ever Listen to the Abbot,

Family?..WuTang 4 Everā€¦Bong

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I think, in a word, no. My idea of modern music is New Wave, and itā€™s only because of my wife that Iā€™m very familiar with that.

I like bongs thoughā€¦ :+1:


Overstand U @mota ā€¦Not Sure if Ur into HipHop / Rap but the early to late 90ā€™s / very early 2000 was Golden, Variety and Quality (I.M.O.)ā€¦Far from the Cookie Cutter Formulas used in all genres todayā€¦

RZA = The Abbot from Wu Tang would say BONG alotā€¦
It would be used as ā€¦Confirmation, Agreement, Approval etcā€¦
Appreciate U @mota ā€¦Stay Up & Stay Blessed :muscle::muscle::muscle:


I guess we have that in common. I suspect we may actually have even more in common when it comes to bongs than just saying the word. bong4

ā€œIntoā€ is too strong. I donā€™t listen to the radio at all, havenā€™t really since maybe the early 1990s, other than when I get a ride to Pilates (about a 15 minute ride). My friend often has current hip hop playing, and while I generally like the beat of the songs, my crap hearing usually prevents me from really understanding many of the lyrics.

Hereā€™s my opinion of rap/hip hop/radical music: I realized in 1966 when the Buffalo Springfieldā€™s ā€œFor What itā€™s Worthā€ was popular and getting lots of airplay, that music was the perfect vehicle for radical politics. That opinion has not changed, and so when I hear music that I know carries a real point of view, Iā€™m probably going to like that the artist has something real to say. (I was 16 in 1966.)

Iā€™ll also mention that that was the year The Motherā€™s of Invention released Freak Out, for me perhaps the single most influential album I ever heard. Of course I bought it as soon as I saw it in the rack at my local record store. It didnā€™t take me long to wear it out. Multiple copies over multiple years.

Hopefully no dirt nappinā€™ for me anytime soon. If it should happen, though, please be sure to Private Message me. I suspect I wonā€™t be aware of it! ROFLMAO


I tried Black Domina the first time few weeks ago.
So high is not for me, makes me really nervous. The Body Stone is quite nice if you want to sleep, but seems to depend heavy on vaping temperature (i donĀ“t smoke). A lot of people seem to like her, but for me it was on of the worst smokes ever. But seems to be a personal thing, the guy who let me try love this strain too, itĀ“s the perfect indica for him.

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I have ran the early release of black domina from akbb. He calls it the ā€˜95 B.D. Neville used the M10

The 2nd release used garlic bud instead of m10. Still waiting to run those.

They are usually done by early to mid october. Expect big yields for an indica.


Be careful sheā€™s showing signs of over fertility !! Prob fert in your mix and some transplant shock too Black Dom. is easy to grow OD. Full sun if possible 8-10 hours. Make sure to add mycorrhizae to your roots. NO FERTS FOR 2 WEEKS !! Keep watered well, every 3-4 days!! Peace