Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Tonight a bit of celebration ! 100 % caught up on my plants , almost everyone is happy . My house and yard are clean , my pool is clean , my dogs are happy as can be , and I’m getting that way myself .

Took the crumbles off my tray and pressed them into rosin . Covered a fat joint of Space Monkey 2 in it

I just soaked 24 seeds . 12 of Lost Cap 12 of Lost Cake . My Haze X Mac 1 Caps Cut and Wedding Cake .

Have one Lost Cake up and just into an Octopot . Pic is above . Super excited to see what it becomes as it is NOT leaning to the Amnesia Haze side , not at all . Big fat leaf and “heavier” than the Haze . More towards the Goji Wedding Cake side , which is what I am after . Sure hope it is female , not gonna send sample off just gonna see , I’ll know soon enough . By time the new Octopot transplants root and are ready for a big tent I’ll know what it is .

The Mac gave up few seeds , er , more like I misplaced 2/3 rd of them :see_no_evil:. Not sure what happened but when I went to get some to throw down all I had in its bag was maybe 20 .
Took the best 12 (not saying much ) so I better get something useful from this drop .

Mac is such a pain rooting and getting her to the point she wants to produce I would Iove a cross or her with hybrid vigor. Cap says 1outta 25 even produces seed and then rarely viable ones . But I’ve seen plenty of Mac X’s maybe done with version 2 of it or from reversal . I don’t want a reversal . Bet I get something , OGAH is super good breeder .

Gonna take 1 or 2 Macs and make some seeds through rodeilizarion. First time I did it was in my parents basement in 1970 :sunglasses: Done it several times since , pretty much worked every time I have tried . Then again Mac is a bitch and I’m sure it will fight me there too.
There is a reason the market isn’t flooded with Caps Cut ……and I know what it is LAMO


What’s up @ColeLennon

Tell me of your new concoction you have made.

Good as your store bought stuff

Made with lethal chemicals right , lol

Curious as you what you would think of solvent less concentrates

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All it is. Dos So Do flower decarboxylated in the oven frozen alongside 10 oz of

Cold filtration and seedling mat evaporation

I’m going to use 3/4 tsp of avocado oil.
When my terps arrive. I will be working on making shatter without any carrier oil. I evap all the grain alcohol out.

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It’s RSO oil . I’ve made it plenty of times . Nasty to me , used it for edibles which I don’t enjoy .


Yep, that’s what I use it for.

I have 2021 outdoor strains that got to go. MAC, Shiskaberry and Dos Si Do.


I can’t imagine not being able to feel edibles. I’m slayed on Obama Kush gummies right now. :alien:

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Not all some is left just like when using butane
When I made it would evap to point of molasses . I believe there’s still alcohol in it , just my opinion . I know I can taste butane 100 percent of the time and it’s a mental turn off for me .

The pressed rosin and carts made from them do not have those flavors and no “terps” need to be added . After googling terps for a few days I decided I don’t want to use any . Not gonna use a thinner either . If I have to warm my cart before using so be it .

IF I were to make edibles again it would be with Hash Rosin decarbed and then infused into whatever .


I got some of these on the way to play with.

I’ve never made hash.
I have a QT jar of multi-strain hash in it tho lol.


Yeah , bummer I guess . Did I tell you I’m allergic to MJ? Truth .

Been near ten years I guess but got on an edibles kick because I dated a baker . She made the most incredible things .Oreo bombs, peanut brittle, ice cream sandwiches , gummies ; cookies , you name it .

So I used like 4 pounds of promo bud and made Rso oil . Infused at 100 % rate, can’t tell you specs anymore I smoke pot , but they were many many times legal limits . I made a batch of stars so strong 2 woukd almost knock someone out , even seasoned eaters, lol . I ate them like candy , never felt a thing .

Got high on edibles one time . A garden artist , lol, sent me some suckers . Told her I wouldn’t feel them , she said yes I would . On a 200 mile drive to meet an online grower to clone swap :see_no_evil: I ate all of them . Forgot how many , was hungry and scarfed all. Also smoked a big fat joint of Sugar Punch , which is named correctly .

Stopped on side of road to roll another joint , and halfway through rolling it my hands and fingers just stopped working . I looked up , to check out the area, and all of a sudden I felt like I was on 8 foot seas. My whole body was like rolling . Got waves up my arms and felt like I was sitting on an old washing machine that wobbled really badly. I got sea sick once , felt like that but without the sickness. It ramped up for like 20 minutes . I could not drive , was drooling , lol, and thought I might pass out . For a split second got scared, split second, then realized it’s POT MAN , and chilled . Waves lasted 15 minutes , could drive in about 35 minutes . Was lit for an hour and then was fine .

Only time it ever effected me. Only got sea sick once too . :sunglasses:


Smoking anything screws up my sinuses. Vaping doesn’t seem to bother me.

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One puff makes my eyes water , my nose completely stop up , and sneezing for 5 minutes .

But only every single time :see_no_evil:


You never made bubble hash?


Nope, this is the second time making RSO

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Never pressed bud or hash either ?

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Nope. We have endless supplies of flower which means endless supplies of extracts.


Sorry I’m just stoned :robot:

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Evenings guys


Dosi Si Do 2021 leftovers came back 5ML of dark magic.


Nite :slight_smile: :slight_smile: