Riot Blue Bonnet F2 - Purple Thai Leaner, I think

Hey Ogers,

I hope all is well.

I found this real unique long flowering Pheno in a hunt.

I am at 9 weeks right now and I think she will go another 3-4.

Wondering if anybody out there has come across a Blueberry like this girl?


She looks pretty!

I cannot help, no blueberry experience.


Yeah looks like the sativa leaning BB from DJ short! For some odd reason folks seem to think BB is all indica, but theres a big range in there. Ive had BB stuff direct from DJ Short that did the same. Good 10-11 weeks of flowering I gave one overflow mom to a buddy of that same big pheno and homie pulled over 3 lbs in a 65 gal pot. But then in usual BB fashion, the cannabinoid testing came out to 8%. not 18, not 28, 8 lol

As for calling it a thai pheno is a stretch. Ive grown some thais and they dont look anything like that lol. Problem with BB is DJ Short tries to make it sound like he bred it and did all this work, which is a total lie. He got it from the Brotherhood of Eternal Love(BOEL) in the late 70s or early 80s. So theres really no way to say with confidence whats in it. And it only becomes more confusing with dudes like Riot who say outlandish things about genetics with nothing to really back it up lol. Hope this helps clear it up a bit!


This looks like it leans to the Oregon Purple Thai ( Mexican x Thai) / Floral side of the line.


I know he has some great looking blueberry but i didnt realize he had the sativa leaners. Keep us posted. Might be doing some more blueberry earlier than i thought


Just wanted to say youre correct… this was a tester of pre99 dj short sativa blueberry taken to bx4. (Not my work just a tester)
Took 11 weeks and still wasnt really done


Nice work @leetdood don’t see much of the Sativa BB being grown. What sort of scents did you get from her?

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I was thinking the same thing.

She is super frosty and the trichs have stalks that are 2-3 times longer than the normal blues.


Will do!

She has me drooling!

I will be throwing up another thread with other phenos I found, i went thru 4 packs.

I found:
Crinkle leaf
Blue indy
Blue satty

I may be doing some S1s of the phenos I found.


Yeah, the expressions on the earlier Blues are wild!

In addition to the girl above, I found a Blue Satty girl similiar to your pic.


Fruity, blueberry, kinda floral. Didn’t finish that well unfortunately. I dug it but lost it.

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very cool man - so you found the blue bonnet f2s worthy of looking through? Have read a bunch of differing reports on riots blueberrys… some claim its excellent others the opposite. Riot isnt particularly likable and I think that plays apart versus whats in the seeds.


Let’s be straight- matt riot makes shit up and lies to people and slanders people in the community. I won’t criticize his seed work unfairly but he is not a reputable person.

Love his father-in-law though, solid guy


Just kinda FYI for folks… Riot only worked this line 1 Generation…

LoneStar at Texas Resin Company Sourced the BlueBerry seed from DJ Short.

Lonestar found a High testing and Blue Tasting Blueberry male and Built a line around it he called Super Blue Berry and also called it BlueBonnet.

I found out about the line in about 2008 and only after he was imprisoned then passed, RIP Lonestar. TRC’s Lonestar work is what brought me to these Blue Bonnets.

I got some TK Beans Blue13 which is Lonestar’s F4 Blueberry Male crossed to Ray Davies X13 and hope to do some BXin.

Bodhi got a hold of the BlueBonnet F1 and Riot Got them from Bodhi.

Given how many Generations the line has been worked I am suprised at the variation I saw.

These links talks about it some…


His father-In-Law? :joy: Am I being stupid and not getting the joke?

Agreeded that matt is an utter shitter and as far as I know he did not breed the Blue Bonnet, Was it not some Texas Breeder? If my memory serves me correctly. Then Matt just F2’d it.

Not a joke, i just like Denali.

Ah I did not now Denali is his FIL.

I’ve grown Bubble Berry and Cherry Berry from Riot, both were excellent.

Matt’s just a person, in the end we’re all just people doing people things. Whatever he did with Blue Bonnet turned out good and I’d imagine Lonestar would be thrilled to know his line is still going strong.

I don’t care for Matt either, but I’m not going to let that stand in my way of finding great lines. I understand that is not the popular opinion, but I’ve never taken the popular path in life. I’ve gotten more Blueberry out of his lines than any of the others I’ve tried. His seeds were worked and all were similar enough that I put all phenos I grew in the same jar.

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Out of likes

A persons selection and/or seed work is not a reflection of their morals, or vice versa

Will not criticize the work without reason


Seems like new growth is still spilling out of her…