Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

My rapid rooters arrived Wednesday so I’ll be taking clones

The games begin


I’ll get you back WC she is looking all that plus some !!!


ok, all caught up on the plants …already feeling WAY better :sunglasses:

Time for a lesson in taking clones for Vicki…


I’ll find out tomorrow actually. We had to make a surprise trip to Wisconsin, and my cat sitter said it showed up yesterday. I’ll let you know how those cuts look when I see em. I bet they’re great. I keep my house pretty cool. Usually around 55- 60°F. Except in the summer.:laughing:

I’ll be in touch, likely tomorrow, to get some info so I can pay you. :+1:

Glad you’re feeling better! It always feels great to be on the upswing.

On that note, my mother in law has stood up, with help, 2 days in a row now. It has been over 2 months since she’s been on her feet. But she’s on the upswing now too.
Not looking forward to driving 10 hours but ready to be back at home. I hate hospitals.

Stay on the up and up friend.


Good deal on mother n law , glad to hear it .

No worries on the $$$ when your back at home and settled we can settle up :+1:

Drive safe crazy assholes out there


Vicki did great , all by herself , cut em , scared them, dipped em, stuck 2 in RR 2 in the cubes , cleaned tray n dome , misted it .

My Lost Cap weirdo seedling

Damn feeling WAY BETTER by the minute
Even rolled a joint lol

Half joint of GG4 lit me up :fire:

My Lost Cake seedlings are happy and look great


So glad you’re safe and sound brother. Sucks ya got sick. Sounds like you’re kicking the shit outta it. You had a lot of people concerned my man. Happy all is well. Fluids and vitamins brother.



Eating vit c and e

Tonight bland chicken tenders ( stolen from my dogs ) and a plain baked potato ,

If I get some sleep tonight I’ll b fine

Thanks Grundle


The new additions to the crib

Blue Dream and Strawberry Cough

Going into Mom tent right now

Came to me in RR’s with some roots showing out sides n bottom , should be just fine . Light feed of Tvf . See light light for a few days then under normal veg par for me . Thinking I’ll run both SOON :sunglasses:. Thank you sir for the cuts :100:

Been dying to try The Cough for YEARS
Blue Dream , correct BD, is most excellent bud. A favorite of mine actually . Know it is old and been round , but it around still because it is good :sunglasses:


Great work @Vicki :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I love taking cuts! Something so satisfying about turning potential compost into new plants.

I was just remembering a buddy of mine would swear that taking a small dose of magic mushrooms would nip his cold/flu in the bud. I believe him too. As a long time roommate, I can vouch that It worked for him multiple times.

Need some LC for some mushroom growing @Jetdro ? :wink:
If yes, just say the word.


Oh hell to to know

1974 wishbone ash concert , ate a 4 way hit of Window Pane , not knowing it was 4 way .

Couple days in my buddy’s parents basement , maybe 3 months before I felt my mind was back 100 percent .

First time I tried it , also last time

Do not touch physcodelics

But thanks


Wow , in last 4 or 5 hours I am back to feeling me again , cool

Even hacked Moms back , were 4 foot tall , lol
Re set Mom tent , placed new cuts and received clones in there

Damn , I’m all caught up now . Dog day tomorrow , gonna be 35 F and rain . About the favorite weather of a healthy GSD :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Won’t be able to say no , they will KNOW I’m not feeling shitty still , nothing slides by them .

Big ass leafs on small young Lost Cake

Her in back Wedding Cake in front

Thinking this here one is a male

Lost Cake in tent 3 is looking stellar. I have seeds , and Vicki took 4 cuts off her today , but if I get a male I have to make An F2 of her , or least head that way I’ll I flower the one now and see what’s what


Looking good where’s the grape pie pics hiding?

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What a story friend. I don’t blame you there.

I should have made it more clear that he only microdosed them to kill the sickness. No tripping occurred.

Man, I’m glad you’re feeling better.:heart_eyes:

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They’re not hiding if you read my post I said the green tent is your grape pie exploding it looks like a sea of green. See first set of pics I posted today . This is their tent

Damn lil GLS 300 don’t play!! As I checked tent 3 where it is , I see a burnt plant

See leaf canoe , burnt edges . Checked PAR
1200 PAR ON IT ……… damn , little thing throws serious light down !

Light raised , power lowered , sitting at 700 now no more damage will happen .

Surprised that thang can do that! Got my moneys worth on that light


Must of missed that part . There looking good should start building frost soon .
Don’t be surprised when you look at them one day and think them f**Kers got powdery mildew , that what I said the first time I’d grew them Snow White compared to the others around them .



Grape Pie




Hey @Jetdro i popped in to see if you are still pleased with the grow light science fixtures?

Got to the thread and read where Jetdro was missing in action, then I scrolled down and there you were. Glad to hear you are doing better….whatever that crud is going around is no fun.

I stop by time to time and admire your garden :fire:


I can’t wait to get my poster. Looks cool as f. :100: All your plants look awesome. :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol: