Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

What will the WC Mac run your gonna have

You gotta let them fully root they take ducking forever


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About to press the floor bud , lol
Throwing this shit in too as I have no use for it
Using as filler material for the 120 micron bag, lol .

May look the part but trust me it’s not


Evening @ReikoX

Man I’m diggin the new setup

Thank you so much for doing all the leg work and making it easy for me .

It’s 28 F here and that is unheard of . My cart won’t hit unless I warm it up , lol

Using a bunch of bud I pulled off the dry room floor stuck to the carpet and this bullshit beautiful lifeless dead nasty crap I bought and going to make some Rozen and I’m going to thin it with some e-cigarette juice because I don’t have either of the things I ordered and the bubble hash isn’t ready to press yet and I don’t want to have to heat my cartridge to smoke it so here goes nothing


Never stuffed a bag this full lol




That’s a really decent squish


decarbing the Rosin, figuring which juice to cut it with


Considering the bought weed was lifeless added nothing, and the buds were mostly trampled flat, lol, stuck to carpet buds , and in a room at 40% humidity…YEAH ill take it and run, GREAT consistency, needed no cool plate to collect, smells really nice…cant believe im gonna ruin it with the ejuice cut, lmao

But it is only 3.5 grams, and on a scale this small you lose a metric shit ton. I’ll only make 2 carts, possibly 3 but doubt it.


Little drop fell on it be interesting to see if I can taste it


Bet these will flow better gotta let them wick half hour before I try

Intended to cut it 14 percent but when I did it wasn’t enough so I added more by ear till I though it should flow .

Smells different , lol


Yo bud where ya at ? Did those carts carry you away ?


Im good, just took dogs out for a days romp in 14 degree weather , tghey loved it, im stikll freezing, lol!!!

So after playing with the carts for a few days, this is what i have found:
Bud Rosin is too thick to use in the carts. Even with a 1 1/2 hour decarb at 180 -200, the rosin is just too thick. You can get it to hit, and hit well, but you need to warm the cart first, or keep it hot my continual hitting of it. At a party, with it being passed around, you could keep it warm enough to flow. By myself, not so much .

Took the Rosin from above, and added in some ecig juice i tend to like. Wanted to only add 1-2 drops, but that was not enough to thin it. Added maybe 10 percent to it. At 10 % dilution it will flow proper, and hit proper. Tastes like the ecig just up front, hint of weed on back side. Smells like ecig juice, could hit it in public no one would know. NOT to my liking, mean it’s OK, would be great out in public, labled cart SNEAKY PETE, will use it at baseball games or out in public.

So the free (just pay shipping) “TERPS” showed up yesterday. Sent me 2, Blueberry Kush, and Maui Wowie. 1 ml of each, doesnt sound like a lot, but a little goes a LONG WAY!.

IT is NOT A GOOD THINNER…thins some, but not nuff. Would need so much to thin it properly it would overpower in the taste dept. Place 10 drops in 3.5 gramsd of rosin, did NOT thin it enough, put that jar up for future testing, lol.

Added 3 drops of the Blueberry Kush to a 1 gram loaded cart. Heated a small tool, mixed it into the rosin already in the cart. Used the cart i put the ejuice in. 3 drops coverd the ejuice taste, but now its BLUEBERRY…BLUEBERRY…BLUEBERRY…

BUT…fake synthetic tasting Blueberry…think of something REALLY CHEAP that has added Blueberry taste to it…YEAH!!!

When i handed it to my friends young daughter, who exclusively buys carts to smoke, she thought it was “delish” and tasted of blueberry muffins. To me…it tastes like atificial Blueberry SHIT…lol

NOT got the PYUR thinner yet, no sight of it, Co i bought it from doesnt answer phone nor emails. Tiss Xmas, so maybe closed for the week. IF it works as claimed, and 2 drops will thin, it will be great to use on Bud Rosin.

Bubble been in freezer for a week. Gonna pull it today, or actually pull 7 grams of it today, and press into Bubble Rosin.

The 1 1/2 hour decarb at 180-200 changed the consistency big time…betting @ReikoX 's 150 for 48 hours will thin BUBBLE ROSIN (less fats and lipids than Bud Rosin) enough to flow proper in the Cart without addding anything. HOPE SO!!!

The first cart i made, straight Bud Rosin, is EXCELLENT…when it hits! Tastes supreme, tastes like Bud/Rosin, hits really hard, has killer expansion…you KNOW your puffn WEED !!!

Bet Reiko’s way will work just fine.

Hot plate not showed up yet…might go grt cheap toaster oven to get this ball going, plate not here till next thursday or so :sunglasses:


Just checked Tent 1. Blissful Wizard doing fine. WC…well what do you know, guessed right! They are NOT drinking at all from rez, the watering over top worked, look much much better today. Will foliar hit them tonight, and give them a real high dose of N over the top also. They WILL finish :heart_eyes:

NOT gonna be the perfect run of WC I WANT…but next round will be!

4 of MY Lost Cake (WC X Haze) are up and looking ok. The 4 WC’s were the only ones to break surface on my seed test run…oh well, they were fresh 1 day seeds…surprized 4 made it. IF only 4 were to have made it…the RIGHT ONES DID!!!

WC liked the hit of nutes so well they all jumped 6 inch’s, getting into the stretch!


How is that possible ?

Poor root development?


Pressed 7 grams got 5 back, 71 % return

Smells great, looks nice too, no cold plate needed to collect it

This will be the 5 grams i do at 150 for 48hours like @ReikoX

Off to get a toaster oven :sunglasses:


YEs, only explanation!

WC roots SLOWLY…very slowly. I did not let them root nuff before going into the octo, wont happen again.


NEXT run…Wedding Cake …Dialed in!!!

That is my plan anyways…

Morning @Papalag @ColeLennon @ShiskaberrySavior @SamwellBB @HolyAngel @herojuana.tom


Morning and merry Christmas jet


Morning and Merry Christmas :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Merry Xmas!