So, spinosad is “organic” in the sense that it is from a natural source originally. Someday way back when a soil scientist found some organism in the ground at the site of a rum factory that killed everything. But now it is made, I think, using GM organisms to reproduce it, like BT. So “organic”, but not really broadly found in nature, which is what I would expect organic to mean.
Also, regarding spraying in flower, supposedly burning it produces some gnarly bad for you stuff. Having said that, I have sprayed like halfway through flower before, and I’m still here. But, I don’t spray it in flower anymore fwiw.
All that info was pulled right out of my ass, courtesy of my bad memory, so let me know if I’m way off base there haha.
I have stopped using spinosad after finding out it is highly toxic to bees and other pollinators. It is also banned in some States here in the US and in other Nations for no health safety data on long term exposure.
Okay, yeah, maybe that’s why I was thinking it wasn’t exactly safe to use. I think I remember reading that and being like,”Oh, well, in that case, I think I’ll skip it…”
But if any of y’all had to use it (particularly in flower), do you just spray the leaves, like, suuuuuuper-carefully and try your best to not get any on the flowers themselves?
I really don’t think I’m gonna need it, my plants look fine after I defoliated those Pura Vida f2’s. I don’t see anything going on now, other than plants just growing flowers, but I do wanna keep my options open haha.
Also… Man… I dunno how many of you follow that Bodhi thread, but I really fucked up on there yesterday haha. I’m not too sure why everybody took what I asked about so personally, but I did NOT mean to start some kind of insane crazy back-and-forth. I feel like I was making a legitimate point, but at the same time… I’m kinda thinking maybe I just shouldn’t have said anything at all.
Yeah, idk, I guess you kind of stepped in it there.
BUT, there is a big difference between complaining about something and offending people, which apparently you did, and making pointed, personal attacks against someone, which other people did against you. I was pretty disappointed by how other members behaved in that regard.
Edit: Spinosad is for insect control not pm control, I think those were parallel convos that got jumbled. Any time I have had pm in flower I did the same as you, caught it early and stripped those leaves off. I got away with it, and don’t have a better solution for pm in flower that I have personally used, though I know people use Lost Coast Therapy, and a couple other sprays to keep it at bay until the end. Green Cure is another I think?
You post excellent grow information and have excellent taste in breeders, plants, and seeds. Your info and presence is super helpful. I understand you think people on the Bodhi thread were being overly sensitive, but it only takes a quick perusal of your posts to see that you can come off as prickly and overly sensitive yourself quite a bit of the time, with very strong reactions to differing opinions, a lot of swearing, and not very generous interpretations of other people’s responses. I know I’m a new user and maybe that means my opinion doesn’t matter, but I’m just trying to offer an uninvested take. I’m always looking for your posts for the detailed content you provide, but sometimes the level of what comes off as anger can be distracting. But you are an integral member. It’ll blow over.
Where’s he at? I wanna go get a beer with him haha.
Yeah, that what was kind of my intention, actually haha. I mean, if you’re actually growing these seeds, why would you get offended? It seems to me that only people who knew they were getting called out would get pissed. Were you pissed when you read those posts, @potpotpot? No, you weren’t. Because you’re planting seeds and not trying to drum up interest in your new seed company or trying to re-sell packs or whatever.
How do I seem angry, though? Haha! I really don’t get it. I’m soooooo not an angry person. Just because I say,”Yeah, I fucking love that!” or,”Dude, I can’t fucking stand that!” that means I’m “angry”? I’m just opinionated. And I find cussing to be a useful tool to emphasize my point.
Not only that, but why would anybody be like,”Gosh, minitiger doesn’t like the same things that I like… He’s an angry person. Hurrumphhh…”
Maybe it should be closed. I mean, if half the people there are only there to try and sell packs they just bought, yeah, it should be closed.
Anyway, you’re on the wrong thread, pal. Fuck off.
The continuation of the discord here from the Bodhi info thread will need to stop.
If it doesn’t the moderators will need to start knee-capping the dialog or more … which really takes away from the hot latte’s and cigars … please don’t interrupt this and make our day less than enjoyable.
To those furiously typing away, read this a couple of times. Consider this a warning to move along to productive dialog.
