Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

No worries…going to leave it as it is till 6pm tomorrow, that will be 48 hours.

WANT to be able to set it at 100F for filling the carts. AFRAID to touch it now, dead steady at 63.4 C which is closec enough for the decarb .

So if you can cipher before 6 pm tomorrow it would help me!

Thanks Tom!!!

BTW you grow Herojuana, i have run Sannies before but didnt find anything special in 6 ladies.


Not sure how many days its been, but the Tent 3 set of Octo ladies have found the rez already. Spitting Cobra still struggling today so im pulling the plug on her. Only had like 5 or 7 seeds, only 2 came up correctly, 1 damp’d off, this one could not find the rez…sorry it will not be in the flower tent, have no more seeds of her @SamwellBB

Going to give the 5 remaining a fill up to 2nd notch today, and do some lst on them, they need it . Tent 3 about 2 weeks out . Will veg in the Mom tent till i run out of room , then set up tent 3.

Tent 3 will run under ONE GLS 300 LED…same light they are under in Mom tent. Little sucker throws some umols it does!!!


Looks like E is used to set when it turns the heat off (measured 1:1 in degrees) and the default is for the heater to turn off when it gets 0.5 degrees above the set heat. P is used to turn it back on, but with an inverse relationship (x = 63.4 - 10/P); lowering P to 1 would stop it from turning back on until it was 10 degrees below the set temp, as far as I can tell. Raising P to 20 would have it turning on when it got to 0.5 degrees below the set temp. The downside of a higher P, presumably, would be a shorter lifetime to the device.


How do i set the dasmn TEMP i want it at??? Dont even know how i did it??? When i had P at 10, temp would swing hugely …im lost on it.

As i said somehow i got it to 63.4 dead steady, which is like 147F and target was 150F so close enough.

DO NOT even know how i got it to 63.4…LMAO!!!


Thanks for helping @Cormoran

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Looks like you hold ‘SET’ for 3 seconds to get to SC (temp calibration) mode.

0.0 is default. I’d try setting that SC mode to -3.0 and see what happens.


you have lost me,

I gotvthe 3 second hold, can get through all the menus, just cant figure what they mean.

WHERE do i set my target temp?


That’s a good question… it looks like you can only set SC, which is the calibration offset. Presumably it has a default, but I don’t see that mentioned. I’m guessing that SC is also 1:1 and raising it to the max of 9.0 will have it go 9 degrees higher than the default, and lowering it to the minimum of -9.9 will have it ~10 degrees colder than the default.

Here’s the product page. Maybe there’s some clue here? Gonna read through it for a sec.

Dude in the comments mentioned this. Maybe it’s helpful?

“Finding a hotplate that has an auto DIGITAL temp will cost at least $220. NOT only that, this hotplate shipped FAST (4 days to my door). I see lots of complaints in the reviews from people that do not know how to use a digital hotplate.Basic steps: click set, move arrows to desired temp (set 5 degrees under always as hotplates heat up fast and temp is not recorded as fast) click set again to SET the temp. Once close to desired temp re-set to actual desired temp (5 degrees higher).Out light should be lit when heating and alarm is lit when temp is much hotter than setting.Great hot plate, fast shipping, customer service communication was very good as well. Someone that has used a hotplate before should have next to no problems with this one.”


yeah what comoran said. You don’t set a temp you set the offset. Default offset is 0 so if it’s heating 3 degrees less, than yes comoran is correct and offset should be +3.0 not -3.0 like i said originally. And you shouldn’t need to mess with the E or P stuff.


Mom tent octo ladies (4 tent 3) all fed and trained. Culled the lone SC, she wasnt gonna make it.

4 more Lost Cake up…SWEET…2 Lost Caps up…SWEET

Single Lost Cake looking almost prehistoric now…gonna be an amazing plant


I had a Herojuana, versus Herijuana, a long time ago that had a different spectrum of effects than I have ever experienced from any other single plant. She had a unique smell, similar to Amber rubbed on a wet hamster :sweat_smile:. When my friends and I lost her, we spent years hunting through pretty much all the then-currently-available strains in search of something similar, and never found anything even close. I have grown out Herijuana from Hillbilly Dreams, Motarebel (Sannies), and Woodhorse a few times, and I do love the kushiness of those vendors seeds, yet I too have never found any exceptionally special plants in their lots.


