Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

that one turned into hash, the other foxtaily one was way better, unripe mango and socks, medium strength effect, good mood type high but it was never a go-to jar for some reason

coolest bud structure ever


Nice! We’re you using the Spider Farmer lights for this grow as well? I have a SF-4000 and SF-2000 and can’t quite figure out how deep the light penetrates into the lowers. I usually remove most of the lower flowers just so I don’t have to deal with larfy buds (and I am not saying those buds are larfy or leafy :rofl:). The manual say 12-14 inches above canopy for flower but I still am unsure how well it penetrates after using them for two grows.


yeah i have those lights, that grow i didn’t defoliate or train any plants, it was a hunt, but some plants can produce round dense fully mature buds at the bottom with those light, and some plants not… i wouldn’t be able to compare them to anything, they work!



Gonna be a good game tonight. I like the Rams to win (duh! Haha). Josh Allen’s awesome and if Tre’davious White was playing, I’d probably pick the Bills, but without him in the secondary, I don’t see them stopping Cooper Kupp and Allen Robinson. I also don’t see the Bills stopping Aaron Donald, just because nobody’s been able to stop that dude for like nine seasons haha…

Trimming and jarring the Imperial Majesties now, there’s almost ZERO larf from the #2 plant. And I’m really not referencing that,”Looking a little larfy,” joke that numbskull made a couple days ago when I say that haha. There really is barely any larf. I always set aside one jar to throw the crappy nugs and sugar leaf and stuff into (because I’m gonna make hash out of it, I swear haha) and I’m three-quarters of the way through trimming the #2 plant and there’s like maybe an eighth-of-an-inch of throwaway shit in that jar. Not even that, really. Pretty impressive.

I do think I shoulda let the #2 plant go another week (and maybe the #1, too; we’ll see when I start trimming it). She just doesn’t seem as chunky and “calyx-y” as I’d have liked, but maybe that’ll change once they’ve been sealed up for a little bit. I dunno if that had anything to do with the heat or not, but yeah, other than the fact that there’s no individual nugget that looks like it weighs more than maybe half-a-gram (there’s a TON of them though haha), the flowers don’t look quite as OG-ish as I was hoping.


Okay, I won’t be making any game predictions for the rest of the season haha. That game suuuuucked. And my Gators lost last night, too. Anthony Richardson looked horrible, a week after looking like the second-fucking-coming.

Anyway, I chopped both of the Diesel Therapies yesterday. The older one I was just kind of over, she didn’t really look like she was gonna do much more. And the younger one looked all “bitten up” by some sorta pest that I can’t even see. I’ve looked all over that plant, undersides of the leaves, topsides of the leaves, even busted out my magnifying glass haha and I couldn’t see any pests. But something was going on with her, so she’s done.

Diesel Therapy #2, chop day 83:

Smells are all “perfume-y OG”-type smells, nothing even remotely “Sour Diesel-ish” about her. The flowers don’t look anything at all like any kind of Sour Diesel I’ve ever seen growing online, either. More of an OG plant/flower formation thing going on with her.

And here’s the Diesel Therapy #3, chop day 64:

Diesel Therapy #3 flower day 64 4

She was the first plant to start showing pest damage back when they were in veg, a few months ago, but after multiple IPM-type sprays, I thought everything was fine. She was also the first plant to start showing pest damage during flower, which, like I said, was about ten days ago, maybe two weeks ago, I dunno. None of the other smaller plants had anything going on with them until a few days ago, but they’re getting chopped tomorrow regardless. They look pretty much done anyway. And none of the bigger plants ever had anything looking like pest damage on them. I’ve still got the one Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai growing and she looks fine. Not too sure when I’m gonna chop her, but I doubt it’ll be much longer.

On the plus side, the Diesel Therapy #3 does smell very sour, I couldn’t get the taste out of my mouth for several hours after chopping her yesterday morning. Not necessarily “Sour Diesel-ish,” but for sure very sour.

Here’s a few pics of the leaves on that gawddamn Therapy #3, if anybody wants to speculate on what the fuck the problem is (paging @JoeCrowe haha):

Like I said, I busted out my magnifying glass and I just don’t see anything (except for really magnified leaf damage haha). It’s kind of driving me nuts, actually. Like, at least with the aphids, I could see them. I still haven’t recycled the soil from the plants I chopped yesterday or the Dread Bread pots, too, actually, just because I’m not sure if I should recycle it, considering what those leaves are looking like. It’s gotta be some kind of pest, right? Either way, I’m getting pretty sick of tossing soil after every grow lately.


