Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

The thing about rosin, whether it’s made from flower or from hash, is I don’t like plugging something in in order to smoke it haha. Like, my pen really weirds me out, the way I have to plug it in to charge it and shit. And the plastic parts and all that. If I ever go anywhere, like to a Dodgers game or a show or something, I’ll take that with me, but in general, I’d rather just smoke a joint or do a couple bong rips.

I’ll make some hash at some point, though. But I’m gonna smoke it through a pipe or something haha.

If I wanna hallucinate, I’m gonna eat a bunch of shrooms haha. Got plenty of those. The second-worst drug experience I’ve ever had in my life was from an edible. I’ll never eat weed in any form again.


Haha, I know you don’t want any type of edible, but it’s all in the dosing, start small and go up from there. I’ve gotten sick from making too strong of edibles when I was younger, no hallucinating, just got the spins and nauseous, vomited, then passed out.


Thank you buddy! That’s super helpful!


Yeah, I’ve started drying for a week or two before going into freezer, and it still seems fresh enough for me. You want the buds kind of dry, but not crack the stem dry. Plus you can just do a rough trim, removing only big fans and leaves without trichs. Freeze it for at least 24 hours (my case is more like 24 days), then run it all to bubble hash and dry that, then press… I did run one plant straight to the freezer to hash to rosin, and got terrible yield, but the flavor was top notch. I think it’s pretty cultivar dependent on what you can fresh freeze and not. Plus, I think a lot of guys running the fresh frozen to bubble hash and then to rosin have freeze driers to dry everything really quickly and keep everything frozen. I can’t spend 2,500 on a Harvest Right, especially with the results I’m getting from my home-made setup.

dab rig? Torch and banger? Or does that feel too “druggy” for you? I love some low temp dabs out of a clean banger with carb cap, seriously some of the most flavorful kinda of hits you can get from cannabis.

Yeah, tincture is a great place to start with this, cause I find it easy to control the dosage.


Bought the bubble bag dude bags and washing machine 3 years ago. All ready to follow Frenchy’s lead… been saving trim in dried form and fresh frozen

I haven’t run any in 3 years…

I should get off my ass and get it done.


Makes me happy to know Im not the only stoner with two five gallon buckets of trim and larf that seem to grow heavier by the month…got the bubble bags, made 2’x2’ sifting screens…dont have the press yet! I am desperate enough to just take the girlfriends hair straightener and go full meltman!


Sorry if it didn’t strike you as a joke! The buds look great. I’d remembered an exchange between you and another OGer about an obviously non-larfy bud back when I’d just restarted growing.



A little. I mean, I did used to freebase a lot of cocaine, like 20+ years ago, but I never used a blowtorch like they did in those 80’s movies haha. I just used the ol’ glass tube/steel wool/lighter technique. I guess I’ve always been a “the simpler the better” kind of guy… haha.

It’s really just a matter of it seems like a pain in the ass to me. If I had a dedicated space for my press, I’d be more inclined to use it, but I don’t have a dedicated space, so… Going into the bathroom of the grow room (where I keep the press) and pulling that thing outta the box, bringing it into the kitchen, then taking it back into the grow room bathroom and shit… Fuck all that. The thing isn’t light haha. I threw my shoulder out a while back and I’m pretty sure it was from hauling the press from the bathroom to the kitchen and back. Smashed it into my shin once, too, when I was taking it out into the kitchen. That was painful.

I fucking hate that press… haha!

That’s funny, after you said that, I remembered that exchange with greenhighlander (miss that dude). Except I said,”Leafy,” not,”Larfy.” I remember him being really irritated about it haha.


I remember that!! Lol.


Yeah, he was pissed haha. And I wasn’t even criticizing, just making an observation. The flowers DID look slightly leafy. I remember at the time thinking his response was a little unreasonable, but after numbskull said that shit earlier, I had to contain myself and not blow up at him haha!!! I was like,”Okay, I know where greenhighlander was coming from now…” haha!


Well, your buds were a little larfy!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:🫠:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:🫠


And I know just how much you LOVE emoji’s.


i thought he had to be joking, but you never know. dread bread looks dense as fuck.

dynavap has been doing weird stuff lately, but their main vaps (m, omni, vong) are amazing, hits like a joint, tastes like something you plug in. and you can put rosin and other concentrates.


But you use a lighter? Or you still have to charge it and press a button and stuff?


Buddy of mine out in CO uses one. Just seems like you would ALWAYS be packing it.


you can use a normal lighter but its inefficient. 90% of dynavap users do it with a torch lighter. what it does is when it reaches the temp needed for vaporizing, the metal expands and “clicks” so you know to stop heating.

one load is enough for me. but yeah sometimes i wish the bowl was bigger, specially when sharing.

the first few weeks i was like… meh… i prefer my arizer. but once you really get the hang of it… i dont even pick my arizer up anymore and rarely (if ever) do joints.


Ah, okay, yeah, I think I’ll skip that haha.


oh yeah it has to be that, it was a freebie pack, had 2 females the sativa one was best and tasted like “straight mangoes” haha

mango lotus, the most sativa type thing i’ve ever grew


Okay, yeah, I don’t remember you mentioning that in any of your posts. Like, ever haha. But my memory’s bad.

So you grew a couple Mango Lotuses out then? How’d they smoke?


That’s the thing that drives me nuts about all of that kinda shit. I’ve got the “hang” of joints. I know how those work haha!!! Roll it up and smoke that shit. Easy. I don’t feel like figuring out the exact proper temperature to press weed for the greatest returns and the exact temperature to set my pen for the “ultimate smoking experience” and whatever all else.

Fuuuuuuuck that. This joint is either gonna get me baked or it isn’t. And it always does. Ol’ reliable haha. And I didn’t have to plug something in to get baked, either…