Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Have a good night


Those first real leaves look OG af to me. Definitely some goji to be found in there too, i’m less familiar with that but the OG/TK ness I can spot a mile out lol Everythings lookin great!


Yes certainly to the Tk or Goji side of things I would say towards tk


It’s gonna be a special plant it is starting to spread its wings . Sure hope it’s a girl, sure hope I get some up from the 12 I threw down last night . I think I’m gonna have a winner in this cross .:sunglasses:


Morning @Papalag


It’s morning alright
Have a great day bro

I’m painting a bed room wish me luck lol


i wish you luck . Get more on walls than on you :sunglasses: Im off to send something to Oregon then some up otting, easy day today .

Got a handle on Mac And Wedding Cake now :sunglasses:

THIS run gonna see wht they can do


WC still holding on fingers crossed


She will be OK


Cut bottom off of pot to air out soil (ifish ) placed on a bed of perlite and dome over her


If you sit it on kitchen roll paper that will actively pull water out

Not sure if it will help tho , she’s just a fussy girl lol only in time will you get to know her


Or an old dish towel. :wink:


Mold at base of stem cleaned off and removed dome increased air flow

She’s a tuff one


YES she is but worth the hassle. I did most of the work, had i not topped her she would be fine. Get her to stable she grow. IF NOt…i got her ass here, can send again, but i know you got this!

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Blissful Wizard Kicking Ass! Thye sucked their rez’s dry in 3 days, good girls. First hit of flower food today, looks like they will stack up big time, gonna pull a good harvest from them. Smells are sweet n funky, and suoer sticky already.

Wedding Cake is now drinking from the Rez’s…will wonders never cease, lol. New growth looks pretty spot on, they should flower out just fine :sunglasses:

Tent 2 Mac’s and WC’s looking STELLAR! They will get another round of LST in just a few minutes.

Tent 3 Octo transplants good cept Spitting Cobra, she is having a tough time, and wilting, gonna just LITFA, if she makes it she makes it, have plenty of backups ready to take her place if need be.

Outside plants will be moved to full sunshine today, and Vicki has talked me into up potting the window sill ladies as she waters them and says its now every day so 1 gallon’s here we come .

Finally got shit running right again, and liking it!

The 24 seeds i threw down last night will be placed into my seed starter this afternoon , then gotta find a place for them .


How’s the grape pie looking not sure if you seen mine there looking pretty much all the same which surprises me . Thought there should be some different looking plants from that cross .

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Have 5 ALL look 100% the same. Big fat leaf’s, VERY vigirous, happy healthy plants…


Can tell already they are going to throw down, WILL be in tent 3 when it gets put up, another week or so. They are happy in the Mom tent under the GLS LED.

Thank you for the beans SIR!!!


Not sure how I managed that as the original pack had 3 different phenos and I pollinated 2 different females thinking the foxtail female should show herself in those seeds .
Mind you finding it in the 10 pack I only found 1 so might not carry through or if it does it could be hit or miss .

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Well if f you need more down the road don’t be shy at asking .

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