Black Triangle, Hendrix Haze, and Purple Pakistani Chitral- Bodhi Seeds and Seattle Chronic Seeds

I mean, I’m not a “passionate collector,” I’m not a “collector” at all. That doesn’t even make any sense; seeds are meant to be grown, what’s the point in “collecting” seeds? But I for sure went overboard and ordered too many packs in the last three years, definitely been thinking about selling off some of my “collection” simply because I’m not gonna be able to grow everything I have before I’m dead (assuming I live for another 35 years)(fingers crossed! Haha). I wouldn’t sell opened packs, though.

The main reason I haven’t started listing shit and trying to sell stuff is because I just don’t feel like packing shit up and sending seeds in the mail. I’m lazy. But I probably will at some point here pretty soon. It’s just sooooo difficult to even decide what I’d want to sell haha. I wanna keep everything.

Certain Food Awards are more meaningful and legit than others (unlike most Weed Awards). Although there are for sure restaurants and chefs who win awards simply because they sucked the right dick, in general I take them a little more seriously than the weed nonsense.

Having said that, it’s not hard to tell what’s bullshit and what’s not, whether it be food or weed or wine or anything else.


@ElGalloBlanco garden is looking great!
Love that backdrop to the plants Did you paint that yourself?

I’ve got a few things going in my outdoor too, no cannabis as I don’t want the neighbours calling the police (stupid storage UK drug laws😆).

But I’m really enjoying having some tomatoes, runner beans, strawberries, raspberries, herbs etc in the backyard.

I’m even tempted to grow some mint in my indoor grow, as a cover crop. It seems to be spreading and covering space quickly outdoors.




Same. Mostly because of the nightmare that was ordering seeds from oversees in the early 00s.

To me it’s more a question of trust. Why would I trust this guy who’s claiming to be a collector yet he’s getting rid of his precious collection? Is he desperate and that’s why he’s selling? Desperate enough to put some other random seeds in the pack? Just jumps out as an obvious contradiction to me. Especially when you could just order a new pack from shoe for cheaper with the added benefit of being stored properly.

To keep it on topic I’d offer up at least a pack to @ElGalloBlanco if you find something worth F2ing and need more to sift through.


For sure.

I mean, that’s kind of why I’m considering getting rid of some of my packs :weary::weary::weary: haha. I’m fucking broke. But yeah, I get it; opened packs should not be sold. I wouldn’t do that. And you’d have to be an idiot to buy an opened pack of seeds.

Makes me think of that Seinfeld episode where Jerry tells Kramer he’s gotta pay for the food he’s taking from Jerry’s fridge. “You hear that sound when you open that can of soda??? That’s the sound of you buying the WHOLE CAN OF SODA.” haha.

Are you talking to me here? I sent elgallo almost two full packs of Black Triangle a few months ago haha! I think I’m good…


Exactly, it really is very easy. I have also made it with cilantro, onions, and even a little lime juice but it involves slightly different steps and is obviously more work, haha. I use these ferment lids but there are definitely cheaper options out there that are somewhat similar. Some people use a ferment weight to submerge the veg material but I always use the lids which keep oxygen out while keeping your veggies submerged.

I’ll have to remember that variety and get a pack of seeds for next year!

It really is good, they say fermented peppers brings out an umami flavor profile, plus you maintain the probiotics and good bacteria from the fermentation.

Thankfully you probably won’t have to resort to Strianly either or something like that, I am sure plenty of people around here may be wiling to throw down for some of the beans you have acquired through the years.

Thank you so much and no I didn’t do any of the artwork, haha. We bought our property a couple years ago and the previous owner’s daughter evidently did all of the art and hung the trippy poster, haha. The ceiling is actually painted black as well with glow in the dark painted stars and planets and stuff which is pretty funny when the lights are off.

That’s too bad about not growing outdoors but I know the weather in the UK can be a bit shitty too so I am sure you’d have to get creative. That’s awesome you are growing your own food though, it really starts as a hobby and turns into a lifestyle.

I consider myself privileged to be able to grow my own veggies. We have been eating summer squash, chard, and snap peas for the last few weeks every night, all homegrown on our property. Still waiting for the tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, beans, and winter squash to catch up.

Watch out for mint, indoors and out, it can spread like crazy and take over pretty quickly and is hard to get rid of as it spreads via runners. Indoors I would stick to clover, barley, oats and peas or something like that.

That’s way too generous of you and I appreciate the offer, minitiger hooked me up with enough to play around with so I should be good for now. I don’t want to screw with your retirement plan either, early retirement for syzygy! Haha.


Yeh, the mint outdoors is taking over the whole pot in just a couple weeks it’s really taken off. I do have some clover and barley as cover crop at the moment, but just want to add some herbs maybe to that.

That’s so cool though, the art work really suits the plants I feel. Love it!


I need to figure out a real plan for growing my own food, I just literally started added random plants to the yard, and it’s a bit haphazard. Next year I’ll be more prepared, and fingers crossed, I’ll have an allotment too!
Been on the waiting list a while now. Who knows, if its remote enough, I’ll even stick some autoflowers in the ground as they’ll probably do well with our short summers here haha.



Have you ever made it with peppers that aren’t what people would consider “hot” or spicy or whatever? I LOVE poblanos, kinda thinking I wanna do the ferment with a bunch of those, but those aren’t hot at all. I just like the way they taste haha, might be cool to have some poblano “sauce” or whatever for those times when I can’t find actual poblanos at the grocery store (which has actually been happening more often than one would think lately). Or even when I can find poblanos haha.

