Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

Isn’t that why Etsy was invented? To destroy peoples chance to have downtime and interfere with their fulfilling hobbies? Haha

When I got my first mechanics job one of the other mechanics, an older guy, was talking about how much he hated cars. I was like”how can a mechanic hate cars?” He said “work on them for 30 years”. That man was right, and it me waaaay less than 30 years lol. Fuck cars. :+1:


Dead Right!

My hobby used to be electronics… 40 years in that industry sure killed it!



Obviously! And you be getting around in that LA traffic like


I think this is an interesting topic. All I’ve read points to what you said - cannabis plants don’t seem to need any down time. Now that said, living soil absolutely does. There’s sugar transferring etc that only goes on during the dark cycle. So I think there’s probably an element of what your medium and nute situation is that should inform your light cycle.


“Getting around in that LA traffic”? Dude, I haven’t driven further than the corner liquor store in months… Some days I can’t even go that far and have to have my alcohol delivered haha!

Time to ween, for sure… Time to start smoking more weed, too. That always helps.


Those are the ones Im hoping to find, the ones you find yourself thinking about on a long winters night, maybe a little tear in your eye, thinking “I wish I could blaze her right now” haha. Seriously though, thats the very type, stands out from the others, even if it just ticks our own individual boxes.

Man the smells you are describing from the PCB x A5Thai sound amazing. I know, like you mentioned, the smell may drift to something different before harvest. But that sounds tasty.

Cant believe how well behaved the Dread Bread are for you. I honestly thought you’d be over run by them. That #2 is a real beauty for sure.

At least you found out what caused the auto flowering.

For day 12 flower those little ones are flying. Id let them run just to see what happens.

Tigers Milk (Bodhi)
Long Bottom Leaf (Loran)
Lightning (Loran)
Not necessarily in that order, but those were special.

Yeah man, Im with you, every now and then I get ruthless and cull a bunch of cuts Ive built up. Then I promise myself I won’t get bogged down like that again.:sweat_smile:
But even when I find something special or just really nice, I dont run it on mass, I work in blocks of 4 plants. So its usually 4 plants of any 1 variety from a cutting, I run them alongside a seed run, as a back up even if the seed run turns out to be a flop, I know I have the cuts to keep the jars topped up.

Trying new genetics deff gives me the best buzz of anything grow related, I get all excited sniffing the new smells everytime Im watering.
But equally when I find something I get a great buzz from trying different things with a new found cutting.
As soon as I get bored though chop chop :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:.
Basically I think I might be a plant hoarder as well as a seed hoarder.


Honestly? I think it’s the lights. Those Apaches just seem to keep everything under control. I veg with them, too, and the plants always stay extremely compact in veg (sometimes too compact haha) and they never seem to stretch too bad in flower, no matter what I’m growing, despite the fact that I always veg for 60+ days and sometimes the plants’ll be like 22-24 inches when I flip. It’s unfortunate that the Apaches are soooooo fucking expensive, but I think they’re worth every penny.

Haha, yeah, the Tree of Life is definitely that for me. I sent the last of those seeds to holy a while back and I haven’t heard him say anything about them since haha!

Yeah, I’m gonna let them ride. I may move them back into the smaller tent, though, to give the older plants more room, I’m not sure yet. The little tent doesn’t vent outside, though, it just vents outta the ceiling of the tent and the hot air blows into the grow room, so I dunno. We’ll see. I kinda like having everything in one tent right now.


i gave it a chance, listen to it while reading this, cause my wife was in the room and she likes music, but let’s just say i didn’t click on the second song :joy: (i hate all music)

me me me me me me! haha it’s ok i found it eventually i always do, i havn’t had time to read anything lately just living in my own thread, but this is super cool as always homie! i actually thought this was your last thread when i commented earlier, i’m an idiot

so what sour diesel does this guy use? same as the one in diesel therapy and chem fuego? i keep asking what is this sour D thing supposed to taste like?

