MWgrower’s secret garden 2022

Howdy folks. This is my official start to the 2022 outdoor season. I started germinating seeds for the strains that will need to be sexed before heading out into the elements. These ladies will be going in ground (which I’ve never done before) I’ve got plans for all kinds of new projects in all my gardens this year, let’s see how the universe sees fit for things to work out. I’ll be collecting pollen from males, and making some seeds but mostly growing for headstash. These are all new strains to me and every run is a learning process in many ways. Send any spare positive thoughts and vibes for a good season

Seeds started: NYC Diesel and Juicy Fruit gifted by growmies, FS#2xUFS18 bred by me, Midnite Special by Mosca Negra, Skynet by @NugLifeFarms420 and Deep Chunk/Black Kandahar Afghani x NL1 by SwamiOrganicSeed
I’ll have some fems and clones in pots too but this should be the bulk of the run :call_me_hand:


DC/BKAxNL1 first to show up to the party from this set


Sounds like some awesome strains
Pulling up a chair! Good luck!!

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Hoo-fucking-ray!! So much new life in 24 hours. 7 of 11 popped so far, I’ll probably have to crack those NYC Diesels in a few days as it’s now apparent that the shells are extra thick on that one and shoulda been scuffed :man_shrugging:


Lineup looks awesome! And good to see some poppen too.
I love being able to put plants right into the ground. You’ll have a blast. :v:

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Awesome! Lineup sounds great. Positive vibes and the very best of well wishes to your grow.


I’m looking forward to it, but already planning on scrogging to spread em wide and keep em lower since I’m assuming they’ll get bigger than I’m used to even in the first year amended soil


Thank you kindly :pray:

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I’m in! Great selection, looking forward to watching that NYCD!
Good vibes your way!


Real interested in that deep chunk/kandahar black x NL1 that sounds like something special for sure. Positive vibes for your OD season!

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I’m excited for that one too, it was a real tough choice between 3 different SOS selections. First time running their gear so :crossed_fingers:

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And thanks for the kind thoughts and good vibes :pray::pray::pray:


May they rise to be sturdy and clout.

May great riches present themselves


Looking good bromigo…

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The internodal spacing is making me think this is a dude. But maybe it was adapting to the weak light in the greenhouse at that point. I guess I won’t know til I know :man_shrugging:

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That’s pretty funny, I had posted that plant pic on IG and said it was a lil bondage for peoples’ Sunday morning :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Great minds and all…

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I’m guessing you’re not “Morningwood growers” on IG? :smile:
Or are you? :thinking:

What’s your handle?

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I_wanna_live_beneath_the_dirt I totally dropped off of social media a number of years back and restarted with much less enthusiasm. I don’t post too much, I mostly just use it to keep an :eye: on the cannabis and music industry

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