Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about


That’s exactly where I would be if I was a dog.

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I spent 4 hours in the water with him too…

So yesterday was an interesting day, on way to the creek someone in a truck cut me off, then slowed to a crawl . I honked my horn at him and waived my arm. He slams on brakes, waves a pistol out the window in his hand. I yelled Fuck you PUSSY…he pointed the gun at our car(Vicki was with me) and then took off. We were in our neighborhood . He goes down 2 streets and turns in. I told Vivki to get out of the car, and take the dogs to the lawn were in front of. She did. I went down to his street watched him get out of his truck. Yelled at him what a PUSSY he was and im calling the police. He ran inside . I called the police. He came out tried to leave but i blocked the drive with my car. Cops were there in less than 1 minute.

Vicki ran down with the dogs just in time to see him try and throw the pistol under his truck. Dont know what was said but he got Tazed and kicked in the head . I’m yelling at the cops…kick his pussy ass, let me have a WHACK on him. They WERE NOT PLAYING ONE BIT, thought they were going to shoot him!!! As they throw him in the car he is yelling at me…gonna get ya…gonna get ya. Cop looks at me says he aint getting anyone anymore…we left.

Get to creek. No one goes there, just us, maybe some runners and bike riders once in a blue moon.

An hour in a lone dude with a little dog comes walking up. Of course my 4 GSD’s run upo to SAY HELLO (100% trained and social, hurt no one or no other dog) . He picks up his dog and starts yelling at me about mine. I call them to me, they come instantly. He comes closer, holding his dog, yelling at me about my KILLER DOGS. “IF your dogs hurt mine ill kill them all”

At this point IM 100% FED UP with ASSHOLES for the day. I get up, tell him my dogs wont hurt anything. He has an issue, just keep walking ! He leaves.

Hour later (good mile walk to where cars must be parked) he comes back. Has a big stick in his hand no little dog. Walks up about 30 foot from us and starts bitching at me. “Dont care for your comment about my ornamental dog” . Vicki looks at me, we look at the GOOBER, she says PLEASE just let it go. I was ready to Chuck Norris his ass. I take a big hit off the PHK cart…and sit down in my chair.

Look up at him, say…we had a gun pulled on us a few hours ago, if you think your scaring me with that stick your sadly mistaken. Im sorry you felt endangered by my pack, but i told you they were not of any concern. I apologise, have a nice day!!! Said it nicely too! Hurt to say it, but Vicki cant deal with violence, i grew up on it, lived it, wont walk away from it.

He shakes his head, starts in again about my comment on his ornamental dog. “Why did you say that”
Well, cause i DONT BELIEVE IN CARRYING DOG’s. They have 4 legs, they ARE PACK ANIMALS, your just an idiot.

What did you call me??? I get up, Vicki grabs my arm. I pull away, step towards him.

Vivki screams at him, take your stick and fucking just leave. He says its a “walking Stick” …lol.

He takes a step towards Vicki…bad move !

I walk up to him put my nose on his and say

You leave now or your about to be FUBAR’d! When i strike you, 3 (young pup will not just yet) 100 pound plus German Shepherds will be on you like white on rice…I WILL NOT CALL THEM OFF

YOu know a REAL GOOD plastic surgeon???

He looks at me puts his head down, figured it was about to go down, i was ready. He looks up, has a tear in his eye, says Fuck You and storms off…

WTF is wrong with people??? He yelled at us till he was out of range, then threw the stick at me from 600 yards away, lol. Dogs saw the stick , RAN AFTER IT…right towards him, lol. He took off running like a little girl, could hear him screaming for 1/4 mile…

So yesterday just proves to me my new shirt…says…i love my GSD and MAYBE 3 people …rings true with me.

On a brighter spot…

Sometimes ya gotta go with your gut instinct. Know nothing of Grape Pie, nor Spitting Cobra , yet they both look SO GOOD im up potting them into octopots today. Going with my gut on this one, even though i dont know sexon all of them yet.

So tent 3 gonna be Grape Pie and Spitting Cobra, maybe even a Cereal Milk as i finally have a handle on that plant now!!!


You’ve had an interesting day


I would say lol

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Damn! The lunatics are out in full force!

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Wow that’s some wild shit.All in one day makes a guy want to pack a hand gun with you when your out and about.

