Black Triangle, Hendrix Haze, and Purple Pakistani Chitral- Bodhi Seeds and Seattle Chronic Seeds

Yeah, since it’s so temperature here we often go for perennials that flower throughout the year for the most part so that keeps us from growing many bulb type flowers/plants. But yeah, 200 in a day is some work, at least you don’t have to worry about watering them much in England though right, haha? Just throw them in the ground and let them grow.

Yeah, I am really hoping that is the case, I was surprised how quickly “it may or may not have happened” as I have grown flowering plants with likely more surrounding light during typical “lights out”.

I still can’t tell yet but now I am stepping away from the ledge and hoping I just jumped to that assumption.

It sounds like a good show with a little bit of everything, looks like there is a bit on Youtube of that show so I will check it out when I have some time.

That’s awesome, honestly I am not familiar with him in particular but I have heard of Faith No More and am sure I have listened to their stuff at some point in my life, just not ringing any bells. Something else for me to look into for sure.

And as far as the bass count for Les last night, I think there was only two, he brought out his skinny stand up bass for two songs, one of which he played with a bow as one would a cello while wearing his pig mask, haha. The next song he played it as one would a stand up bass.

A great show all around, Sean Lennon can play a pretty good screeching guitar and his voice reminds me of that 60’s psychedelic rock type music. Seems to play really well with Les too, the Frog Brigade plays with a percussionist in addition to the drummer and the dude was banging around on these marimbas the whole night in addition to some hand drums as well.

Let’s hope not for now, haha.


Interesting, thanks for sharing!


Nice, looks like Annunaki does some good work.

Good call, I guess it could be although the flower center isn’t elongated, just a lot more frilly petals. The stems on all of the flowers also have these curly Q stems going on while every other plant has straight stems.


Angel Dust is their best album, but since you seem to like Les Claypool/The Residents-type stuff, I’d actually suggest listening to Mr. Bungle to get an idea of just how crazy-talented Patton is as a vocalist/performer. That Mr. Bungle album’s nothing like either Les stuff or The Residents haha, but it is? Kind of? It’s a very good and strange record, but much, much heavier than either Primus or The Residents. My favorite track is “My Ass Is On Fire,” but the whole album’s good, used to be one of my favorite “tripping on acid” albums, got played a lot when I was 18 and ripped on LSD.

That’s it??? Maybe he’s paring it down in his later years haha…

I think his voice sounds EXACTLY like his dad, but maybe it’s changed.

Anyway, sounds like a good show! I need to get my ass outta the Valley and see something, I think the last show I went to was Wilco at the Greek, like, eight years ago…


Alright then, bookmarked! Haha

Yeah, my wife noticed he kept rotating/flexing his left wrist when he wasn’t doing work along the frets. Dude must play so damn much, I hope he doesn’t have anything too bad going on there as he absolutely rips it and had me smiling throughout the show with his crazy playing.

For sure, I think that’s what I am reminded of, some crazy Beatlesish sounding stuff.

Yeah man, that is way too long to go without live music! They are playing at The Wiltern (don’t know where in LA that is compared to you) tonight in case you get a wild hair, haha. But it’s Friday and in LA so that is probably too much trouble for what it is to get there, haha.


Could be. I know I can’t play for nearly as long as I could when I was a kid, my wrist and fingers start aching so bad. And I’m certain Les has been playing a lot more than I have lately haha.

Haha, that’s a drive for sure, I doubt we’ll go. I used to live just a few blocks away from the Wiltern, down in Koreatown. Now I’m significantly further.

We’ll go to a show one of these days, though. And just typing that last sentence blows my mind; I used to go to shows at least three days a week. “We’ll go to a show one of these days?” Jesus…

Gettin’ old haha. What’d Dylan Thomas say again? Something about not going gently into somethin’ somethin’? Haha…


Alright, everything is looking pretty good over here and seems like I just got ahead of myself after I thought there was too much extra light in the room after “lights out”, maybe started seeing things that weren’t there, haha.

Hendrix Haze

Black Triangle #1

Black Triangle #2

BT #1 (left) BT #2 (right)

Group shot

Purple Pakistani Chitral

Volunteer sunflower that sprouted on its own this spring, not sure the exact variety but I am used to multi headed sunflowers, this one just has a lot of heads all concentrated around the top of the plant.

Teddy Bear sunflower, these types have low pollen but still produce seeds.


That is a pretty crazy sunflower! There are always unique cultivars from different species that are just so damn cool. If it weren’t for the risk of adding a new safe harbor for bugs, I might be more keen on “regular” plant breeding :100:

Really cool grow going on here, I am especially curious what comes out of your purple pakis. Hoping you find keepers with something you love. I just sent another member ~70 or so seeds of both Bodhi’s Purple Paki Chitral and also some of CSI’s Paki Chitral Kush. Can anybody confirm if these lines are related at all?

Hopefully those get logged here soon and you two can send each other cuts and do a ridiculously awesome repro with selections!


For sure, as far as “regular” plant breeding, it really is crazy the lengths that people throughout history have gone in breeding different types of plants or fruit trees that we can easily access and enjoy today. I don’t keep up with much of that in general but it really is quite insane the amount of work that it can take.

Damn! Guess you picked up on some of those Bodhi freebies then huh, haha. I imagine Bodhi and CSI got them from Cannabiogen or somewhere along those lines but I could be wrong. Not sure if Bodhi just went through a bunch of the original PCK and selected more for the purple phenos, made seeds, and then labeled them as such compared to CSI who I believe is just offering the PCK?


So it’s looking like they weren’t male flowers? Good to hear if so! Plants look great and especially happy in the tent.


