Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Glad you’re feeling better Jet! Plants look amazing as always.


Yup 100 percent pleased with all 4 of them .

The lil 300 is blowing my mind what it will cover


Thanks man

Woke up this morning feeling 100 percent normal :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


Glad to have you back, Jetdro, you had us all worried. It sounds like you had a blast, though :joy: I am glad you healed up fairly quickly and are feeling :100:% today



Thanks man !

Up at 6am , was not raining and 44 F :sunglasses:.

All 4 dogs are now sleeping on my feet because I ran their ass 7.6 miles at an average pace of 9 mph through the woods and along the creek . Finn caught and killed a big turtle , lol . Mean he thinks he killed it . Rolled it around on the sand and in shallow water for 10 minutes trying to open it up , lol . Turtle was not harmed but does have new marks on its back . Paddle found a pair of pants in the woods and he and Sona fought over them for 10 minutes ending up ripping them to shreds , a German Shepherds life mission……shred shit , lol .

Was a killer morning and I now feel 100 percent myself again. Actually wound up now from a week of couch n tv bullshit


Morning @ColeLennon


Morning Jet :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:


Ah, good to feel good again, lol!

Only thing plants need here today is a fill up. Easy 30 minute plant day today, then more GSD time :blush:

The state of Tent 1 like mid week 6 i believe, have lost count , dont really care, i will know when they are done. . Speaking of that…hey @Papalag . Since you run same as me, what i do other than just looking at them is this. When they stop taking from the rez, and i dont mean when they slow down, but when they stop, and 5 days goes by level not changed, ITS TIME!! LOL

Wedding Cake, after a horrible start, and having to water over top , they responded and have come on big time last 2 weeks. Thought she would be like a “Cookie” type, lil buds, nope, gonna throw down. Sucking their rez’s dry in short order, thinking they will pack it on in next few weeks.


Blissfull Wizard …same deal…GSC X Captains Cookies which is GSC X something, lol,. Figured lil dense nuggs of delight, nope, big ole long running might make COLAS . Doubt it, but might, got 5 more weeks time to do it.


Grape Pie


Glad to hear this, I’ll bet the pups were missing the fun while you were OOC, running 7.6 miles certainly puts you in better shape than I :sweat_smile: I would be bent-over with cramps and pretty much dying a virtual death if I ran a few hundred feet :hot_face:


Remind me, what brand LED are you running?

a German Shepherds life mission……shred shit , lol .

Man, so much truth in that statement!!


lol…lol…never said i ran…


GLS…Grow Light Science, 3 640’s 2 300’s

YUP…Our mission is to take ANYTHING, and reduce it to tiny particles. The more $$$$ it is, the more pieces we shall make…think ALL GSD’s must take that oath at birth from their mom


Ahhhahaha. I should have realized from all your previous posts.

:raising_hand_man:I was stoned. Yes I was.


it will do 32 or so geared for off road with the 5 inch tires…all my GSD’s can pass me :face_with_monocle:

Piss’s 'em off when i put the 3 inch tires on and change the gearing, they cant do 55 mph, and i dust them!!!


HOW i knew 7.6 at what speed…didnt pull it out my ass…lol


That’s what I thought. They dropped the price on the 640’s. Going to grab 1 or 2. Thought about the 850, but without running CO2, think it’s to much for my 5x5’s


What is price ?

It depends on the par level you want to achieve. With the 640 I would say you could throw 8 to 900 par across the 5 x 5 with the larger light you could certainly throw well over 1000. If I were covering a 5 x 5 I think I would go to the big one yes you could certainly cover the 5 x 5 with a 640 but the issue is you will have to have it very low and cranked pretty high which means you’ll have very high power in the middle and much less on the long sides



$420 for the 640 and $640 for the 850.

To high par level in the middle.

Hell, I’m only running 500 at the wall now. So just the jump to 640 will be more wattage and a higher par level.


At 420 it’s a STEAL

Where I a billionaire and could buy any lights I want I still use the GLS


Take their readings with a grain of salt . I have a mapped mine and they will not throw what that chart shows close but not that

Issue is with the 640 , set par at 1000 at middle you will be 400 on the sides . I will not flower under min of 700 par . Believe the 850 would throw more uniform to th edges .

But look at me , I have 3 640’s and paid 525 to my door for each , and was super happy at that price point .

I run a 5 by 10 so I needed 2 lights , 2 850 was overkill even for me , why I went 640

Had I a 5 x 5 I’d have bought big boy