Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Hope your the same

Blissful Wizard looking good . Nice even canopy

Mac 1 is fine

Wedding Cake still look like shit

Since the clones are clean I watered over the top on the 3 WC ladies . A big no no in the octo world . They refuse to drink from the rez so had no choice . Gave them a good strong hit with plenty of N in it .

Closed the tent , closed door to the room , will not go in and look till Saturday morning .

If this does not cheer them up I’m out of ideas for these 3 and will just let them do their own thing .

So glad to know EVENTUALLY I shall have a full clean run of this damn Wedding Cake . Much like the Amnesia Haze Core cut did , this plant is fighting me at every turn . Took time a few runs and lots of watching to figure out the Haze . Looks like WC is the same . I won in the end with the Amnesia , I will triumph over the Wedding Cake too . I mean it’s only a plant surely I am smarter than it ……not so far I ain’t

Mark my words I shall win this battle , hopefully the very next round which will start around New Years :sunglasses:


What’s up old timer ??,

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No not stoned yet
Still is afternoon
125 pm here :sunglasses:


11:26 AM here

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Getting ready for this cold front coming in. And dealing with a fucked up tooth.


Shit, you’re retired now. Wake and bake brother!!

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Gonna be 14 F here tonight and next 3 days

Taking down my ladies outside , if I was loaded I’d duck it up and not label them correctly .

First to get the axe a lol wedding cake in a 1 gallon

Very pretty very sticky very stinky


Then morning @ColeLennon

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Reeces was next


Space monkey


More Monkeys from Space


No Christmas stockings these will have to do


Got some cool stuff besides the plants like your fire place cool old items on the mantle and the Jurassic park bone collection . Lol


Those are the dogs bone pile


Damn I need to dust :see_no_evil:

Real Indian made arrows and tomahawk

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Lol if it don’t move it collects dust .

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Problem was back door open for 2 years for dogs to go in and out

1 week of new dog door no more dust
Now when I clean it will stay clean :sunglasses:


Now to go get my seeds from the love Greenhouse see if there is any bud left when I finish pulling seeds .


For sure should make a huge difference . What you think of the Reese’s?

Did you already post a veg pic of the wedding cake mom’s? If she’s anything like her mom(the TK). She roots slow af and not very much either. So if they get fucked up, it can take awhile for her to visually bounce back. I’d imagine when you open the tent this weekend, she’ll be looking much better.

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