Noooooo wayyyyyy. I don’t think that’s allowed here, number one. And two, that makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I dunno why, but it does. OG’s for giving shit away.


Bahahaha I love this! It happens so often it’s ludicrous! I’ll tell my good friend about a cut I’m offering or a pack of beans etc. 14 messages later from people I’ve never interacted with im shaking my head saying why didn’t I know better :man_facepalming:t2:

Then I do it again . :weary:


Yeah, it’s kinda weird how people are just like,”Oh, overgrow, that’s the place where everybody’s just giving shit away!” I mean, it’s true, but that doesn’t mean I’m obligated to give everybody who asks for something what they’re asking for.

I still subscribe to the old school “We develop relationships with people we ‘know’ (even if they’re only online relationships) and trust before anything gets done” philosophy. Same way we did drug deals back in the day haha. Plus, it’s just rude. Some random motherfucker DM’ing me all like,”Saw you mention Bodhi’s Dream Lotus earlier! Can I have that pack???” Like, what? “Who the fuck’re you?” Haha. “I’ve never interacted with you, ever. And you don’t even have any grow logs here. And you just joined twelve hours ago. No, you cannot have that.”


My sentiments exactly brother, EXACTLY :facepunch:t2: I’m known to give away all sorts of epic stuff but it’s gotta be people that have built relationships/ trust unless i directly offer or am doing a giveaway :man_facepalming:t2: different ideals these days I guess @minitiger


Speaking of giving shit away, I saw you mentioned earlier (on a different thread I think) about Mean Genes Lime.
I was gifted a pack of Sour Dubb x (Lime #1 x Lime #5) recently. They any good for you?
I’m not sure I’ll get round to growing them out any time soon. But happy to let you have them if you like.



Dude, you should keep that pack and plant it ASAP haha.


Oh hell yes they are! In fact I’ll throw em down when they land! Next run they are in 1000% Now I’m gonna make you take the packs I offered you a few days back! @SonsOfAvery I’d be honoured


Just made my day by far with that offer @SonsOfAvery much respect :facepunch:t2:


this made me crack up, haha! Good luck with the BTs! Hope you get a TK dominate one, I think mine were a nice blend between the two, but they leaned towards the ghash side… they were good smoke regardless though, my friends really liked that one.

Glad I found your log this year. Your garden is beautiful, love those 'choke flowers!


Gotta be super heat in those the pictures on his instagram of them are drool worthy

For sure wanna get some of his lime gear big ups @SonsOfAvery very OG of you @TopShelfTrees1 give me a tag when you pop them!

Excited to see those black triangle doc d has a beautiful tk leaner should have some heat in there @ElGalloBlanco hendrix haze sounds interesting too!


Definitely will! Mark my words they hit water the day they land or next day the very latest. 1000%


It just takes some time and experience with it all, my wife and I have done and redone stuff so many times but we learn something new each and every time! We like gardens for food as well as aesthetics, no place I would rather hang out as it’s just good for the mind, body, and soul! Good luck on getting that allotment, sorry to hear you have to join a waitlist and all.

Absolutely, fermented poblano sauce sounds damn delicious! May have to do that this year as well if my poblanos start to produce well! We have made the sauce with even sweet peppers and carrots before, haha. My wife’s idea there, my favorite sauce I made was using red thai chilis and maybe some red jalapeños? Can’t remember exactly but it was red in color and fire hot, damn tasty too!

Haha, I hear you on that one for sure, however, if someone has a pack of something I really want and can no longer acquire through the seed banks, I would have no problem paying for the pack at cost, if you want to mark it up, go do that shit somewhere else, haha.

That’s mighty nice of you and looks like we have a love connection! Haha.

Yeah, just by looking at the two now, seems like they may be what you found with a mix to slight ghash lean. I grew one other TK cross in the past and had a plant that just reeked like burnt tires at a race track. Brought me back to being a kid and watching sprint cars race on a dirt track, haha. Don’t know if that was from the TK though?

Glad to have you here as well, you always grow the most beautiful plants to go along with great pictures! Hope the show more of the garden throughout the summer as well, pollinator plants, fruit trees, garden veggies etc.

Yeah, any lime in weed just always sounds really good to me!

We will see what comes, I am excited too! Someone should ask Doc how many seeds he had to pop to find his TK learner, haha.

@TopShelfTrees1 , congrats on the seed acquisition, that strain does sound badass.


Just to follow up on this strain as there seems to be some seed banks that list the lineage wrong, I guess Hendrix Haze is Honolulu Haze F2 x AC/DC x Good Medicine. I guess Bodhi released a strain called CBD Rich Blessing (AC/DC x Good Medicine) so not sure if Seattle Chronic used that strain as the pollen donor or if he made that part of the cross himself as well?

Anyway, if Bodhi still had some CBD crosses available, I would be growing the shit out of them! Haha.


Me too :joy: I enjoy some cbd weed for anxiety once in a while growing my first cbd plant outdoors to make rso for my mom as she’s been liking it at night to help sleep she would like to take some from time to time during the day but it knocks her on her ass so hoping a cbd gives some of the relief without being as Incapacitating as regular rso it’s a sour tsunami s1 from annunaki genetics