This looks to be the instructions for entering and configuring the devices settings, and may be missing some other instructions which don’t require holding down the button for three seconds… To set your desired temp, you should be able to push set, use the arrows to set your desired temps, and then press set again to confirm and lock your desired temp choice.

This document starts off referring to “specifications adjusting mode”, which translates to configurations settings in my mind. For this device, these configuration settings allow you to calibrate the device.

It sounds like the device has at least two heating modes. I would assume there is a hotter mode used for getting the device surface up to temperature quickly, and another lower temp for maintaining the current surface temperature level.

Sc looks to be a single point calibration for adjusting the temperature offset. This value should be able to offset the difference between what you set on the screen and what the device’s temperature is reading to external sources. Since your Temperature reading is -1.6 C° (63.4) below your set temp (65), this would usually be set to 1.6 to adjust that offset. BUT…YMMV: The wording of this doc implies you would set it to -1.6… “the difference between the temp you set and the actual temp the machine is producing”.

P is used to determine the temp at which the device switches between “high heat” and “maintain the current temperature” so as to not overheat your sample. Unless you had a problem with the sample getting too hot before stabilizing at the correct temp, I wouldn’t frob that one too much. If your sample got too hot before cooling down to the temp your had set on the screen, then you would try lowering this number.

E is pretty ambiguous, and might need some analysis of the results of iterating through the results of it’s adjustments to better understand its porpoise. I will not speculate on that setting without more review.

I will add more later, but these should be all the settings you ever need to adjust… The temp on the screen and the Sc setting in the device configuration.


Damn!!! It works really well in my stick battery. I took two vaps and then stuck in my Tautron and hit it hard. “thought oh fuck”. I could have waited on the third vap. :rofl: Fire brother. :100: :fire: Whatever you did, keep doing it. Killer Oil!!! :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

Premo :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:


So you think single press or set them up down arrows was how I set the desired temp?

Haven’t touched it all day it’s dead on 63.4 or whatever it has been on. Like dead on . Didnt heat past that hasn’t been below 62.8 or so in more than a day .

Gonna leave it till tomorrow eve when the rosin is done , then I’m try it ,
. Not gonna fuck it up now for 2 degrees F

Want to set it at 110 F to heat needle , tip, and carts when I fill .

146 where it is now is too hot for that .

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To be honest , it’s only 80 percent :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Was 100 % but I Fubard it a bit :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

When filling the lot of them , unlike the one I’m sucking on​:sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses: I heated it too much and burned some turpines off . Other than 25 percent loss of taste , it lost the bubble gummy flavor mine has, it’s amazing . No added nothing . The one I have is just supreme .

I’m making more tomorrow in the new spinner heater thing . It’s working way better than toaster which varied . The viscosity is way better and will be easier to fill .

Planning on being your way again soon, will stop in :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


Yes, I do believe that would be how you initially set it. And yeah! I would let the current batch finish off at the same temp it has been at, too

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As good as the one I have is , my next set will be better. Not ones tomorrow but next batch after my harvest of Tent 1 in another 6 weeks or so .

These are made with trim from all the plants last run. Very little bud was in there . They were also dried buds , not fresh frozen when I made bubble with them .

When Tent 2 comes down again I’ll freeze a few zips and make fresh frozen @JoeCrowe bubble to use for pressing into rosin . Use buds only and no trim😎

Will be much lighter in color and Bettn even better flavor . I do kinda like the root beer color of my carts however , lol .

Vicki was over today and we hit the PHK and my cart back to back , in our opinion no comparison .


You understand don’t you



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I like the root beer color too. It hits real good and the third vap out of my hand held had me catch my breath. lol

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As you know I’m not legal and I don’t have access to these so it’s rare that I ever have them when I made the first one I was in my hot rod going up a service road to enter the highway I said oh yeah I forgot I haven’t tried this yet I pulled it out set it on high and I took a gigantic hit it felt like someone hit me in the back of the head with a frying pan when I blew it out and I almost had to pull over I’m used to it now but everyone a hand it to who takes a big old head off of it loses their breath and gets a wicked buzz