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CANT HAVE A GUN…id shoot 12 people a day, know myself too well. I can handle myself in pretty much anything that comes at me, so i will never carry a handgun. Was brought up as a man in the real world of Chicago streets, NOT a punk playing video games where the gun is the solution to everything. I detest cowardice and punks!

Hey @ShiskaberrySavior COUNTING on you knowing your shit, placing Grape Pie in rotation tonight.
2 confirmed ladies already planted, checking other 2 now. If they be ladies too, i might make it 4 GP’s in the octo’s.

The Spitting Cobra lone plant that made it , looks excellent too. Not tell sex on it yet, taking a big gamble and placing it in an octo tonight too, unless BOTH GP’s are ladies.

The GP 's are stunning looking lil ones, beautiful structure, healthy as can be, rival my SM3 in vigor. They HAD to get a shot at a big light, lol.

Got a handle on the Cereal Milk. Only took 4 months, but think she is ready to go. Gonna place one of her too i think, depending upon the sex of the 2 GP’s.

Hey @ColeLennon you still vertical, or near vertical??? :sunglasses:


They should preform well for you just keep a eye for the slim chance they decide to do weird shit on ya . Never had any issues with the original seeds so pretty confident those shouldn’t neither.

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I’m waiting for some one to run those ogah I made see what there all about . Should be some gems to be had in those also.

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I took a second blackberry fire gummy 2 1/2 hours after the first one. Ate a pork steak and was comatose for an hour. Powerful shit. This has been an emergency test signal of cannabis gummy overload. :100: :fire: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:


LMAO!!! :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:


I aint smoked all day, been super busy, but about to relax!!

Watched 1st episode of Peacemaker last night, not sure what to think. Parts were very funny, some killer lines in it, Cena does a great job with the character, might be a little kiddy for me, will watch 2 and 3 tonight and see what i think.


Mom tent will be fully “auto” this coming week, maybe even by tomorrow! Even though i now have the time, Octopots water WAY better than i ever could. 10 Octo’s in the Mom tent now, but 6 will only be staying for veg for a bit, then off to tent 3.

Got a handle on ALL the mom’s now, even including Cereal Milk!! Mac is finally in order, Wedding Cake too, and now Cereal Milk decided she is finally happy!!!

Look at Cereal Milk BEHAVING in the OCtopot !!!

Mac is kicking NOW…got her finally figured out, have like 12 of her blowing up Dixies right now

So while setting up the Mom tent , and a horrible day yesterday, figured id set Tent 3 before i get shot or beat by a stick :sunglasses:

Meet the players heading for Tent 3

  1. From @SamwellBB a lone Spitting Cobra. Do not know sex, took the chance, was the only plant of 4 up that survived, kinda like @DougDawson 's bullshit with BMR, lol! Plant is healthy, looks good, hopinmg she is a lady

  1. & 3) From @ShiskaberrySavior Grape Pie. Have 4 , 2 show lady bits, other 2 not showing me yet, or too lazy to look that hard, lol. THEY get the call because next to Space Monkey 3 they have incredible VIGOR and about to explode the Dixie’s.

Everyone looks sad because before i place into Octo’s i let the Dixies go dry dry. Just before wilt. Then upon transplant water is placed below them, forcing them to find the rez and go deep. Just like the set in Tent 2, these were set proper, and should not have issues.

  1. & 5) Cereal Milk. Took MONTHS, but made her happy finally, goinna see what she can do HEALTHY. Was not healthy 1st run, and covered in mites. This will show me what she has

  1. Lost Cake…Wedding Cake X OGAH…only seed of 5 that grew. Seed taken from the plant the day of harvest,lol, no dry time, just from bud into soil, had to see . Feeling lucky so threw it in the mix

Everything going well here. Tent one looks good, Blissful lookinmg killer, WC making a comeback, lol.

Sure is nice now having the time for this, and being able to do it right. ALL the ladies in Tent 2 have found the Rez and drinking fom it. Gonna let it go dry for 2 days, then a fill to mid level . Tent 2 should rock.


Nice man, good luck with your octopot upgrade.


What Mom tent needed from beginning. Now i can forget about them and concentrate on the big tents :sunglasses:

@DougDawson Did i see you sourced even more BMR???


Yes, more BMR on the way. Got 1 plant growing, 6 seeds in the fridge and 5 more on the way. :crossed_fingers:


You got everyone looking happy and healthy. Should be a hell of a run you signed up for .


I have seen the BMR, certainly you know sex on it by now???


Excited to see GP SC and a clean run of CM …gonna have it!