Black Triangle, Hendrix Haze, and Purple Pakistani Chitral- Bodhi Seeds and Seattle Chronic Seeds

Well, I haven’t updated in awhile as I haven’t been that inspired to do so with only a couple plants left but I think we are nearing the end of this grow log which definitely didn’t go as expected. Black Triangle #1 (or the only one now for that matter, haha) is at day 67 of flower and I will likely chop it in the next day or two. Really nice, solid nugs throughout the plant. Aroma is fairly faint until you touch some of the flowers leading to mostly pine and a little earthy citrus, smelling my fingers afterwards still reminds me of hints of Irish Spring soap or at least the hippie version.

Going back to the BT #2 that I culled a few weeks ago, as I was shit canning the plant I did find a good sized slug that I am sure was feeding on the plant, there were holes along the centers of the leaves and there were areas along the stems where it had been feeding as well that had somewhat scabbed over. Kind of crazy that one slug sapped the life out of the plant like that without doing something more noticeable.

Purple Pakistani Chitral, a really beautiful plant with a very nice sweet lime citrus with subtle caramel aroma. I had to chop off the top of the plant while removing some spots here and there due to botrytis, I guess even growing a strain that is supposed to be highly resistant to botrytis still has issues outdoors here. Figure if I ever want to grow outdoors again I’ll likely need to use Regalia throughout the grow. Hoping the plant can hang on for another week or two, most people would likely just harvest it early but I don’t know if I care to do that.


Indoors? In your no till thing? Dude… That’s fucked up haha. I don’t mean to laugh, but what the fuck?

The remaining Black Triangle does look really good, though. Much better than the two I grew.

I dunno about that. This weather’s just been fucking weird. I checked the weather yesterday morning and humidity was 63%, which is unheard of here for this time of year. Checked it again this morning and it was 81%! Eighty-one percent!!! It doesn’t even get that high when it’s raining here haha.

I dunno what’s going on, but I wouldn’t throw in the towel re outdoor growing yet. I think we’re just having a very, very strange summer.


Haha, I know right? Shit was too crowded around the raised bed and I couldn’t access it as easily to look at the plant, my fault for not getting in there better to take a look. Slugs and snails have been going ape shit this year in the garden too, that wet winter really increased their population.

Well that’s good to know, she does look pretty good. BT#2 didn’t look the best to begin with anyways, maybe the slug had something to do with that but I definitely wasn’t that excited about #2.

Yeah, I don’t know what the deal is. The first 3-4 years I started growing outdoors I never had a problem with budrot, I was always way more worried about PM cause that shit gets on everything around here. Then, my plants got hit with a very late bout of budrot in 2019 but I was still able to harvest virtually all of my plants.

Since then, at two different properties now, I have had basically crop killing botrytis, if it shows up by week 5 or so of flower, you might as well just kill those plants cause it’s an uphill battle from there and you aren’t likely going to win it, just waste a lot of time and effort. Every year since has more or less been the same thing.

It’s funny cause a couple years ago, we moved to our new house in July, I did a quick round of plants outdoors but only grew feminized to cut down on the amount of shit I had to deal with. I had a Passionfruit strain from some Dutch genetics that I was able to harvest, my other 3 plants all got botrytis. Has me wondering if these Dutch genetics are more budrot resistant or not? Just like the Mowie Wowies I grew back in the day that never had any issues? Who knows?

We have this new fancy weather station thing on our property and I have been keeping track of humidity percentages and at our location, in the summer, it’s fucking ridiculous, mostly 90% and up overnight and hasn’t really been below 60% during the day, usually between 60-90%. It’s weird though cause I know people on the East Coast can still get a harvest in with all the rain and humidity they get out there.

Another thing I learned through all this botrytis shit through the years is it is most prevalent with strawberries and grapes as far as commercial crop loss is concerned, well, I essentially live in “wine country” with quite a few strawberry farms throughout the county as well. Maybe also with legalization there is more people growing and more shit floating through the air as well?

I did talk to someone on another forum a few years ago who works for a commercial cannabis farm in either Santa Barbara or Ventura County and he said they have to use Regalia and maybe something else to ensure they get a good harvest.


I think you just answered your own question haha.

I’ve definitely read about cannabis growers being pissed about their crops getting pollinated by other nearby grows, so it wouldn’t surprise me if disease and pests were spreading because of the proximity of other people’s shit, as well. I don’t know anything about botrytis, not too sure how that spreads or if it even “spreads” at all. It seems to me that bud rot would be more “local” and specific to the plant(s) itself and the density of the flowers growing on said plants, rather than anything that “spread.”

But again, I don’t know haha.

That Paki Chitral is supposed to grow pretty dense flowers, right? Maybe just grow some sorta NLD/airier flower-type shit next year? Even if you have to chop it a little earlier than you’d like, at least you wouldn’t have to worry about bud rot.

What were you growing before 2019? I don’t expect you to actually answer that question; if anybody asked me what I grew back then, I’d have to go back and look at my grow logs haha.

Didn’t that Gold Star x Snow Lotus seed run do okay? That was like 2020, wasn’t it? And there was some other stuff that did alright that round, too, wasn’t there? Like a couple Herer Hashplants or something?

Every year? Or just this year? Because I really hate this year haha. It’s fucking everything up.

If it’s getting up to 90% right now, I don’t think the botrytis can be blamed on anything other than that. That’s fucking crazy-high.


Woke up this morning and everything’s wet, so it obviously rained last night. Checked the weather a second ago; our humidity is 90% right now. So. Friggin’. Weird.

Did y’all get rained on last night, too?


Yeah, it spreads by the wind and by water, so pretty well fucked in that regard.

Last year I grew F2’s of Eden Transmission and the one female got botrytis as well, I feel like I’ve grown a variety of strains, lately been focusing on more landrace type stuff and it still doesn’t hold up.

I’m not sure, the flowers don’t seem exceptionally dense to me, it does have more columnar type growth but no rock hard type nugs that I am seeing with the Black Triangle indoors.

I had grown Mowie Wowie for a couple years and I think Rosetta Stone for at least 1 year without issue. In 2019 I grew out Gold Star x Snow Lotus (for the first time), Rosetta Stone, Cinderella, Cookie Wreck, and LVTK. Only saw minimal budrot on a few of the plants at the end of flowering but most of the harvest was just fine.

Well, the Gold Star x Snow Lotus (growing for the second time) did turn out well and I was able to fully harvest the plant, however, the Herer HP and Sundance I was growing all came down with budrot and were toast and I shit canned the plants.

Yeah, this year has definitely sucked as even our tomatoes and some of our other veggies have been getting different types of molds or mildews that we haven’t seen in the past.

It didn’t rain here last night but humidity is sitting in the 90%, being so close to the ocean, the air is just damp and wet most of the time. It’s funny cause earlier in the week the temperature was hitting the high 80’s to low 90’s which for us is out of the norm from the regular 70’s weather, but the humidity dropped to around 30% for those few days so it was nice and dry while being a little hot compared to what we are used to. Budrot wouldn’t be an issue if that was our normal summer weather.