Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

Alright, I took some pictures yesterday, ten days after the last round of pics.

Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, flower day 40:

There’s a LOT of withered pistils in that last pic, still pretty nervous that shit got pollinated. I’ve been squeezing the flowers here and there and I don’t really feel any kind of seeds developing, though. Still… Those pistils… haha. She still smells really, really good and very loud. That “bubblegum” thing that was happening for a while is gone for the time being, mostly just a floral “purple weed” smell right now, but she still smells excellent. I will say, though, that the Imperial Majesties and the Diesel Therapy have overtaken her in the “loudness” department. Those three plants are pretty much all I can smell when I open the tent and any time I walk into the grow room, too.

Speaking of, here’s the Imperial Majesty #1, flower day 40:

And here’s the Imperial Majesty #2, flower day 40:

The #2 is just a fucking MESS haha. Super-spindly and weak branches. I’ve already removed two lower branches that snapped and the other day, one of the tops had snapped, too. I tied her up hardcore after that, tried to support the snapped top, we’ll see what happens.

Having said that, I really love both of the Imperial Majesties. They seem to be the closest to a “real OG in seed form” that I’ve grown and I’m actually considering getting another pack, just so I have more than four seeds, which is all I have left of this cross right now. They’re very, very stinky, VERY loud, total “OG” perfume-y/cologne-y thing that I dig so much. Like I said, the whole room smells like them, pretty much.

Anyway, here’s the Diesel Therapy #2, flower day 40:

She and the Dread Bread #1 are the only two plants I haven’t had to stake and tie yet, but that’s changing tomorrow, the next time I water. I can tell the Therapy is gonna need it ASAP, probably should’ve done it yesterday. I like her structure, though, all spread out and low. And she’s also incredibly loud, like the Imperial Majesties. She actually smells a lot like them, way more OG than Sour at this point, although I did leave the grow room this morning with a little bit of a “sour” sorta flavor in my mouth. I dunno where it was coming from, but I did notice it as I was shutting the door to the room.

And here’s the Diesel Therapy #3, flower day 21:

All of the younger plants have really kicked into gear, so y’all can just forget all that talk about,“Hmmm, I dunno, maybe I’m gonna trash these plants…” haha. That isn’t happening.

Anyway, here’s the Dread Bread #1, flower day 40:

She and the other Dread Bread both smell really good, too, they’re just not as loud as some of the other plants. But when I’m watering them and my face is right up in them, they smell super-tasty. I’m excited about these.

Dread Bread #2, flower day 40:

There sure are a lot of reddish/brown-ish pistils on those flowers, considering I was anticipating those Dread Breads taking at least twelve weeks… haha. Fuck…

And here’s the Blueberry x Silver Lotus #1, flower day 21:

I LOVE the way this plant looks, @iamyou_youareme. I tried to get a decent “full plant” shot to kind of “capture her essence” haha, but the one I posted was the best one I got. She’s got this very cool-looking sorta low-profile thing happening, kind of spread out, but not too much. I dunno… Hard to explain, but I love the way she looks. She also has very, very defined leaf serrations that I find intriguing. I never even pay attention to leaf serrations, it’s not something I ever notice (I always get blown away when people notice things like double-serrations or whatever), but I can see it on this plant. They look very “sharp” haha, for lack of a better word, very well-defined. I dunno if y’all can see it in the pics, but I can see it in the grow room haha.

And finally, here’s the Outer Limits #2, flower day 21:

The frost development on this plant is fucking crazy. She’s the most crystal-covered plant in the tent by far. Very impressive. I actually think this plant could also be one of those “one-foot plant, one ounce-yielders” you mentioned, @HolyAngel haha. Each of her tops looks like they could end up weighing at least five grams when all is said and done, if not more. I reeeealllyyyy wish I wouldn’t have lost those Outer Limits seedlings in that first round of planting seeds, because this one is pretty impressive so far.

So yeah, there are some pics haha. Who knows how long we have left to go? Hard to tell with those brown pistils on some of the plants and shit. I hope they take at least another five weeks, though. I don’t think most of them will, but hopefully they do.

And I just wanna do a quick little tribute to my sweet, sweet boy Bowie. Best dog ever:

Fuck! I waited a while to do this because I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it immediately after putting him down. I thought I’d be okay with it today and now I’ve got tears streaming down my face, chin all trembling and shit haha. “Keep it down, keep it down! Don’t cry!” haha. Damn… I did not expect that.

It has not been the greatest couple of weeks without him. We actually went and got a new boxer last Sunday, just because it was so weird not having a dog in the house. She’s a good girl, very sweet, I’ll post pics of her at some point. But this is Bowie’s post. I miss him so much.