Yeah, thankfully all seems to be good and I must have just been a little on edge after thinking the room was too bright during “lights out” and all. Everything is progressing as normal so we are back on track!

I need to see if my camera (or my tablet in reality, haha… My wife says I look like my mom out there taking pics with a tablet, haha, oh shit!) will take clear pictures if I don’t click or focus on anything, at least from afar as it seems to blur out other areas of the photo. Telling myself to just focus on the tighter shots…


here is my bodhi plant growing

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Just a quick update and probably not a whole lot has changed since last time but here we go anyway.

Hendrix Haze starting to put off a sweet cherry aroma, maybe slightly cakey, have seen this in other CBD rich plants as well as the Maui Wowie (cherry bomb pheno) from Sebring.

Black Triangle #1, a seeming Ghash leaner, not much aroma thus far from both of the Black Triangles which is kind of surprising, although it’s still early.

Black Triangle #2, hard to get pics of this one, doesn’t seem to be much of a yielder thus far. There is a BT #1 flower in the bottom and a Hendrix Haze flower in the middle left photo bombing the BT #2 feature.

Group shot

Purple Pakistani Chitral starting to put off some sweet citrus/lime aroma with some purpling in the flowers.


Looking good! Did you do some training on those indoor plants? It seems like they really stayed pretty short.


Hendrix Haze did end up throwing some nanners, just went out to check on the plants a little later in the day after the last photos and saw some on most of the flowers. Not sure if it’s due to the “possible” lighting issue or if it’s just genetics on this one as the Black Triangles aren’t showing any intersex issues thus far…

Yeah, I topped them each for 4 colas (although next round I may leave 3 main nodes instead of just 2 on each plant) then I use bamboo stakes to pull down each main cola to keep them more or less even but try and keep them 12" from the light as anything closer I have seen some bleached flowers in the past.

But yeah, the Black Triangles didn’t seem to stretch too much, #2 being the one with the most stretch and the Hendrix Haze was just a lanky, sprawling plant from the start, I thought it was a male from the beginning cause it was much taller and lankier than the rest, but hey, it’s in the compost bin now…


Oh, shit, you trashed the Hendrix Haze? You didn’t just pluck and hope for the best? Haha.


Haha, yep, just trashed it. I feel like it looked weird from the start of flower, plus after seeing nanners in most of the flowers, even in some of the lowers, didn’t feel like babysitting it for another 6 weeks. I don’t mind seeing a few nanners later in flower but not this damn early. Too bad as I was excited about growing them out. Now I’m just looking forward to the next round, haha.


If it’s throwing up banners like that, its a good call, if you didn’t trash it, it would have trashed the rest of the flowers in the tent.


Well, this grow hasn’t worked out the way I was hoping from the start but we are going to be limping to the finish line, haha. Ready for the next round already but I may get a tent and just start growing in my garage, my wife keeps talking about painting the inside of this outbuilding and making it more of a place for veggie, flower starts etc. so I may just want my own space, plus I know I’ll still end up sticking a few plants in here on occasion.

Anyway, BT #1, beautiful plant with an aroma that is really nice, a slight soapiness (some might say Irish Spring type) with a hint of sweet citrus. I always laugh about any soap smells in cannabis cause my dad grew a plant one year that I told him smelled and tasted like “lavender hippie soap” and I just picture the dumbfounded look he had on his face, haha. He can’t really smell that great so he is pretty bad at describing cannabis aromas and flavors.

BT#2, well, I have no idea what happened to this one the last two weeks, it’s in the same raised bed but is looking like she’s on here deathbed. I think I’ll just cull her and move on, figured if it was pest or soil related the other plant would be showing some similar stress?

Purple Pakistani Chitral, smelling of sweet lime citrus which is now fading into a darker berry/gum aroma, very pleasant. Starting to purple up and is coming along quite well, all of my fingers are crossed in regards to her pulling through without showing signs of botrytis, usually around now it would rear its ugly head. The next two weeks will telling in this regard.

Some winter squash growing off a raised bed onto a trellis extension, Winter Sweet variety close up and a few Autumn Frost butternut squash in the back.

Watermelons growing in a similar manner as the winter squash, my wife made a melon sling to support this melon and take stress off the vine as this watermelon can get heavy. Also have some baby watermelons growing in the same bed.

Fresno chili with a ton of fruit! They will be easier to see as they ripen, haha.

Black Magic jalapeños coming on strong.

Arched bean trellis with some Northeaster Romano type pole beans and a few purple Blue Coco pole beans. We love the Romano types which can get quite long but stay crisp and tender. Have harvested close to 30 pounds of beans thus far, made some fermented beans, froze quite a bit, eating a lot every night, and gave the neighbors a bag full.


Noooooo. Absolutely NOT. Are you kidding me? You CAN’T cover up all that grooviness! Tell her I said that haha.

That’s weird about the BT’s. Or the #2, anyway. What’s that plant behind her and to the right in that pic? Looks like she’s kinda doing the same thing. I’m not even gonna try to guess what the problem might be, but yeah, that’s weird.

The veggies look good, though! Haha.


Haha, guess she wants a room that’s light an airy instead of dark and dank, haha, even though it is an outbuilding and I take care of all of the veggie/flower seedlings/plants anyway… Whatever, won’t have to battle with the different light schedules, blackout curtain, making sure the window is open enough to let in air but not too much to let in too much light during lights out (at least during the summer) haha. And there actually isn’t much for power outlets out there in comparison to what I am using, I am sure an electrician would have a few things to say about it.

Yeah, that is actually the fucked BT #2 photo bombing the BT #1, now there are only two plants in the 4x4 raised bed after I started with 6, will likely just be 1 now shortly as #2 is just ruining my shitty photos anyway, haha.