Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Yeah 4 days no jet

Not normal

Yo bro you out there

Inquiring minds need to know


He did post 2 days ago. I am hopeful all is ok.


Hope allā€™s well @Jetdro.

You were so kind to send me that volcano and make me wait to pay you when I received it. Itā€™s at my house today!

Hope youā€™re just taking it easy and avoiding the couple hundred daily posts in your thread. :wink:

Let me know where to send that $ friend. And thanks for being awesome!


Real strange we havenā€™t heard from him . Must be really sick Iā€™m thinking.


Hope @Jetdro is doing ok, longest I have seen him not posting.


He is tough as nails. Cold/Flu going around can take you down a notch or two.


Oh 5 days no update
now Iā€™m worried bro !!!
No posts in 3 days ?

Hope youā€™re ok brother


Tried calling him. Straight to voicemail. Phones off.


Hope all is good jet. I know you donā€™t live in the friendliest state. Really hoping all is good. Thinking about you brother


I canā€™t like this post @ColeLennon . Let us know if/when you hear any news. Hoping itā€™s just a minor setback and heā€™ll be around soon. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


There he is. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Thanks for the concern gentlemen! I have ALL your backs too!!! GOOD TO SEE it works both ways :blush:

No law issues, lol, i fly under the radar with my age n grey hair, lol.

IF i had gone off with my dogā€™s iā€™d have said it, wish that was the case !

Just been SICKā€¦1st it was cold/flu, fought it 2 weeks, then went to DR. Got antiā€™s, steriods , and the best/worst, lol, cough syrup i EVER had! Took the anitā€™s and steriods, SAVED :+1:, the cough syrup for fun. WAS BAD IDEA!!! He gave me 2 refills on the posion, lol, and OF COURSE i filled all three .

So, didnt get over the cold/flu(not Covid) , but was TOO MESSED UP on the codine to care or notice.

Stayed RIPPED for 3 days or so, when the syrup ran out, and i came back to Earth, i felt LIKE SHIT!

Codine gave me constipation, i got BLOATED, felt like a train ran over me. Then i threw up 20 times a day until my guts hurt so bad i couldnt eat anything. No food in me, flu didnt go away.

Soā€¦i made myself more sick, and thats how it wentā€¦

Tried to post, but i couldnt look at the monitor without my head pounding.

All the syrup is out of me, feel like SHIT but better than i have. Today im up and attempting to stay busy with the plants and the pups, hoping activity will burn this shit out of me. When i was younger and got this crap, id put on my running shoes and just go run and it would burn out in just a few hours. TRIED that yesterday, didnt go so wellā€¦got about 1/4 mile and puked, came home . lol.

Havent even looked at the plants in near a week . Havent smoked anything in near a week too. Tollerance break ill call it.

Today when i got up, actually didnt get up , was up all night, couldnt sleep, i go to mailboix and i have CUTS from a freind here. GOTTA DEAL WITH THEMā€¦i did. Didnt puke, feel 1/2 percent better, lol, so plan today is stay busy, get plants settled, and not lay down all day. That way by tonight maybe ill be tired and can sleep.

I have ALWAYS stayed 100 % busy EVERY DAY! My energy is normally boundless, i wear everyone out and never get tired. These past 2 weeks i have been miserable, just laying around all day . Night comes and i cannot sleep! Think im still sick beacuse ive slept like 4 hours THIS WEEK!!! Hopefully tonight will be better.

This is WHY I LOVE MY OCTOā€™s:

To those who i sent my Mac toā€¦got THIS to look forward too!!!

Wedding Cake is STUNNING like Mac!

So, not touched them in over a week, openm my tents to the above

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Yeah, WHY i use Octopots!!!


Cool, glad it got here ok.

Cuts OK???



Hey manā€¦thanks for looking out for me. Felt so bad i just turned my phone off.

Back on now :sunglasses:


Hey @ShiskaberrySavior

The green tent are your Grape Pies EXPLODING , lol


I figured you were just sick. Itā€™s all good man. :sunglasses:


Good to hear hope your feeling better. We were gonna send out a search party if you didnā€™t show by the weekend.


yup, still feel horrible, but gonna stay busy all day anyways, tired of the couch , sick of TV too, lol!


Glad you are feeling better brother. Been a while since Iā€™ve been tipsy on cough medicine. :grin::rofl:


Glad to hear you are on the mend man, good to see you back.