Black Triangle, Hendrix Haze, and Purple Pakistani Chitral- Bodhi Seeds and Seattle Chronic Seeds

No problem at all dude! Like I say, I’ll not be popping them any time soon with the space I have, so glad they’re going to a good home/garden!

Yeh, I’m always learning, I love the process of figurethings out (with a some/a lot of help along the eay lol), so always something new to learn.

I’ve had a large garden years ago, and I did grow quite a variety in it, but in my mid 20s I just didn’t take advantage of it and I regret that now as i dont have the same space anymore.
But hopefully we’ll have that allotment soon enough! :crossed_fingers:



This is me now EXACTLY! I’d kill for room for another 4x8 right now, Kill!


That’s nice of you and good luck with the grow! I have really enjoyed a combination of THC, CBD, and other trace cannabinoids together which provides for a nice synergistic effect. Tincture I make really helps covers my cannabinoid receptors quite well, haha.

That sounds like a good one, Annunaki has interesting looking crosses, VaHomegrown sent me a freebie 4 pack of Sour Tsunami x Huckleberry Soda from Annunaki which will get popped eventually.


Well, went out to the grow space a few days ago and after taking a look around, for some reason, even though I haven’t listened to Tupac in over 20 years, one of his songs popped into my head, with one minor substitution: “Ain’t nothin’ but a sausage party”.

Anyway, had a feeling I would have to cull at least 1, maybe 2 of the Hendrix Haze as they hadn’t been sexed yet, however, it ended up being 3 of them! That makes 1 female out of 6 plants, I think even when MLB was having pitchers bat, they still hit for a better average than that! Oh well, just kind of screwed me on spacing now, haha.

That curtain to the right of the bed is a blackout curtain, I always have veggie seedlings going in racks with LED lights at different times of the year and now, an auto growing on the other side under an HLG 100 Rspec so the blackout curtain helps when the other side of the room is on the 18/6 lighting schedule but the bed is on a 12/12 cycle.

Black Triangles looking good!

Hendrix Haze which was the most stretchy plant to begin with and I wasn’t a fan of its structure (of course it ends up being the sole female), looks crazy vining and I hope it doesn’t end up with spaghetti noodle limbs once they’re supporting some flowers.

Purple Pakistani Chitral, haven’t fed it once with amendments or even fish hydrolysate, only a weekly feeding of microbes. Evidently excess nitrogen can lead to bud rot so the half wine barrel was only minimally amended with a couple cups of amendment before the plant went in.

What do you think @minitiger since we were talking about this in your thread a month or so ago, looks like it’s starting to flower, not much stretch yet (maybe at all?) and columnar growth which is to be expected.

Russian bocking 14 comfrey patch, planted 8 different patches like this throughout the property around fruit trees. Looks like it’s about time to chop and drop around the fruit trees for the first time this year. This patch is probably at least a 3x3 foot swath.

Bachelor’s Button or Cornflower, bees really love the flowers and the birds come in later once the seeds start to form.

Cosmos (double click variety meaning they produce double blooms on one flower), bees like them and birds love the seeds too.

Giant Coral or Giant Salmon Zinnia (?), butterfly magnet as well as moths and bees.

Evening Colors or Autumn Beauty (?) Sunflower, bees love the pollen and the birds love the seed. I am sensing a pattern here, haha.

Opopeo Amaranth, first time growing it this year.

Bouquet Dill (variety) umbels to be used in pickle recipes. This variety can get 3-4 feet tall and is a host plant for Swallowtail butterfly caterpillars as well, along with parsley, carrot greens, and fennel among others.

California Poppies going nuts this year with some purple penstemon flowers nearby, bumble bees really love both of these.

Another CA native, mimulus or monkey flower, they come in a variety of colors, we also have some red ones we planted and some light orange to dark yellow that are growing wild on the property.

Well, I think that’s about it for now. Will show some veggie plants going forward as they start to produce more, just popped another round of summer squash (to be planted out in 3-4 weeks) to replace the 4 summer squash in the garden that were planted out in early April, we would have to eat at least 2 squash a day to keep up with what the plants are producing right now.


Aaaaarrrggghhh!!! So annoying. I hope those BT seeds I sent you didn’t also come with my shitty M:F ratio “karma” haha. Like, even though it was the Hendrix plants that turned out almost all male, maybe somehow those BT seeds are affecting everything haha!

