Shishkaberry Harvest

Just cut down the shishkaberry. I’m a newer grower but excited to see improvements every time.


beautiful stuff, well done.

where did you get the shishkaberry? how much blueberry influence did you see during the grow?


You made it to harvest so good on you bud :clap: congrats.


Well done!


Thanks Jesse!
Got ‘em from Papa Seeds so not sure who they originally came from.
Also I apologize, still too new to know how to recognize blueberry influence. Any tips?


forgot to add, i have heard the shishkaberry makes delicious hash. if youre a new grower looking to expand your experience and try something new, look into making some different hashes.

I guess some tips to look for the blueberry side (shishkaberry is a blueberry x 2 dif afghani hybrids. possibly m-39 according to the og breeder.), would be a sweet fruity smell, a slight sensitivity to nutrients, blueish/purplish tinge to the buds, moderate yielding.


Awesome thanks. Definitely had a beautiful fruity smell. I made it to the end with very little signs of deficiency or burn so I imagine it had some tolerance. Not much blue and yield was average for the size (I kept it pretty small).


damn dude, thats a nice looking plant


Looks great. I grew shishkaberry a few years ago and it was very nice and super purple :call_me_hand:


:checkered_flag: CONGRATS!!! You crossed the OG Finish Line…the Award Ceremony is only a few weeks away, when they’re Dry. Yes, indeed, you ran an excellent Race. Again, well done, take a Bow, stay safe, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: NOTE: Here’s to you… :trophy:!!!


Beautiful nuggs you have there! Congratulations on your successful harvest! When I think of generalizing blueberry traits I think of bud mold :sweat_smile: I have hardly ever harvested a batch of blueberry crosses without getting some rot somewhere unless I kept my RH at 40% during flower… and I am not one to appreciate needing to run a dehumidifier to pamper one specific plant :grimacing: But shishkeberry is definitely one strain I I have usually enjoyed the flavor and effects of.


that looks so legit… Well Done!
I spent several years cropping and hobby breeding with the original Shishkaberry seed stock starting in 98 when breeder steve himself handed us our seeds down at marc emery seedbank.
Little did we know the strain and the breeder would be legends one day …
In 2005 I had to quit growing and was unable to grow my seeds for 10 years… so in 2015 and having NEVER been on a weed forum I poked around and found shiskaberry 3 f2 at hemp depot in canada and ordered some packs. Sifted those but didn’t really find a female I liked. Males though… found a real nice classic shiska male and popped my old seeds shortly thereafter. The remaining 98 shishkaberry seeds didn’t germ well but I managed 3 plants. A male, a nice classic female and a runt I tossed. Bred the 98 male to the 2015 Ustad and the results are great but lacking the berry… need the berry LOL
I’m always on the hunt for solid shishka genetics to work into the remaining seed I have left of the 98shishka x 2015 shishka3f2. Breeder steve used the afgan the red in the shiska 3 so berry expressions are not strong but they sure do make fantastic hashplants when you find the expressions with coarse feeling resin heads.
anyway… shishkaberry has a home in my heart as far as growing/breeding is concerned so if anyone is holding anything special… reach out. There is also the shiskaberry preservation run thread from @Alaskagrown but it has yet to be updated.


Always nice when you have something to show for your efforts, nice work!


Beautiful, looks just like the shishkaberry I got back in the day


Looks great. Congratulations!!! Whatcha growing now?

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Just ordered Shiska and going to breed it with Cheese bx x Skunk 1. They are looking good dude! Did you make some seeds?


@Barefrog did a repro of some old Shiska seeds I’d sent . He had some great looking plants out of the bunch he grew.


Awesome, were they open pollinated or selected?

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I believe open but not totally sure .

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Wow, lots of awesome genetics there. Had a DJ Short BB x Cheese x Skunk that was an accident with bad hermed Skunk seeds. It hermed like crazy but the smoke was so indica and tasted like berry jam and Brie. It always made me sleep in like 10mins without my sleeping medication. Looking for something like that again, but without the hermie part! Im hoping the afghani in Shiska will bring even more indica and make it good for pressing. What do you think?