Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

Flower day 60 (for most of the plants):

Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, flower day 60:

She’s coming along. Still smells pretty good. Still throwing white pistils, which is actually also pretty good. So we’ll see about her…

Imperial Majesty #1, flower day 60:

And the Imperial Majesty #2, flower day 60:

Gnarly-looking leaves on both of them, flimsy stems, but I like them anyway haha. I was thinking I might chop them a week after the last time I posted pics (which was day 50), but they’ve really started swelling in the last few days. I think I’m gonna let them go until day 70 at least.

Dread Bread #1:

And the Dread Bread #2, flower day 60:

The flowers on both of the Dread Breads have gotten noticeably fatter in the last week or so. They still have probably three weeks, at the earliest, left to go, but the difference between how they look today and how they looked the last time I took pics is very obvious. Pretty much every day they look way bigger, really.

Here’s the Diesel Therapy #2, flower day 60:

She looks like she has at least two weeks left to go, if not more. And that’s fine. The longer the better.

One thing I’ve noticed about all of the “big plants” is that they’re gonna be a real easy trim. Which is great haha…

Here’s the Diesel Therapy #3, flower day 41:

And the Outer Limits #2, flower day 41:

Both the Outer Limits and the Diesel Therapy #3 (the “younger” one) look really good, but they don’t smell like too much when I move them around. I did give the flowers a squeeze today for the first time and my fingers smelled really, really good after I took a whiff. Smelled pretty awesome, really, but it took a squeeze haha. They’re still not “loud.”

The Blueberry x Silver Lotus #1, which has joined the ranks of “Stinkiest Plant in the Tent,” doesn’t require a squeeze at all. Here she is at flower day 41:

She’s pretty gawddamn impressive, really, but all of the small plants are making me re-think the way I grow moving forward. All three of them are growing the fattest, chunkiest rails I’ve ever seen, just huge buds everywhere, honestly. I’m seriously considering doing a 14/10 light schedule for a month before I flip every time moving forward, instead of just the two weeks of 14/10 that I usually do, simply because those last three plants I posted pics of are growing so… I dunno haha. They’re just fucking FAT.

Anyway, yeah, day 60/41 today.