Mhm, yeah, it does. How many days old is she? Could be one of those ones that just starts flowering once they’ve reached a certain age, which I guess could be considered auto flowering, but maybe not exactly?

I’ve also read about certain strains (Malawi Gold being one of them) that start flowering earlier than the majority of cannabis plants normally do, although I don’t think it was the first week of July haha. No way she’s rootbound, right? Not in that big half-barrel. Yeah, I dunno.

It might be a good sign, anyway. If she continues flowering, she should be done wayyyyy before things start cooling down and getting more humid up there, so hopefully botrytis won’t be an issue.

“Regular” garden looks gorgeous. Again haha. I’m envious.


Haha, any in-balance resulting in more males than females by a good margin I definitely refer to as “minitiger ratios”! Although, the BT’s were 2 out of 4 so those were more on point and acceptable.

I popped the PCK’s the first week of April so she has been around for 3 months or so, since it’s an IBL it typically has really slow veg growth and isn’t a huge producer so the plant is still relatively small compared to what I am used to outdoors. She definitely has a shorter flowering period so could be ready by the first week of September if all goes well.


That’s not funny. But it kind of is haha.

It could just be that. That’s a while for a plant from seed (and maybe from clone, too, I dunno). Maybe she’s just ready to get going, photoperiod be damned.


Yeah, I think it does have something to do with direct sunlight as well, supposedly we are getting over 14 hours of daylight, sun up to sun down. However, this plant hasn’t had 12 hours of direct sunlight from the start, I haven’t heard of PCK’s being particularly semi-autoflowering either being that they are such slow movers in veg.

Yet from my experience, outdoor plants will grow 2-3 months before flowering, even if the daylight hours aren’t yet at 12 hours or less if the plants have been receiving 12 hours or less of direct sunlight, daylight hours be damned. Shit, rereading this paragraph almost reminds of a word problem in math class…


EDIT: Skip ahead to post 86 from here for the next update, I thought there was too much extra light in the room at lights out and thought I may have had some issues. Anyway, turned out to be a false alarm.

Well, I feel like I may have done a giant face plant on this grow. I went into the grow room the other night after the lights were “out” and I was surprised how much extra lighting was coming in from the one window which I had the blackout curtain partially open to help with airflow.

Not to mention the HLG 100 Rspec I had going on the other side of the blackout curtain, I have used my LED seedling racks in the same side of the room without issue before but maybe the HLG light is stronger?

Anyway, I immediately covered the window completely and switched the HLG light to the same schedule as the raised beds but yesterday morning after looking at the plants more carefully, I feel like these flowers are looking like they are forming sacs… What do you think? Such a rookie move, guess I got complacent, had my lights set for 6-6 PM and likely should have set them for 7-7 PM or something so there wasn’t as much outdoor lighting during lights out period. Unless I am missing something here, feel like I screwed the pooch on this one…

Hendrix Haze

Black Triangle #1

Black Triangle #2 (Furthest back corner which should have been the darkest)


Very tough to tell still but I’ve got my fingers (and toes) crossed it all works out , light leaks can become a complete nightmare!


Damn, figure I will hope for the best and expect the worst. Usually growing weed doesn’t keep me up at night as I usually don’t experience many issues overall, but when I woke up overnight, these damn plants popped in my head and kept me from falling back asleep for a bit.


They’re probably fine. They look fine.
Likely it’ll start a fight but I’ll go ahead and say it:
Light leaks don’t cause hermaphroditism.
Just my experience.
Fire away!


As first being an outdoor grower before ever growing indoors, that was my experience as well. Even growing in this space I have had different lighting schedules with only the blackout curtain in between and I didn’t experience any issues. Hopefully I just jumped the gun and overreacted, haha. Which is funny because I don’t typically overreact to these types of things. Not sure why things seemed different to me this time…


The first pic of the Hendrix Haze definitely looks like something I’d trash, there’s for sure male flowers growing. The other pics, it’s kinda hard to tell.