You’re pretty much dead on there, great memory for a pot head. Captain Jack’s Dead Bug is supposed to be named after the original rum factory or something like that. Used as preventative in veg along with other methods of IPM should hopefully mean you won’t need anything in flower. Agree with others that this is something for indoor pest removals and not for use outdoors. I take great pride in having a yard full of dandelions in the spring so the pollinators have something to do while waiting for the rest of the flowers and such to open up. (My neighbors don’t take as much pride in it, though.)
@minitiger I know you said you take plants outside to transplant and stuff, but I wonder if that’s a possible accidental vector for allowing unwanted stuff into your grow space.
Agreed. I never spray anything in flower. I do a single application of bacillus thurgensis at the first sign of preflower to prevent bud worms.
I spray my outdoor grow with spinosad lightly in veg as a preventative for the duration of the grow, one or two applications at most. It is effective when used in this way.
I spray only in the dead of night to make sure there will be no pollinators active. I spray very lightly, getting the leaves at close range to avoid overspray.
I make sure that the last application is at least a month before preflower starts.
Does anybody know for certain if the plants will be safe for pollinators by the time they go into flowering? Is a month after the last application long enough?
Bees love my plants and I want to be sure they are safe for them.
I’ve thought about that, but I really don’t think so. I take the plants out one at a time, I don’t set them all outside at once. And each plant is out there for maybe two minutes when I do foliars. Or as long as it takes me to soak the shit out of every part of the plant, anyway. If it takes longer than two minutes, than it’s only three at the most. For transplanting, it really is only maybe ten seconds. However long it takes me to walk outside, flip a pot over and then walk back inside (which doesn’t take long), that’s how long it takes.
And again, I don’t think my back yard is teeming with pests or anything haha. But maybe it is, I dunno. The first time I got aphids, I really freaked out and checked out all the plants in my front yard and backyard just to see, you know,”Are there aphids all over everything?” But I didn’t see any. And we don’t have any living plants inside our house, either (except for the weed haha); it’s all just fake plants, specifically to avoid any potential issues.
I don’t know, but I wonder if bees (or other active pollinators, not caterpillars or larvae) are only effected when they actually get sprayed. Does the residual on the plant mess with them?
Do bees love your pot flowers? With no nectar, that seems interesting. I’ve never seen bees on mine, but we have a lot of nectar flowers.
And yeah, @minitiger that was totally uncalled for, and in the Bodhi thread no less. Seems like civility is a forgotten art… there are creative ways to cuss someone out without cussing… just takes a little effort.
Looks like once the spinosad is dried on the foliage, it’s relatively harmless to the bees. 3-24hrs after application.
Residue tests conducted under laboratory, semi-field and field conditions on worker honeybees foraging on treated foliage indicated that dry product residues were harmless.
the only moth that has reason to fear me is the one that lays budworm eggs haha
They do. They ignore the plants when they are in veg, but they love them when they are in flower.
Bees love pollen from male plants, and I see them flying back and forth between the males and the females all day long pollinating the flowers for me.
when pollen and nectar food resources are les plentiful in late fall, I have observed them collecting cannabis resin with their mandibles.
I looked it up and this has also been reported anecdotally by a beekeeper in france who said he kept his hives from going dormant in the winter by moving them into a heated green house full of cannabis, where they apparently switched to harvesting resin instead of pollen as their food source. (of course this is all hearsay.)
That’s good to hear. I never know whether I can trust what it says in the fine print on the bottle when it comes to stuff like this.
Sounds like the plants would be %100 safe for bees by the time they start flowering.
Dude… I’m outta likes, I’m outta love for the day, this whole thing is very strange. But I wanna fuck your post for 72 hours haha. Besides horse’s post about how his pests can’t read, this is the funniest thing I’ve read on here in a loooooonnnggggggg time hahaha…
And before anybody gets “offended,” that “fuck your post for 72 hours” thing is just a reference to one of my favorite Kendrick Lamar tracks. But I meant it. That was a really funny post, @antheis.
Did you really? Classic. Mental-note taken…
Yeah, I actually did dribble a little White Claw out of my mouth. Not a full-on spit-take, just a little dribble.
And it’s not a “useless post” at all, dude. Apparently, this log has become the Smart Ass Shit-Talkers log. Which is fine by me. Anybody with a sense of fucking humor is welcome here. You better stick around, anyway.
That is, if all of the cussing doesn’t affect your delicate sensibilities haha…