Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

Yeah, it’s the same thing, sourced from Kiona. I’m not sure why Doc didn’t call it High Biscus. I’m fairly certain that Kiona’s also calling it something different, too, which doesn’t really help very much with all the “strain name confusion.”

For sure. You can’t really see it in the pics, but even the Blueberry x Silver Lotus was developing the ever-so-slightest bit of foxtails.

I’m gonna try and squeeze three grows in in the next nine or ten months, but I’m definitely gonna make sure that the third one’s over by mid-July or so. I don’t wanna deal with that heat and the crazy-low humidity levels in the grow room next summer.

Edit: here’s the page from Kiona’s site with a description for both a Purple Corinto and a Corinto Budder @VAhomegrown:

I dunno. Shrug emoji haha.


That’s wild! Maybe something from the Silver Lotus dad? Although there’s some deep funk in the Blueberry too, but it’s mostly on the fruity side. The buds look more on the Blueberry side, for sure. Love the white claw for scale! The Outer Limits #2 ended up with some really fat and frosty buds too. I like those smaller chunky plants.

IME, the heat will definitely bring out the foxtails. My Goji’s did that more in the summer when I was running in NC. Not really a big deal to me usually, I’m not going for bag appeal.

Good luck with the cleaning, drying, and trimming… I always feel really good finishing up a round. Out with the old, in the new… I’ll take a week or two to reset everything, including my brain, before I pop some more seeds.

Thanks again for growing out the BB/SL cross, it’ll be interesting to see how she smokes.


That’s what I was thinking. Although I’ve never come across any SSH that smelled like onions, I feel like I’ve read that SSH can have onion-y notes. I could also just be completely misremembering haha. A buddy of mine loves SSH for its “cheesy” notes, which I’d never noticed before until he pointed it out to me. Maybe “onion”’s in there, too.

In any event, once I got in there and started moving branches around to find a place to hang her, she smelled plenty fruity.

Yeah, I loved the way they looked, but hanging them was another matter haha. The bottom-third of all the plants had this big mess of flowers all clumped together, no airflow. I actually chopped the Diesel Therapy into three pieces to hang. Didn’t do that with the other two plants, so we’ll see how they do. I may break them up into smaller pieces today or tomorrow. I prefer to hang the plants whole, but those small plants really were super-clumpy haha.

Me. Too.

My pleasure, dude! Thanks for the seeds. I’m looking forward to growing more out.

If the smoke is good… haha! Just fucking around, I’m sure it’ll be awesome.


I realized a second ago that I hadn’t really read about Mango Biche (the mom in the Dread Bread cross) in a year or two, so I decided to refresh my memory. If anybody wants a good laugh, google “Mango Biche cannabis strain” and read some of the results. The entire first page is nothing but incorrect information; I didn’t make it to the second page haha. But I’ll look around.


Every time I see the name Mango Biche, I picture Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad saying “Mango, bitch!” for some reason lol


Dude. @minitiger im embarrassed at how long I’ve been breezing by your old doc D thread thinking “man, mini tiger hasn’t posted in a while, wonder what’s up.” Now I see what you’ve been up to all this time. Feels like I’m just showing up to the party as they’re folding up the chairs and sweeping up the confetti. :joy::joy:


Haha, nah, dude, I just start new logs for every grow. Makes it easier for people who aren’t members on OG, people (like me) who just search, like, “Bodhi Dread Bread grow report” on google or whatever. Plus, if I did one continuous log, we’d be on “minitiger’s grow room log part 3” just because these things get so fucking chatty. Add them all up, we’re probably on like post #15,000 by now haha.

No way, dude! You’re showing up just in time for the smoke reports, which is all anybody cares about anyway. You’re fashionably late haha.


That’s me my guy, always making an entrance


I was thinking more along the lines of you showed up an hour-and-a-half after everybody else ate their ecstasy and ‘shrooms, so you’re like,”Fuck, okay, gimme two hits of ex and two grams of shrooms; I gotta catch up!” haha.

But swinging in on a rope is cool, too… haha!


Oh dude I’ve been that guy too. Show up late sprint to catch up, and end up blazing past everyone else only to end up staring at a wall for the rest of the night :joy::joy:


worth mentioning no till soil works in small pots. That’s similar to the method I use growing in 5 to 10 gallon pots. I mix and amend my soil, then re use the pots. I just top dress the soil with compost and green mulch semi-frequently depending on the needs of the plants I am growing. I re-use the pots immediately after harvest or store them between cycles.

My method is kind of similar to what I see no-till people doing. I came up with this technique because I am disabled and needed to find a method that was cheap, produced clean medical grade harvests, fully organic with omri approved ingredients, and required little or no physical labor.

My soil mix is very simple- high quality organic potting soil for humus, native volcanic clay for natural ph buffering and mineral content, perlite aeration, vermicompost, mushroom compost, neem meal, seaweed meal, and oyster shell. I grow lemon balm as a companion plant, and use it for green mulch. I occasionally top dress with worm and mushroom compost. I mulch with cannabis leaves and stems when I harvest.

That’s it. Pretty much takes care of itself aside from watering. I can grow pretty much any strain with this method and get nice happy plants.

It’s worth mentioning, this mix doesn’t push the plants with nutrients to maximize yields. I do this for several reasons.
1- I can grow landraces and hybrids in the same soil without nutrient problems.
2- I never get nutrient burn or overapplication problems
3- I never get ph problems

These conditions help inform my breeding selections. These conditions favor plants that are well adapted to balance their own root zone ph, and yield well with low nutrient application.

I breed for medical use, which means easy low maintenance cultivation is a priority. I don’t want to select for plants that only perform well with heavy nutrient applications. If I share seeds, I want a medical patient to be able to grow their meds like any garden plant, just watering them without special care.


This e-nail is the least-weird method I have found for vaporizing rosin and my honey oil concentrates. It’s still kind of weird, you can burn yourself on the exposed coil by accident. But it doesn’t feel weird because you’re using your regular bong, and something like a bowl. It just looks like your bowl has a cord.

You have to set it to the right temperature in order for the concentrate to vaporize without burning. anywhere between 400 and 500 degrees works. 400 is very subtle and has sort of a straight up terpene flavor. 500 produces a visible vapor without making me cough, still flavorful but more toasty tasting.

I like a titanium nail because it can’t break like glass or quartz.

unfortunately the price is basically double what I paid for the same thing a few years ago. Mine has a smaller screen but otherwise exactly the same.


I remember that you were doing no-till in smaller pots (relatively speaking). I may try it out in my seven-gallons at some point. The thing with the pests every round lately, though… Even if I was already doing no-till in my pots, I’d be tossing all that soil and starting over regardless. I’m not gonna risk it and keep those pots of soil around and hope that the aphids and thrips just magically disappear.

Yeah, I really don’t care about “maximum yields” haha. Don’t care about having the biggest, frostiest plants on the internet. I just want them to be healthy and pest/disease-free in order to share the most accurate info I can glean from every grow. And also so I don’t feel like I wasted my time haha. It sucks having to chop shit earlier than I wanted to. It doesn’t ever seem to affect things too much, I always get plenty baked, but I do wonder sometimes… “How much better could this have been if it’d gotten that extra ten days…?” or whatever.

Mhm, I understand. I’m not breeding at all, so that’s not something I ever consider. And even though I’m not breeding, I still don’t do heavy nutrient applications haha. I’m not sure what I added to the water this round or how frequently, but I’m certain it wasn’t a whole helluva lot. Pretty sure they didn’t get anything at all for at least the last four weeks or.

And “no comment” on the e-nail thing. I like my bong rips and joints haha…


says the guy who does

when you get predators going, they’ll live in there forever and they’ll eat the eggs of pests, protecting your soil pretty good, if you don’t feel like throwing soil away you don’t have to, like you could start fresh now, but put pedators the minute you get the soil, they’ll live in it and it’ll be protected i think forever


No way, dude haha. Not even close. And if I do, then y’all are all wasting money on a bunch of stuff haha. I really don’t add anything to my water or do much of anything at all, besides, uh, watering the plants.

Good point. I’ve still got like maybe 85 gallons of soil that’s been sitting in my garage for a while, I’m definitely using that. I’m also gonna mix up another 90 gallons or so of new soil, just because I don’t like worrying about,”Do I have enough soil?” haha. Maybe I’ll add the predators then and try zephyr’s “small pot no-till” starting next grow.

I dunno. I still haven’t even started soaking any seeds yet. Shit’s getting kinda weird over here lately. Thinking about bouncing.


that’s how you get big frosty plants! i feel like this round is going too smooth and my weed is gonna be a little flat

and add predators to it, rove beetles are soldiers, it’s gonna cost you like $50 for hypoaspis miles and rove beetles


Oh man, that sucks. Hope all is well with you, just don’t make any quick rash decisions but you definitely have to do what’s best for yourself.


That sucks dude, take care of yourself, whatever happens.


‘Here’ as in OG or ‘here’ as in home or something?
We always got the other spot :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


yeah i was wondering the same thing, weird in your neighborhood?