i feel you on the tastiness, i really liked the hollywood pure kush crosses i grew, to me they have a rich garlic/gas type flavor, the best, i wish you kept a clone of this one, cause like you said fuck $300 packs (that aren’t even for sale anyways) haha but yeah the hollywood PK is a strain i know for sure i love, even 1 year old weed still keep that damn garlic/gas, and the freeborn pk cross i’m growing now has it to the max, i need it!

imma save this as a screenshot in case i end up buying another $300 pack i’m definitely gonna try to baby 'em, if ONE seed doesn’t make it, i feel like it could of been the ONE

according to your theory, this would be a OMG leaner right? the stem looks thicccc, my old soul keeper is very thick stemmed too, and in case it’s also a good one, you could take a clone in a water cup (i case you wanted to re-hear this shit haha)

mos deffff


Soon! :pray: Trying to work through a couple things first but I’m hoping to run some haze type stuff come… damn, maybe by december? :sweat_smile: Least its only a half pack so I should be able to squeeze that in somewhere. Just need to make sure I have the male tent available :thinking:


You did? Shit, man, sorry. I thought maybe you had, but I wasn’t positive, so I didn’t tag you. Anyway, glad you’re here.

Dude… How can you not like “Whores”? That song is fucking awesome. And you don’t “hate all music.” You like Motörhead haha. You always be printing up those t-shirts, anyway.

Doc D’s using the Archive cut, which he said was the closest to legit Sour that he’s found so far. Skunk VA used ECSD in the Diesel Therapy cross, I don’t know from whom that came, but I’m assuming it’s different than the Archive Sour Diesel. And I can’t remember the Chem Fuego genetics offhand, but I’m pretty sure Skunk just listed it as “Sour Diesel.”

Those Chem Fuegos I grew a while back smelled really good in flower, pretty Sour Diesel-y, actually, and very loud, but they cured out to way more of an OG-type flavor. Which is fine, I love that flavor, but it was a little disappointing.

The Skycuddler Kush, you mean? I’ve got like 16 seeds of that one left, more than enough. Whenever I get around to growing some again, I’ll give you cuts. It’ll give me an excuse to get outta the fucking Valley for a little bit haha. The one female I ended up with hermed all over the place right around day 21. Luckily, I caught the sacs in time and nothing got seeded, but hopefully I can find something that doesn’t even do that the next time I run it.

Nooooo… Definitely not. The couple OMG-dominant plants I’ve grown (or what I assume were OMG-dominant, anyway) barely stretched at all, maybe 25%, and grew just huge, fat rails of nugs up and down every branch. It was glorious! Haha. But no, I’d say that that Dread Bread is definitely not an OMG-leaner. I guess she just has thick stems haha. Maybe she’s a nice 50/50 hybrid, I dunno. The flower formation seems more “Afghani” to me, but the stretchiness and just overall vibe strikes me as more of a Mango Biche-type plant. She’s definitely different than the other Dread Bread, though. That one seems like for sure a Mango Biche-leaner.

Haha, yeah, dude, I was just fucking with you. I’m not worried about it, just talking shit. Once I send seeds to somebody, it’s outta my hands. Obviously. I really just kinda wanted you to check them out, f2’s or no f2’s. It’s great weed.


Motorhead is mostly fast noise with grumpy old man growls, noisy, not too musical, if it’s not that, count me out, i can be super closed minded :cry: musicwise, i’ll just listen to the same 20 albums of the same bands from the 80s forever, i’ll throw in a little pop punk-ish like screeching weasel or the sloppy seconds but that’s as musical as i’ll go haha

that’s exactly what i’m getting from my skunk_va plants, i was expecting something more gross and unpleasant, it’s got more of a creamy, delicious og vibe

oh fuck yeah dude, i’m all in for anything PK from mean gene he really got the heavy flavor, i’m saying that cause i’m growing one (lime 1 x jaro) being PK x PK and is so so soooo flavorful, so i just know the skycuddler is right up my alley, i grew another hpk cross, bodhi hollyweed (hpk x 88g13hp) was amazing and stayed amazing in the jar forever.

so yeah… i’d love that!! you had 2 packs? or one big pack? i got a pack from freeborn and there was 20 seeds in it, pretty cool, i’ll have some cuts for you too i’ve been pheno hunting for 2 years, maybe even a sour diesel if they turn out good!


