Blueberry pheno types?

I have 2 very healthy looking seedsman blueberry plants that are about 4 weeks old. They look very different though and I’m having a hard time finding info.

Plant #1 is short and compact with very tight node spacing smaller fan leaves and short leaf stems and already smell to high hell of fruit.

Plant #2 is slightly taller with huge fan leaves and very long stems. The node spacing is much longer on this pheno.

I’m guessing plant #1 is going to be my keeper but plant #2 kind of has me interested. I tried Google for info on blueberry pheno types with not much luck.


Plant #1

Plant #2

Side by side


They both look good, man! I’m pretty sure blueberry is a taller thinner strain, so your #2 might be closer to the real deal…but there are so many variations of blueberry, I could easily be wrong…send me a sample when it’s done and I’ll let you know…lol


Depends if it’s bb sativa or bb indy.
Don’t know much about seedsman other than I don’t do business there and don’t know a lot who do.


I read a thread on here about DJ Shorts blueberry. It will answer some of your questions. I dont know anything about seedsman or there Blueberry line.


@Tappy, LMAO!!! I’ll be willing to sample it as well


Seedsman’s Blueberry is the same as DJ Short’s Blueberry. It’s an indica dominant strain.

If you look at the genetics of Blueberry you’ll find that it was made by crossing HTAF (Highland Thai x Afghani) to Temple Flo (Purple Thai x Afghani) Temple Flo to create the Blueberry Line.

I’ll make an educated guess and say that the sativa-leaning pheno you have will be more from the Thai side of the genetics, but still have the blueberry flavor.


@DesertGrown I was thinking the same about the more sativa looking plant. Thanks

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Around 10 years ago I bought some Blueberry Sativa beans from E$kob@r at Sannie’s Seeds.

One pheno had a distinct blueberry Thai smell and flavor to it from the Thai side of the genetics. It grew like a Thai plant, long and lanky, and had flowers with a blueish tint and dark green leaves. It had the incredible Thai style high with a well balanced blueberry Thai flavor. It got to be about 7’ tall and was the standout in my outdoor garden that year. They grow even better in a greenhouse!

It comes from the same Blueberry Line that you are growing.


Lems blueberry was on the sativa side.
Got better with age.

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It’s an inbred line, you’ll probably get a taller and a shorter, both quicker finishing, and likely to be light purple/green “bluish” color.


That’s par for most blueberry.


Yup. My thinking as well. They’re inbred as hell coming straight from DJ, any line thereafter is just moreso. It’s got a real distinctive look and smell. Berry/floral/earthy. Surprised OP isn’t seeing more mutants. Even the crosses are full of them haha.


I also have some cali connection cherries jubilee going and one of those grew 4 tops from seed.

Lems BS cut… that was back in '99 or close to it… if I’m not mistaken
Any idea if that’s still around?

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Sannie had /(has?) good gear


It was a couple years ago, I still have a cross or two with it.
I used to have it