Blending herbs with cannabis

I have been experimenting with various herbs and making smoking blends. It’s been a fun way to make my little stash last longer, plus it genuinely tastes good.

One blend I really like is cannabis, lavender and mint (I use chocolate mint because I grow it, but any variety would work). Another great blend is cannabis, lavender, rose petals, jasmine green tea, catnip, and mint.


I just usually blend different strains together, I’ve never added herbs…


does one strain effect you the same way everytime??

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I never tried herbs either, until I got bored and started playing around. I was trying to improve the taste of some old schwag, and added a pinch of lavender on top of a bowl. I really liked it! Most of the herbs came from my garden, so I wasn’t too concerned about them being sprayed with anything.

This is the first one I created. It’s got some dried red rose petals, catnip, chocolate mint, and jasmine green tea along with the lavender and cannabis. I want to add chamomile, too. It’s quite soothing and it tastes good.

This one is roughly equal parts cannabis and lavender, with about a tablespoon of chocolate mint. I think it needs rosemary and calendula petals.

I only had a tiny amount of lavender, so I got this from Amazon. It’s not quite the same as the variety I had (English vs French vs Spanish, this has more of a camphor scent but it’s not bad):

Lavender Flowers 5oz USDA ORGANIC Certified Food Grade Herbal Tea, Perfect for Tea, Baking, Lemonade, and soap making, Raw From Europe, Dried Culinary Lavender Buds,


Different strains do different things for me. I don’t like commercial cannabis.


Sounds like a nice recipe to try out making a green dragon type of extract, for some home made vape juice.
All the dispensary pens I took a hit off the other day at NYD dinner, were all infected with some type of additive that was NOT CANNABIS, the high was wrong, and the taste was so fake!!
Ugg that was terrible. I’ll make my own,.
Thanks for sharing!!


I’ve smoked a ton of different flowers and herbs, blended them with Cannabis quite a few times too @Hippiechik you ever try honeysuckle? That was a good one.


Mullein is a nice one, Damiana also.


hope this thread gets participation. Im really interested in blending cannabis with other herbs.

I havent really done it other than tobacco (which i dont like) and with mint (back when you needed to do something about brick weed).

In the first ten minutes of the Bodhi potcast episode, he briefly mentions:

mugwort + night blooming jasmine + hash - doesnt go into the specifics of the effect but mentions he really likes that one.

vacha + cannabis flower - for cooling the smoke and keeping it focused high.

He also mentions blending (what i believe to be) Sceletium tortuosum aka Kanna powder with cannabis flower to take the anxiety/edge off of weed.

so thats that.


Kanna powder eh? Sounds interesting. Anxiety is the only thing keeping me from trying sativas. Although I bet the anxiety I felt as a kid smoking Mexican sativas… was mostly fear of getting caught anxiety :laughing:


The thing I learned about anxiety is I HAVE ALL THE CONTROL had a panic attack for the first real time in my early 20s couldn’t smoke more than one blunt at a time for over a year then I said fuck that I SMOKE smoke I feel one coming on I smoke some more I run this shit lol


I like that advice, I’ll take it :+1:


I used to think about panic attacks and have panic attacks :joy:


Used to come home every day from work smoke a blunt and panic…takes a sound mind or a stubborn mf who really like weed to get over that :joy::joy:

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Oh yea it kinda helps that when I had that one in my 20s the doctors laughed at me… I overheard them talking…they said I just needed some Funyuns…never again will I put myself through that embarrassment

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I once open blasted rosemary and made a rosemary vanilla vape juice with it. It was really good. The rosemary oil was stupid strong. 10 out of 10 would try again, and prefered it infinitely over fake terps.


I have not tried honeysuckle, though I’ve grown it. I am trying to get a couple of Lonicera fragrantissima established, and if I am successful I will try it.

Carnations, pinks, pansies, violets and violas are also on my list of things to try. So is rosemary- it and lavender would be a pretty interesting combination.

Chamomile, sambac jasmine, catnip, lavender are all pretty soothing, and I think they would work synergistically with cannabis. Lavender and cannabis go together well, at least for me.

Have you looked into Blue Lotus flower or things like Damiana? I know and have tried mixes that contain hyssop, white horehound and mullein in them as “lung health” additions to smoking

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Yes, I have. Lion’s tail is another, so is passionflower. I think valerian root might be effective, but I don’t know what it would taste like.

I’m hoping to get a little container garden going this year and grow a few medicinal plants, such as various types of Monarda (bee balm), mints, yarrow, calendula, etc. I already have several types of echinacea established.

I wonder what I can do with lilacs? I’ve got about a dozen different varieties and species of lilac. :thinking:

I’m an avid gardener and used to have an orchard. It’s really aggravating because I have a lot of plants, but I’m currently unable to work out in the garden because of my spinal problem.

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