The flavor of Sour Diesel is not gross and unpleasant. Like, at all. It’s probably the most delicious-tasting thing I’ve ever, uh, tasted. The only things I can compare it to aren’t even in the “weed realm” or whatever. Like, this glass of ‘97 Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon I drank years ago is comparable, just in the way the flavor keeps evolving and changing (and I don’t even like wine). Or maybe some foie gras-topped ribeye or something. Just a flavor explosion. Nothing “gross” about Sour Diesel at all.

And we keep searching… haha.

Yeah, it’s extremely tasty. And the high’s good, too haha. I haven’t smoked any in a while, but I’ll get back to it soon enough. I just haven’t been smoking at all in the last few weeks, I dunno why. I need to, though.

I bought one pack during some Speakeasy sale like two years ago, I think it was the Black Friday sale, and then I bought another one the following 4/20 sale. Both times they cost $150 per, which is still too much, but at least I didn’t pay $300… Both packs only had ten seeds in them, though, so it sounds like you lucked out with that 20-seeds pack.


i was expecting the guerilla fume’ to be more unpleasant, not sour d, “chem 91 in seed form” and i thought chem91 was on the gnarlier spectrum, maybe it is! this is a cross with a OG so duh it’s gonna be at least a lil og like

that’s the best description right there! bro, the sour diesel x i95 i got growing, at least one plant, has strong red wine/beef/stew thing going on, so that’s promising!

there’s no time like now! $150 is it too much, like, if you kept the plant around? cause i feel like if it’s good, it’s not too much even if you just keep the weed from the plants and smoke it, IF IT’S GOOD i’d pay $10 000 a pack if i knew just one plant would be like… insane, popping cheap seeds and growing boof and nothing is good is way more expensive haha $150 is too much if it’s just “good” but i feel like it’s cheap as hell if it’s “good good”


your skycuddler kush sounds “good good” is my point haha


No, no, that’s not what I meant haha. Sour Diesel does not taste like wine or beef haha. I just meant that it’s really delicious. It doesn’t taste anything at all like a ‘97 Jordan or a ribeye haha…


imagine i just go on with my life thinking sour diesel taste like meat and wine and every sour i try “nah thats not it bro, theres not enough beef in this”


Bahaha I’m totally using this now. It’s just too easy to spread bogus info on online forums. Anyone who’s grown the LEGIT Sour D knows it smells mostly of red wine and fois gras topped ribeye!


Yeah, no, there’s a reason it’s called “Sour Diesel”: because that’s what it tastes like haha. I just meant, you know, like a fine wine or a good bourbon or whatever, you can kinda sit back and just enjoy the flavor evolving and changing in your mouth for several minutes after hitting it. And it lingers for thirty minutes or so after blazing some, you can still taste it long after you put the joint out.

Best-tasting weed I’ve ever blazed.


that’s what i’m looking for right there, no lingering flavor, no re-run


Alright, I took some pictures yesterday, ten days after the last round of pics.

Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, flower day 40:

There’s a LOT of withered pistils in that last pic, still pretty nervous that shit got pollinated. I’ve been squeezing the flowers here and there and I don’t really feel any kind of seeds developing, though. Still… Those pistils… haha. She still smells really, really good and very loud. That “bubblegum” thing that was happening for a while is gone for the time being, mostly just a floral “purple weed” smell right now, but she still smells excellent. I will say, though, that the Imperial Majesties and the Diesel Therapy have overtaken her in the “loudness” department. Those three plants are pretty much all I can smell when I open the tent and any time I walk into the grow room, too.