Looks like spider mites or thrips to me… have you seen any webs? Either way, plants look good, and glad the pests remained at bay until the end.


Yeah, I was thinking thrips, too. I haven’t seen any webs. Spider mites will hang out on the undersides of the leaves, though, right? And thrips tend to hang out on the tops? There’s isn’t shit on the undersides, I’ve checked and checked and checked… Of course, I’ve checked the tops, too, and I don’t see anything there, either (bitter chuckle haha)…

Edie: I just blew up those first two leaf pics and I can see little tiny black things on the leaves. Definitely some sorta pest. Everything’s getting chopped tomorrow. Guess I won’t recycle any of the soil. And I’m glad I didn’t start the new grow yet haha. Fuck…


Looks like spider mite damage, and sounds like you saw them too. Best to clean house with those little shits.


Looks like spider mites to me, but I’m super paranoid and think everything is spider mites now. Condolences brother! At least they are at the point were you don’t feel too bad chopping.


so id’ll be some fire! look like some fire

sounds awesome, hell yeah, that one does look more sour diesel ish huh?

the pest damaged leaves look like my outdoor plants, i see little white flies all over my shit, could be that, they are a socal thing maybe


Damn white flies. Over here in s.fla also. I can’t grow numerous things outside due to white fly they destroy everything before it even had a chance. Underside of leaves just covered.


Thrips detected! Sound the klaxons!


You think it’s thrips for sure? Not spider mites? Thrips are relatively easy to deal with once everything’s chopped, correct? I guess just toss the soil the plants were growing in (I’ve been reading that they’ll “overwinter” in the soil, so I’m assuming they’ll also survive being thrown into a 65-gallon Rubbermaid container haha) and then scrub the room down, which is something I’d do ordinarily anyway.

One thing I couldn’t find a definitive answer on was how long to wait before I can start a new grow. Most of the stuff I’m reading says that they have a two-week lifespan, so I guess two weeks? I’ll probably wait until October 1 anyway.


I usually just give everything a deep clean and they are toast. That’s what I did last time those little fuckers started to nibble. Moved the clean clones into quarantine and swept, mopped, etc. Then moved the clones back, and the bugs were dead.


Lost Coast Plant Therapy is good to use until day of harvest. Citric acid spray kills them too, and is safe as well.


Okay, thanks. I’ll probably wait at least a week to start anything, though, just to be safe.


Thrip adults and pupae both overwinter in the soil, you are correct. Nurseries often use predatory soil mites to control them : (Stratiolaelaps scimitus Womersley) or Hypoaspis miles. Might be worth incorporating into your soil as a layer of defense in the future if you can find them at an affordable price.

Hard to tell from the pictures but the damage does look more like thrip damage to me as well. A few areas looked like the yellow speckling associated with two spotted spider mites, but you said you didn’t see any mites when examining them. To me, if you see an appreciable amount of damage done to the leaves there wouldn’t be any difficulty spotting mites on the undersides of the leaves, at least in my opinion.

This is the area that initially looked like it may be spider mites, but it’s hard to tell from the picture :


What cinched it for me were the dark spots. That’s where the plant cell wall has disintegrated and the insides came out.


i agree, i buy mines on ebay it’s affordable (never amazon) i think the seller is caller “bugsRmoney” but i no-till so i don’t know if i’d be a good idea to use in soil you always re-mix, can the hypoaspis miles survive that? my population is reallllly high right now, so i have 0 stress, the bulb mites that were ruining my life are under control.


They survive the bran-vermiculite shaker bottles & bag they’re packaged in when you buy them. Might not be ideal and there will be casualties through “tillage” but some will surely survive. Rove beetles are another viable option as well. Also, I know there are entomopathogenic nematodes that infect thrips as well, such as the common commercially available Steinernema feltiae. For thrips on the foliage there are predatory mites that are supposedly effective as well (cucumeris?) but I’ve never tried those. I’ve only ever dealt with thrips on non-cannabis plants before. I would think cleaning out the area thoroughly as suggested and treating new soil with one or many preventatives would be a good approach if they are a reoccurring problem.