Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

Weird at home.


I gotta look into some predators myself @supershitfuck so etching about the idea of intentionally releasing ANY bug into the grow feels like a hill to climb, but I like the idea of having some commandos in the tent watching things, about to try my hand at SIPS so maybe that’ll be the time to check em out.

@minitiger sorry to hear about the weirdness bro, hope it irons out for you. I get the same vibes from time to time at my house, sometimes chalk it up to just the moon and seasons, the wife gets bummed out when it starts to get cold around here


Nah, it’s not the seasons. My girl’s, like, clinically depressed about having to put down Bowie a couple months ago. I understand that. But she can’t even deal with the new dog, so she’s returning her, we’re just waiting on the rescue to find her a new foster home. I’m really, really fucking pissed about it, she’s a super-sweet, good, good dog. I love her. And I’m not even sure the dog’s the real issue. I’ve told my girl multiple times,”You better be certain it’s Shuggie that’s making you sad, because if we get rid of her and you still feel like this, that’s a problem.”

Once the dog’s gone, I’ve been thinking I might rent a car and just drive up the PCH for a few days, stay at little motels on the beach or something. I dunno. That’s why I haven’t started any new seeds yet, just because I may be away from the house for three or four or five days. I suspect that I’m not really going to wanna be around my girl for a little bit after she gets rid of our dog…


Sounds like ya need a break… road trips are great!

Iv done about 10k miles on road trips this year… the PCH has been one I’d like to do in a ragtop.


If you’re gonna do it, start in SoCal and go north. Driving south on the PCH, especially around Big Sur, is scary as fuck haha. There’s no railing or whatever, nothing but like two feet of grass keeping your car from 500 foot cliffs and then the ocean.

Driving north around there is awesome, though. It’s probably the most amazing, beautiful area I’ve ever been. Just as long as I have a little land directly to the side of my car haha…


Sounds like you could use a breather. A trip up the coast sounds like a good idea.


SoCal doesn’t interest me much to be honest, NorCal on the other hand does very much. The NP’s and Tahoe areas…

You would have shit yourself following me last May/June… :wink:

Perfect time of year for a ride too… get out and enjoy yourself.


Fuck dude, I’m sorry to hear that, that’s shit across the board. I k ow how the loss of a pet can fuck you up, I feel bad for your girl. We had a dog at 2yrs suddenly throw a blood in his sleep in bed with us and die suddenly, it was fucking awful and fucked me and my wife up for a long time, still can’t even really revisit the idea of getting a dog to this day. I feel for you too man to bond with a new animal and have to give it up like that, that whole situation sucks, I’m sorry for your troubles man. A rip up the coast sounds like a good head clearing strategy


Yeah, but that’s just a one-way road up that mountain, right? Looks like it, anyway. It’s not the two feet of grass separating me from the cliffs driving south on the PCH that freaks me out, I’m not worried about my driving skills haha; it’s the motherfuckers driving north, on the other side of the road, gawking (understandably) at the scenery or texting or fucking with their radio, not paying attention, halfway in my lane and headed right towards me, that freak me out haha…

The last time we went up to Big Sur, we got a cabin that was down this winding one-lane dirt road with about a 100-foot drop off the side. There was another cabin like 100 yards further down the road. The first morning we were there, we went out for breakfast and a hike and as we were coming back, I joked to my girl,”Watch, those people staying at the other cabin are gonna be leaving…” And they were haha! We ended up having to drive in reverse back up this fucking dirt road with a huge drop to one side of us so that they could get out. Kinda funny…


On the topic of Imperial Majesty, @BarristanWhitebeard posted this screenshot on RIU …

45$ buy one get 1 freebie. Imperial Majesty is a freebie. Looks like 14 are in stock for sale and 10 freebies up.


I already bought my backup pack of Imperial Majesty, got here a couple weeks ago (still sitting on my kitchen table, though haha; I need to get it in the fridge), but that is a good deal. That Umeboshi sounded interesting, saw those pics from that one dude on the Bodhi thread a while back. And what’s Dreadneck 11? Some kind of Dreadneck/Apollo 11 cross? That sounds very promising.

But I’m done buying seeds, so… haha!


Pretty sure that’s a misprint. On the site there’s only Dreadneck (11 seeds).


Sure!! :rofl::rofl:


Yeah, I figured it was, but a fella can hope… haha. That Dreadneck sounds good on its own, though, too. After having grown those couple Dread Breads this round, I’d be inclined to check out any crosses made with it. I have a pack or two of Babylon Buster, the Dread Bread/GHash cross, got them as freebies. I dunno when I’ll grow them, but they’ll get grown. And I still have a bunch of Dread Bread seeds, too.

Y’all go ahead and keep laughing. I am done buying seeds. There’s nothing, literally NOTHING, that would interest me enough to buy another pack. I’ve legitimately got everything that I’ve ever been interested in growing. And multiple packs of almost every one, too haha. The only reason I even looked at that list was because syzygy posted it.




If I could like your post a thousand times, I would @HorseBadorites. I don’t even need to watch the clip (although I will haha), I know that scene word-for-word. That’s my all-time favorite movie.

I actually went to the Halloween parade in West Hollywood, like eight years ago, in the outfit that Steve Martin’s wearing in that scene, right down to the pants around my ankles. That became problematic haha, walking around in huge crowds with pants around your ankles is hard, so I eventually just tossed them. It was kind of liberating walking around in a bathrobe and boxers, though.

My girl even bought a red chair and put gold tape around the legs and shit and a paddle ball for me to carry around; the chair also became problematic. On the one hand, it was nice having this chair with me that I could just set down and sit in whenever I wanted; on the other hand, huge crowds etc. I dunno how many people I accidentally hit with that chair.

Nobody knew what the fuck my costume was, though. They didn’t even ask haha, they just gave me sideway glances. My girl went as Bernadette Peters in the scene when they do “Tonight, You Belong To Me,” with the curly blonde wig and the sailor hat and a trumpet. Nobody knew who she was, either haha!


Well of course, you forgot Shithead!

I stand by my ha! Ha!


Dude, I’m not buying any more seeds. You can “Ha!” all you want. I dunno why this is so difficult for people to comprehend, but I’m good on my collection. I actually started soaking some seeds yesterday evening and as I was digging through my fridge, looking for the seeds I wanted to get in soil today, I really felt overwhelmed and just a full-on,”Shit, man, I fucked up when I bought all these seeds…” kinda feeling. I have way too many. I don’t want any more.


I’m running out of room in my dedicated seed fridge :rofl:


i dont know you. and i dont know how many seeds you got but, or if youre serious (sounds like you are)… i mean, it must be a nice feeling to not have that itch anymore.

Whats your queue looking like then?

btw, i always thought The Jerk was cringy, specially that scene, but i watched that clip today (after many years) and laughed quite bit.