Speaking of, here’s the Imperial Majesty #1, flower day 40:

And here’s the Imperial Majesty #2, flower day 40:

The #2 is just a fucking MESS haha. Super-spindly and weak branches. I’ve already removed two lower branches that snapped and the other day, one of the tops had snapped, too. I tied her up hardcore after that, tried to support the snapped top, we’ll see what happens.

Having said that, I really love both of the Imperial Majesties. They seem to be the closest to a “real OG in seed form” that I’ve grown and I’m actually considering getting another pack, just so I have more than four seeds, which is all I have left of this cross right now. They’re very, very stinky, VERY loud, total “OG” perfume-y/cologne-y thing that I dig so much. Like I said, the whole room smells like them, pretty much.

Anyway, here’s the Diesel Therapy #2, flower day 40:

She and the Dread Bread #1 are the only two plants I haven’t had to stake and tie yet, but that’s changing tomorrow, the next time I water. I can tell the Therapy is gonna need it ASAP, probably should’ve done it yesterday. I like her structure, though, all spread out and low. And she’s also incredibly loud, like the Imperial Majesties. She actually smells a lot like them, way more OG than Sour at this point, although I did leave the grow room this morning with a little bit of a “sour” sorta flavor in my mouth. I dunno where it was coming from, but I did notice it as I was shutting the door to the room.

And here’s the Diesel Therapy #3, flower day 21:

All of the younger plants have really kicked into gear, so y’all can just forget all that talk about,“Hmmm, I dunno, maybe I’m gonna trash these plants…” haha. That isn’t happening.

Anyway, here’s the Dread Bread #1, flower day 40:

She and the other Dread Bread both smell really good, too, they’re just not as loud as some of the other plants. But when I’m watering them and my face is right up in them, they smell super-tasty. I’m excited about these.

Dread Bread #2, flower day 40:

There sure are a lot of reddish/brown-ish pistils on those flowers, considering I was anticipating those Dread Breads taking at least twelve weeks… haha. Fuck…

And here’s the Blueberry x Silver Lotus #1, flower day 21:

I LOVE the way this plant looks, @iamyou_youareme. I tried to get a decent “full plant” shot to kind of “capture her essence” haha, but the one I posted was the best one I got. She’s got this very cool-looking sorta low-profile thing happening, kind of spread out, but not too much. I dunno… Hard to explain, but I love the way she looks. She also has very, very defined leaf serrations that I find intriguing. I never even pay attention to leaf serrations, it’s not something I ever notice (I always get blown away when people notice things like double-serrations or whatever), but I can see it on this plant. They look very “sharp” haha, for lack of a better word, very well-defined. I dunno if y’all can see it in the pics, but I can see it in the grow room haha.

And finally, here’s the Outer Limits #2, flower day 21:

The frost development on this plant is fucking crazy. She’s the most crystal-covered plant in the tent by far. Very impressive. I actually think this plant could also be one of those “one-foot plant, one ounce-yielders” you mentioned, @HolyAngel haha. Each of her tops looks like they could end up weighing at least five grams when all is said and done, if not more. I reeeealllyyyy wish I wouldn’t have lost those Outer Limits seedlings in that first round of planting seeds, because this one is pretty impressive so far.

So yeah, there are some pics haha. Who knows how long we have left to go? Hard to tell with those brown pistils on some of the plants and shit. I hope they take at least another five weeks, though. I don’t think most of them will, but hopefully they do.

And I just wanna do a quick little tribute to my sweet, sweet boy Bowie. Best dog ever:

Fuck! I waited a while to do this because I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it immediately after putting him down. I thought I’d be okay with it today and now I’ve got tears streaming down my face, chin all trembling and shit haha. “Keep it down, keep it down! Don’t cry!” haha. Damn… I did not expect that.

It has not been the greatest couple of weeks without him. We actually went and got a new boxer last Sunday, just because it was so weird not having a dog in the house. She’s a good girl, very sweet, I’ll post pics of her at some point. But this is Bowie’s post. I miss him so much.