Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

I used some donnieburger extact to make gummies last year. It was fire :fire: :100: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Morning Jet :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Frankie is excellent , just waiting for a turn in a big tent . All others doing well too .

Temps here been cold , last night I closed up the Mom tent and kept it closed till just now . Opened it , temp was 85 , instead of 68 or so

They REALLY LIKE the warmer temps , all blew up and looking happy as shit .

Today I shall pull the octos out and set up tent 3

Glad to hear your Mac is happy . Took me forever to get her that way :see_no_evil:


Morning sir

40 degrees here , got 3 inches rain yesterday , 2 the day before , might flood today .

Good day to stay inside and farm😎


What’s up @HolyAngel :sunglasses:


eh not much for me today, stuck at work for another 6hrs or so… Everything’s looking great in here! :heart_eyes:


I have the day off​:sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


Broke off the beautiful big top to one of the Grape Pies by accident while doing LST , damn it ……well guess it will be a cut now lol


Cannot believe I did that , damn it Janet!!


Grape Pie number 2 …… before I train her and hopefully do not break any necks :sunglasses:

She is stunning @ShiskaberrySavior


Looks good oh well at least you’ve got a nice clone in the making . Those side branches will make up for the lost top .


I know was just a beautiful top and the main stem too


Meet Tent 3 :

2 Cereal Milks up from , one on left one on right

The other before and after lst

2 Grapie Pies in back , one with a broken neck

My solo Lost Cake squeezed in the middle


The room nice and clean no wires no cords all set and on timers . All 3 Tents in same room

Mom tent back to just Mom n seedling tent

All 3 of my Lost Cake seedlings look great . The lone Lost Cap (Mac cross ) looking just fine too

Seed starter set , heat on , getting it warm , then will place the Mac 1 cross I made and the MacBX1 from @SamwellBB . In 2 hours they will be placed . 7 of sams , 10 of mine . Sams down the middle , mine outside rows

Everyone happy as shit , all tents now closed right , gonna get the temp up to 80 or better If I can . I like the house cool , like 70 , so hope the lights will warm em , should .

The GLS 300 has amazed me . Ran the whole Mom tent , now running tent 3 all by itself .

Was gonna stagger Tent 2 and Tent 3 but using only 300 watts I cannot let the octos overpower that light . Amazing it will throw 900 par across the entire area of the 5 octopots , but it is . I will turn Tent 2 in a week or so , I’ll turn Tent 3 at the same time .

Tent 1 is looking amazing , gonna kill it these next 5 weeks it appears .


Deed is done !

Cross your fingers @SamwellBB

Note to self

Placed 7 pm Monday the 30th
Let them go 2 weeks so you don’t find 2 dead seedlings in the closet like I did just now :see_no_evil:

Come on little seeds . Placed on heat Mat, under dome, 400 par overhead or so .

Hope to see action by Thursday afternoon , when I will check on them. They do better if I just leave them be. LITFA Jet


Love the poster!


That’s cool as f :100:

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You mean the poster ?

Didn’t you get one ?

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No, I didn’t even know they were available?

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Go order one , pinned on board . 28 bucks all in I think it was

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Pictures all from members with their names on the pics . Very cool . I have a pic in there , of some nice buds on a jar lid , lol .

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Got a link brother?