Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Where you are , hmmmmm, suppose could be , she has been around , lol .


i have a single Blissful Wizard growing in my 2’ x 2’ mini-veg tent. I’m unsure if it’s feminized, although I assume it is not. Fingers crossed she’s a lady OR a very late showing vigorous male. Beggars can’t be choosers, but i can certainly hope haha

I hope your new grow is one full of health and zero mites!!!


Mites are history , BW is 4 weeks into flower and looking really good. I like the structure and Strength of the plant .

BW is a beautiful plant in veg , branch’s on her own with minimal training , makes plenty of budsites . When I saw her in the mite tent I knew I would run her again clean. Wasn’t able to test the bud of her from mite tent , it was just too nasty to smoke . Looking forward to trying her , hope it’s good I’ll have a bunch of it .

Mine is a cut from CookieMaine, came from Maine . Suppose to be outrageous bud , looking the part so far , few weeks I’ll know :sunglasses:

Got a pic of yours ?


yeah one moment, the plants in this tent are all still < 2 weeks, but you can already see the BW shine above most.


little seedlings praying are always a good sign, or so I think so at least.


Healthy , too early to tell what ya got , keep me posted as it grows , would love to see .


far too early in terms of sex, i completely agree–if thats what you’re saying, Otherwise I’ve had a runt Donny Burger in this tent with all my seedlings and finally after 80 or so days it starts to grow (albeit slow, but not like before where it looked the exact same for over a month) and i believe is showing male…just base off how long it took to show it’s sexual maturity has got me thinking recessive male all day but it is still such a runt lol idk why I still have it. From seed too.


Yeah I meant what shape plant will have not sex .

By 6 weeks you will know what you have .

I won’t keep runtz or slow plants, just not worth it to me


Mother tent:

Lost Cake

Cereral Milk

Grape Pie from @ShiskaberrySavior

Lost Cake and Lost Cap fresh seedlings :sunglasses:


Tent 1


Looking good tent 1 should be smelling like crazy . Looks like some big buds getting made.


It reeks, lol! They have 6 more weeks to go , should fatten up and stack i hope


Some very full tents there, those octos are really growing a jungle in them


Yeah Tent 1 is real full, just turned too short for my liking. would rather have had them 1.5 feet taller .Didnt really know the stretch on them. Tent 2 will be turned to produce 6 footers or better.


I now realize that statement needs context because 99% of the time i’m also going to cull runts and the painfully slow growers during a normal hunt/random seed run. The reason why I kept this one is because of my entire pack of Donny Burger i got either runts worse than the one i’ve kept or just plain duds. Talk about being disappointed. it’s actually already out of the tent because of a little random seed run i’m starting but heres a picture when it still had room in the tent…looking just like all the other babies in there…its the one back left.

anyway thats why i mentioned the potential silver lining of it possibly being a very recessive male…as i’ve heard late showing males tend to be recessive. if this flowers out [much] nicer than expected and shows sex even later, i will collect the pollen to use someday…when i have actual space hahaha

those tents look nice!! real real nice feel like i can smell some of em…heres my other tent today was day 21


Those look nice and healthy ?

What is Donnieburger???


Yes - the MAC1 BX1 seeds are regular and there will be possiblities for a male.
they are;
MAC1 Cap’s cut x FAC Off (MAC1 Cap’s cut x Face Off OG BX2)
the MAC Cap’s cut I had (I have lost her) was also confirmed and the Face Off OG BX2 are from an original pack from Archive.
I sent these to Jetdro so that he could make some MAC 1 BX2 beanz so he will cross back to his MAC 1 Cap’s cut
it would then be;
MAC 1 Cap’s cut x (MAC1 Cap’s cut x FAC Off (MAC1 Cap’s cut x Face Off OG BX2))
which makes them a MAC1 BX 2


Looks like it’s GMO x ((chem d x cookies) x larry og) :thinking:

Gmo is chem d x (grape ape x unknown).


The new crosses should be fire :fire:

And the mac1 bx wow :star_struck:

Jets the right one to make it he’s got a good eye

Bro the Mac cut is doing great

I will take clones and top her soon ( I forgot does she like topping ) , after I up pot her into 3 gal fabric bag

Give her a week or two then Mom will go in flower

Bro how’s your Frankie doing ?

I have a Mac cross running ( sour Mac kids ) I may hunt for a dad to hit the max with this could be fun


I have never cut her so I don’t really know .