Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

Nothing this round was grown that well so keep in mind anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt. Out of the 3 lav jacks I got 3 different smells. I’m also not very good at describing aromas but this is my best attempt

Lav Jack 1 (tall) - sweet floral slight fruity, a bit like eucalyptus but not exactly.
Lav Jack 2 (purple) - Lemon pledge / floor cleaner / slight skunky
Lav Jack 3 - mildly rubbery, earthy, peppery

They all smell good but I wouldn’t rate any of them as extreme odor (this round at least). My herer HP was very low odor and the Chem 91 x SSDD was on the lower end as well. Baba Kush, Lav Jack 2 and 1 smell the best out of everything to me.

Have you grown out LJ before or did you get your sample from someone else? The nursing home room description was pretty funny haha. I just cut everything down and have a lot more pictures in my thread of the Lav Jacks if you’re interested in that strain :