Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

I’ve grown Dosido in clone form. It’s a fire strain. Originally bred in Portland Oregon Archive Seeds

This was a late plant clone in July.2021. Finished Oct 3rd. Fans turned all purple and girthed up twice this size. Foxtails beautifully. Scent is intoxicating.


It’s superb medicine. Cannabis Gods Medicine!!! :100: :fire:


those are f3s I made of an original pack of Dosido # 9 f2s from Archive :fire:


Props @SamwellBB fire medicine brother :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :100: :fire:


Should i run them first then? You may call it your beans. Sorry about the SC, just wasnt in the cards i guess, tried all i could.


my call would be make the BX2s but you might not be in the right moment for that right now ??
I’ll be happy with whatever you grow out ! :fire:


SWEET, SWEET SWEET…chaching!!!

My solo Lost Cake just showed female!!! DAMN, gotta love it, knew it was a she, lol!!!

Gonna place her and the Grape {Pies and Cereal Milk in Tent 3 this next coming week,
Lost Cake

Grape Pies

Cereal Milk

Lost Cake and Lost Cap seedlings, ALL going to make it…SWEET!!!


IF you want to see the BX first, ill run them next, no matter to me.


Dosie #9 got my vote

Jet your crosses sound great watching :eyes:

WC sadly :cry: is no more


Yeah i would have picked Dosi too, lol…but if Sam wants to see BX of Mac, WTF not!

YES…Lost Cake is a MONSTER!! See it leaf size, my hand is huge, it is way larger than my hand. Growing like a bush too, with super tight nodes. She NEEDS a bigger tent and to spread her wings a bit me thinks. Tomorrow or Monday i shall open Tent 3 and place them, .

The Grapie Pie is stunning also , and the Cereal Milk is FINALLY ready to play.

The 3 Lost Cake and 1 lost Cap seedlings gonna be just fine too, which means i should be able to do a F2 of Lost Cake…which i WILL DO from the look of the one plant, i have to!


I’d run the mac1 bx, followed by party rock.

If you got Cake Crasher F2’s, I’d find a male and hit the Wedding Cake cut. If you didn’t get the Cake Crasher F2’s, I should still have a pack of them I could send ya for the project.


So many great things going on!! I’m excited for ya brother. Anything you chose outta that will be great I’m sure.



BX will be fire. :fire:


Only got 7 Mac bx seeds, only 4 look good , so I’m gonna go with it first . Will win either way if they sprout. Get a male hit my Mac cut with it , get female and male I’ll make bx2 . That’s what Sam wants to see first . Guess like me me really liked the Mac. Difference is I have her and bud from her , he has lost her, so let me see if I can get seeds for him .

I have one Lost Cap up , of maybe 10 placed , so I have that option too.

The wedding Cake in Tent 1 is looking like it’s gonna be special and good, I have My Lost Cake lady in octo already , and 2 WC’s in tent 2 about to flower . If I go down the WC HOLE , I already have it, and a cross of it to my Haze . I go that way I’m just going with my own cross . Have WC and LC that I’ll be able to test on good clean runs , see which way I want to go . So I’ll leave the Cake x seeds alone for a bit

The Blissful Wizard is kicking major ass , have not smoked a good sample of her , grown right I mean, but she is looking the part. Gonna be a huge yield on her , won’t be needing more BW for a while so I’ll just keep the mom after the run is done .

Cereal Milk is never gonna yield big. No matter what I do it is just not a heavy yielder. This run of her will be clean , so not going her way again soon .

Leaves me with the Mac. The one in Tent 1 is looking fantastic . Fattening up , getting covered , smelling very very nice . She , if I had let her get bigger before the turn , would have yielded well. Small as she is , she is still stacking her bud and will return a decent amount . It has many more weeks to go , yet looks as nice as most finished plants . This run of her is gonna be really nice , and show me just exactly what she can do .

So , growing out the Mac BX would make sense . Only got 25 or so of my cross to her , and only 1 of 10 seeds planted came up . I have the Mom super stable and several cuts of her , plus 2 in veg now , so I am not in jeopardy of losing her . Would be nice to have. Few more seeds of her , to run next to Caps Cut .

Yup , that’s what I’ll do . I’ll drop the bx seeds tomorrow after setting up Tent 3 .


Sounds like everything is dialed in


Yeah everything is dialed pretty dead on now .

I have a stunning Lost Cake female about to go in a big tent , and 3 other seedlings of it that look just as vigorous as her , so I have what I need of her for a test run . Most likely be able to F 2 it or at least save a mom or two until sample.

Tent 1 full up , tent 2 full up and only a week or 2 away from flip , Tent 3 gets set tomorrow, it’s gonna be full up .

So , Need candidates for the upcoming vacant tent 1 .


I have one Lost Cao , my Mac Cross , as a seedling which appears will make it after a shaky start. Lost Cake had a shaky start she is killing it now , hope for same deal .

Want to investigate Mac as I like it so much . Got Mom of Caps Cut , got one in tent 1 halfway through flower , 2 in tentc2 about to flower . So I threw down about 10 of my cross to her , and ALL Samwells BX he did of her . Tells me only seeds of it is ones he sent me .
7 came , 4 look viable to me , but they are all a swimming tonight . Thanks for the pressure Sam but won’t matrrr , same seed routine I’ve used since 1970 , if the seeds will pop I’ll get em . Idea is to create more seeds for him .

My Mac returned maybe 35 seeds total . How many viable I do not know. Threw down 10 2 weeks ago , only 1 came up , but is gonna make it and produce a plant .

Hope I get something to pop in the 7 Sam . Ifn I do I’ll let you dictate what to do and when .

What are are options ? Will your bx produce any males @SamwellBB ?? Does an bx make them way you created these seeds???

Some of my cross WILL POP , several good dark seeds , so I’ll have them also , keep them in mind unless you want to stay solo Mac ?

Why do both of us want to fool with this finicky plant? Well if my phone does well enough, this is why, day 30 or so


Excellent sign… there’s a million fake MAC1 clones floating around, but the real one is a triploid. The best way to actually tell it’s a triploid, other than lab testing, is by hitting it with pollen from a normal plant and seeing if it takes. The fact that most of the seeds aren’t viable means you’ve probably got the real thing, unless you just screwed up pollination. Seems unlikely, you’ve done this once or twice. :wink:


My Cut is correct , told so by the man who made her , so I’m going with that .

YES. Super hard to seed. I hit them with nuff pollen to choke a horse , for several weeks straight . Male was in greenhouse with the Macs.
Out of 10 I’ve thrown down 1 is up and will make it . Threw down about 10 more tonight , but the biggest darkest I had , so expect to see 2 or 3 up .

Mac is very unusual , least to me . She is so different than what I tend to run. Could pick her out of a stacked room in no time , her leaf and texture and stance set her apart . I would know a fake clone of her if I saw it , anyone who has grown her out prolly can also


I was looking through my seed list I could of swore I had a couple Mac crosses listed. I’ll have to search a bit further but what are the chances mine is legit?


Mac is going to be a great run. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol: