Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

Eh… They’re looking okay. Not my greatest grow ever. I keep forgetting to mention that it’s been just soooooo fucking hot and dry here lately. 104, 105, 106 every day, 12% (or lower) humidity after about 11am (lights turn on at 8am). Temps in the tent have been pretty consistently in the mid-80’s, even with the AC running nonstop, and humidity levels have basically been 30% for the last seven hours or so of lights-on every day, despite the five humidifiers I have running in there. Pretty annoying, really haha. I mean, I personally love weather like this. The water in the pool is super-comfortable, warm enough to swim at night now. And once the sun goes down, just sitting outside in shorts and flip-flops, no shirt, feels awesome. I legit haven’t put on a shirt in like two months, except when I run to the store to grab more alcohol haha. And then I take it off immediately after I get home haha!

But growing-wise, it sucks.

I’ve kinda been thinking about maybe not doing a summer grow moving forward, because it’s like this every fucking summer lately, but I can’t really figure out how to squeeze in three grows a year if I don’t do a summer one. And I have to do three grows a year, minimum haha. I wish I could do four, really. Or five or six haha.

It’d be nice to be able to go on road trips and vacations in the summer, though.


I didn’t realize what you were getting at until I re-watched the fourth episode (again) yesterday, but were you implying that maybe everybody might be an actor? Like, maybe even “Thomas” and that whole thing was staged? The chick he’s “raising” a kid with in Oregon is an actor? She’s super-fucking-weird. Is it because she’s acting? Is she playing a part?

I hadn’t considered that possibility before, that maybe everybody’s in on it, but even the first time I watched the fourth episode, I did think that Thomas’ apartment looked a little too big and weirdly-furnished for a struggling actor to live in alone. Unless he’s a trust fund kid, there’s no WAY he could afford that apartment by himself. I actually thought maybe he lived with his parents, mostly because of the dining room situation, but that couldn’t be possible since Nathan ended up staying there for a while.

Shit… Is it all fake? What’s real and what’s not??? Haha.

I read somewhere that there were interviews conducted with some of the various people who were a part of the show (haven’t found those interviews myself yet, although I haven’t really looked for them, either; maybe they’re waiting to publish them until the season’s over with) and they were not happy about being a part of this thing. But now I’m wondering if they’re really just actors who are staying committed to the bit, even after they stopped filming, pretending to be pissed about something that they were hired to do. And THAT would be genius, too haha.

I dunno. I love it, though.


Haven’t been following along, but I had to ask how that Dread Bread is going?
I just ordered my first Bodhi packs yesterday, and there are a couple GLG freebies that are crosses of that. It sounded interesting, but I went with Terpenado instead. (Looks like a great plant from the pics and description. Also, The Rehearsal is great. I didnt think I would like it, but I love it)


I think you encapsulated what I was trying to convey better than I did. Could we all be acting all the time, or when does the acting stop and real life starts? In these times of social media, are we all “acting” somewhat… especially if you post yourself on instagram, Facebook, etc… you’re showing an edited version of your life, that’s been scripted for social media to get the most “Likes”.

In the very first episode it was clear that he was hiring multiple actors to fill roles, and he was running his sort of own Rehearsal for himself and testing how these actors would react to his questions. It made me question if the show was more about Nathan, than it was about any of the people/actors he has on the show.

This is where I’m at, right? The lines between what’s scripted, who’s “acting” all start getting blurred.

I could see this actually. With clever editing, it’s easy to make someone look kinda crazy… like the kid who flips his Scion TC and was obsessed with numbers. But, also people will do stupid things for money or to try and become famous. So, it’s on them if they signed the releases or whatever. But then again, they all could just be really committed actors.

I’m pretty intrigued about the series will end.


This is why I’ve gotten fired from every job I’ve ever had. I’m incapable of saying anything other than exactly what I’m thinking. I won’t “soften the blow” just so you don’t feel bad about yourself. It’s not my job to make you feel better.

In other words, I can’t act haha. But I know what you’re saying, Iamyou.

But were any of those people actual “real” people? Is it possible that every single person was an actor? Like, that guy that the first episode centers around, Kor, was any of that story real? Could the whole fucking thing be scripted? Was Kor an actor, too? Was his “real” trivia teammate even real? I know Nathan hired a fake one, but maybe the “real” one was an actor, too.

Sorry, I’m obsessing about this a little too much. And I’m not sure we’ll ever get a straight answer. Again, though, I love it haha!

Yeah, I’ve been wondering about that dude, too. Was he an actor? It’s all so mysterious… haha.

I mean, yeah, motherfuckers are so desperate for attention that they’ll sign any release form and just be like,”Yeah, go ahead and film what I say and do 24/7,” just because it never occurs to them that,”Uh, maybe I could end up looking bad.” Because that dude ended up looking BAD haha. But it does seem kind of impossible that somebody could be that stupid. He must’ve been an actor.

But he probably wasn’t haha. We live in a world filled with morons…

Seems good so far. A little stretchy, but nothing crazy. Smells good, looks good. You should grow those crosses. I’ve got a pack or two of the Babylon Buster (Dread Bread x 88G13HP), sounds like a pretty interesting hybrid. I’m looking forward to growing them out.

Some day… haha.


jesus christ, that’s not the weather in LA, your part of the valley seems like a desert? not dissing the valley, or maybe just a little, haha, it’s desert-like tho huh?

did you copy paste the dictionary definition of the american dream? we don’t have either your weather or pools here

i’m gonna watch the rehearsal now, you don’t need HBO for the people that think they do, the pirateb@y is, and always was, still up. believe it or not

if gangsta rap is music, then i like SOME music haha yep


Yeah, pretty much the only place that’s hotter in LA is Woodland Hills. It’s basically always fifteen degrees hotter in the summer and fifteen degrees colder in the winter here than anywhere else in LA. It occasionally even gets down into the mid-30’s at night in the wintertime, which is fucking nuts.


damn, you’ll probably see snow at some point, i’m sure you’ve seen frost?


Man i cant believe im just now getting around to reading through this thread. Fml. I did a quick breeze through, will go back re read it. Niiiiice looking pics dude. I just dropped my first Bodhi beans, Dank Zappa F2.

Gonna follow your shit from now on lol.


Nathan for you is totally on HBO max my friend. He also has another follow-up TV show that’s releasing weekly right now called The rehearsal which I highly recommend

Edit: commented too soon, I see now that you’ve been watching an excellent show, the rehearsal

Edit, edit: I was high when I watched that fourth episode and kept exclaiming holy s*** just how far does this go?


Haha, snow? No way, that’s not gonna happen. Frost, though, yeah, for sure.

Sweet, welcome! I’ve got some of those Dank Zappa f2’s, too, but I haven’t grown any yet. Somebody logged a few of those here on OG, I can’t remember who it was, though (VagabondWindy, maybe?).

I found it on Hulu, too, but I haven’t started watching it yet. I will soon, though.

The fifth episode of “The Rehearsal” premiered last night, got it recorded, but I haven’t watched that yet, either. I’ll definitely check it out in the next few hours, though.


nice, me too


Flower day 60 (for most of the plants):

Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, flower day 60:

She’s coming along. Still smells pretty good. Still throwing white pistils, which is actually also pretty good. So we’ll see about her…

Imperial Majesty #1, flower day 60:

And the Imperial Majesty #2, flower day 60:

Gnarly-looking leaves on both of them, flimsy stems, but I like them anyway haha. I was thinking I might chop them a week after the last time I posted pics (which was day 50), but they’ve really started swelling in the last few days. I think I’m gonna let them go until day 70 at least.

Dread Bread #1:

And the Dread Bread #2, flower day 60:

The flowers on both of the Dread Breads have gotten noticeably fatter in the last week or so. They still have probably three weeks, at the earliest, left to go, but the difference between how they look today and how they looked the last time I took pics is very obvious. Pretty much every day they look way bigger, really.

Here’s the Diesel Therapy #2, flower day 60:

She looks like she has at least two weeks left to go, if not more. And that’s fine. The longer the better.

One thing I’ve noticed about all of the “big plants” is that they’re gonna be a real easy trim. Which is great haha…

Here’s the Diesel Therapy #3, flower day 41:

And the Outer Limits #2, flower day 41:

Both the Outer Limits and the Diesel Therapy #3 (the “younger” one) look really good, but they don’t smell like too much when I move them around. I did give the flowers a squeeze today for the first time and my fingers smelled really, really good after I took a whiff. Smelled pretty awesome, really, but it took a squeeze haha. They’re still not “loud.”

The Blueberry x Silver Lotus #1, which has joined the ranks of “Stinkiest Plant in the Tent,” doesn’t require a squeeze at all. Here she is at flower day 41:

She’s pretty gawddamn impressive, really, but all of the small plants are making me re-think the way I grow moving forward. All three of them are growing the fattest, chunkiest rails I’ve ever seen, just huge buds everywhere, honestly. I’m seriously considering doing a 14/10 light schedule for a month before I flip every time moving forward, instead of just the two weeks of 14/10 that I usually do, simply because those last three plants I posted pics of are growing so… I dunno haha. They’re just fucking FAT.

Anyway, yeah, day 60/41 today.


Wow, that Imperial Majesty #2 :star_struck:


what are the smells like? i have a pack lining up soon.

BTW those outer limits look fantastic, hopefully they smoke as they look…


Yeah, she’s okay… haha. We’ll see how she smokes. I do really like the way she smells, though, both when I’m just moving her around and when I do a little nug-squeeze.

One thing I noticed today when I was watering and taking pictures and shit was that she and the other Imperial Majesty have developed a very noticeable sorta “sweet/marshmallow” thing going on. Made me think of all that “Pure Kush/Pure OG” talk from a while back. They’re not as loud as they were a week or two ago, but the smell’s changed for sure. I think they’re getting close… I’m ready to chop them, anyway haha, but like I said, I think I’m gonna wait at least ten more days.

I dunno. They were smelling pretty “fruity/creamy” for a while. Like, you couldn’t not notice it, but I didn’t pick up on too much today. They definitely weren’t as stinky as the Imperials were this afternoon.

I also don’t make it a point to smell my weed while it’s growing, just because it’s gonna change so much once it’s dried and cured. It’s only if it’s noticeably-loud when I, uh, notice it haha. Today the Dread Breads weren’t loud; tomorrow they probably will be. The next day they’ll be muted, the day after that they’ll be loud again… You know how weed does haha.

Good-looking plants, though, for sure.


One thing I’ve noticed about all of the “big plants” is that they’re gonna be a real easy trim. Which is great haha

I was thinking the same thing!! Especially on the Diesel Therapy!!

Tent looks great!


Yeah, all of the big plants look like they’re just gonna be “snip snip snip” haha. Kinda curious to see if those small plants turn out the same way. They don’t look like quite as easy a trim right now, but they’re just so fucking FAT haha. For real, dude, I dunno why exactly they look like that, but I really am thinking about trying out a “14/10 for a month” veg schedule, kinda forcing them to autoflower, keeping them short, no stretch…

I dunno. Might be cool to see if it keeps some of the more “Sativa”-type plants that I always grow a few of every round shorter and, uh… whatever haha. I’m fairly certain that I’m gonna plant a decent amount of Doc’s Santa Cruz Pure Haze x A5Thai on September 1, which I’m positive are gonna want to get a little tall. Might be interesting to see if a prolonged 14/10 schedule keeps them all bushy and compact when I “officially” flip to 11:30/12:30.

That’s a long ways off, though haha…


What the hell are you feeding them…cake?? They are piling on the weight, all of them.

I know this is a tangent, but I do like a tangent, any concern you had in relation to your r/h% level, forget it man. Your plants speak for themselves.

Like Syzygy said, that IM #2 is a real eye catcher.
Still no sign of any seeds? :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

I dont know what it is about thos DB, I just love the look of them. They have a real regal presence to them, I kinda feel like they expect you to bow or at least tip your hat to them while working around them haha.

The frost on the Outer Limits is just ridiculous.

Can’t wait for the smoke report of on the BB x SL #1. Again another tangent, how would you rate Snow Lotus in general? I have an ooold pack that I really should pop.

Ah man you should just get some autoflower beans, youd love… hahaha just teasing man.

Be interesting to see the results, could be a whole new grow tech coming. Especially to see how it effects the big sativas, I used to run 11/13 in the flower for the full on sativas, definitely helped control them. But never considered modifying the veg cycle.


No, I save the cake for myself. And I’m getting fatter every day because of it haha! Just kidding, I don’t eat cake. I’m getting fat because I’m drinking two cakes-worth of alcohol every day haha!

Anyway… Yeah, the little plants are just exploding. I’m not sure what I’m doing that might’ve made that happen (nothing, probably haha). They’ve been getting straight water, same as the big plants, for a while now, although I did add three tablespoons of fulvic acid to six gallons of water the other day, which is like half the recommended dosage, and watered all the plants with that. I dunno why I did that, really; just bored I guess haha. Who knows if it made a difference? The little plants were pretty fucking fat even before I did that.

Other than the Dread Breads, I don’t think any of the big plants are gonna be epic yielders or anything, though. Maybe my amazing photographic skills are making those other plants looks bigger than they really are haha. The Dread Breads do look very good, though. I just opened the tent a little bit ago, after the lights turned on, noticed the Dread Bread #2’s tops just look massive. They’re getting so chunky.

I think that ol’ Dread Bread might be a really good cross… haha. We’ll see how they smoke, but yeah, I’m digging the fuck outta them right now.

I don’t think so. If there’s gonna be any in any of the plants, it’s gonna be in those Imperial Majesties. And I only say that because the pistils on those plants have looked “done” for weeks now. All of the other plants continue to spit out white pistils; I dunno if seeded plants’ll do that, especially on day 61, but I wouldn’t think that they would.

I wasn’t super-impressed with any of the Snow Lotus crosses I’ve grown until I grew those four Uplift plants. I mean, the weed from most of every SL cross I’ve grown was at least pretty good, if not excellent, but I didn’t see any sorta “structural improvements” or anything. Maybe he made them frostier, like Bodhi’s said, but I dunno. Those Uplift plants were awesome, though. And there’ve been some good plants amongst all of the other SL crosses I’ve grown, too. I just never really thought it was as spectacular a male as Bodhi made it out to be until I grew those Uplifts. Who knows how much that had to with the SL male and how much that had to do with the Hell’s OG female?

You’ve got a pack of straight Snow Lotus? Or just some SL crosses? I’ve got multiple packs of SL crosses and they’re definitely all gonna get grown.

I mean, it’s probably just like any other f1 cross you grow (or any seeds in general): you get some good plants and you get some great plants. I think I like Doc’s A5Thai male the most at this point, though. Obviously, the SL male and the A5Thai male are not even in the same realm genetically-speaking, but I do really like everything about the few crosses I’ve grown that that male was involved in, looking forward to growing more of them haha.

Haha, yeah, I’m gonna break my,”I’m not buying any more seeds!” vow and buy a bunch of autoflowers. Anybody know some good autoflower breeders??? Haha…

Yeah, I never have, either, but this grow and the short plants have been kind of illuminating haha. Usually, it’s 16/8 for the entirety of veg until about 10-14 days before I flip, at which point I’ll switch to 14/10. But the way those little plants are growing… I dunno. Maybe I’ll look around today and see if there are any articles about extended periods of 14/10.