I dunno anything about those HLG lights, but I did think it was pretty ballsy of you to be running a light next to your weed grow with only a blackout curtain to separate them during lights-off. I use those curtains in my grow room (with panda film taped to all the windows, as well)(and big-ass cardboard boxes to block the light from where the panda film has been shredded from being exposed to sunlight for six years)(I need to revamp my shit haha) and a little bit of light still gets through. Not enough to leak into the tents or anything, but enough for me to know that if I only used the blackout curtains, that wouldn’t be nearly enough. I actually tried using just the blackout curtains for a day or two when we first moved into the new house six years ago and quickly realized,”Yeah, this isn’t gonna be enough…”

Also, @numbskull, I feel like it’s been pretty well-documented that light leaks do, in fact, cause herms. I know the one time something seeded my entire grow, I sat in the tent with the door shut after I chopped everything and found multiple light leaks in my tent. I’m not saying they were completely responsible for the herms, but I’m certain they didn’t help.


Plants are sure looking great.
How abt holding on for a few days…:eyes:


I wanted to start out saying what a dick you are but I won’t because my sense of humor sometimes rubs people the wrong way. Also I think you’re the best/most entertaining writer on here so there’s that.
I was (am) guessing that those weren’t male flowers on the “Hendrix Haze.” Might be wrong, but I’ve seen a bunch of light leaks of different severities over the years. They’ve gotta be pretty bad (and long) to get the plants to come out of flower, which I’ve seen tens of times, but still haven’t seen herms.
I have seen herms from genetics (plenty,) from nutes (plenty) and a couple possibly from being rootbound, but those could be soil-related.
I’m also guessing yours wasn’t the light. Guessing :yum::kissing_heart:


Does this mean in excess? Toxicity?


Who, me? A dick? No way… haha.

Thanks, dude! That’s very nice of you to say, I’m glad you like it. And I mean that, I’m really not being “dick-ish” or sarcastic or whatever.

Those are definitely male flowers in the first pic. No doubt about it. Whether or not they’re the result of the light leak, as opposed to the genetics, is (maybe) debatable, but I would for sure trash that plant.

Blow up the pics and take a closer look. It’s hard to tell in the other photos, but that first pic is for sure throwing some male flowers.

Yeah, that grow of mine that hermed, it was probably something in the tent that grew sacs that I didn’t even see, but I’d never had sacs grow on any plant before, never had anything herm, so I wasn’t even looking. Still, though, I’m certain that the light leaks didn’t help. They were pretty noticeable once I got into the tent and sat in there for a few minutes with the doors shut and the lights off.

And then I called my girl (who was sitting in the living room) on my cel phone, all like,”Lemme out! Lemme out! Unzip this fucking tent!” haha.

Having said all that, and now that I think about it, that grow that hermed was when I grew a couple of the Black Triangles that @ElGalloBlanco is growing right now from the very same seed packs. I don’t think I’ve ever heard about Black Triangle being herm-prone, but maybe they’re super-sensitive to “environmental factors” like light leaks? I dunno. I always figured it was either the Mexican Melons or the Lucky Dog gear I grew that same round, just because Bodhi’s stuff is always so stable and hardy.

Shit… Sorry, blanco, I hope it wasn’t those fucking BT plants that messed your shit up.


Yeah, the flowers just weren’t looking right to me.

I hear you, I just got complacent and the blackout curtain is really a full on blackout curtain, no light was coming through aside from where the blackout curtain ended which somewhat lightened areas of the raised bed, although I don’t think it was enough to read a book or anything.

Think that is about all I can do right now, should have a better idea over the next week or so.

100 % agree with this right here!

Only about 50% of the time I agree with this, haha. Just kidding, he’s a good guy, even if sometimes a perceived dick, haha.

No worries man, if anything it’s that Hendrix Haze that is looking super “ballsy” (?), if they did indeed herm on me, I’m just going to trash it all and start over with another round and if I run that HLG on the other side, it’ll be on no more than a 12/12 cycle!


Alight, time for some rainbows and butterflies or something for now.

Purple Pakistani Chitral

A couple of the chickens eating some swiss chard from the garden

Crazy big sunflower volunteer

Black Beauty poppies, the first pic with some bees in the bloom are how most of the plants and flowers grow.

This poppy plant however has been pushing these crazy double bloom type flowers since the beginning, will definitely be saving seeds from this one. Bees try and get in there and they are like, “What the fuck is this?” Pollen blocked, haha.