Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 1)

No doubt! I think the true selection needs to come from runs like we’re describing.

You’ve got my vote :wink:

I think it’s best to find someone underground… they aren’t giving out any licenses for anyone in Oregon for the foreseeable future, and in other states, they’re just bought up by corps with the deepest pockets. Also, there’s very few of those license holders that can afford to ‘pheno hunt’, without it hurting their bottom line. Then, when they do pheno hunt, they’re growing the latest hype packs :sob: When you bring legality and money into the equation, it makes things too complicated… we need someone with passion, a big heart, and a huge warehouse/basement/off-grid greenhouse… any takers??


oh i thought this idea had floated jokingly. i hope someone takes it, but i see it hard enough.

a run by 8+ members with our own thread posting our documented progress as it happens could probably give us a good idea to vote on which phenos to keep. yeah we will have to trust on what “potent” or “butter scent” means to each individual but, we would still have to trust whatever that means to whoever has a big warehouse (unless that person has a big warehouse and big knowledge on ssdd).


You need a basis for a cut that everyone has had. Like if it was ssdd run, send mine and/or horsebadorites and anyone elses around to everyone participating so everyone has the same baseline. No wondering what things smells like or how potent things are. Get everyone on the same page and consensus and then pop all the packs and hunt.


holy shite WHITE MUSTANG on that list, did not think any one held that one any more.

man man …


I think we were just daydreaming about what would be the dream scenario where someone had the space and means to do large pheno hunts for us. Probably not a reality but hey I am with @iamyou_youareme that it doesn’t hurt to ask if there is someone out there like this =)

Yeah this is the more realistic approach and I am 100% in on it if we can get some folks who are willing to participate. I’ve already gotten a couple volunteers so we are getting there.

Yep and the way I had sort of envisioned it was that there would be a first round where seeds are sent to the different growers (lets say 8 for conversation purposes) and the females grown out. Each individual grower would then select their keeper or keepers. Basically the first round would be to eliminate things we know are not worth keeping around. Then the keepers from round 1 get sent around to all the growers who took part in round 1 to have a round 2. The cuts should have different identifiers so they wouldn’t know which one came from them. Then everyone would be able to grow out the round 1 winners and collaborate on what selection(s) were the ultimate keepers. Known keepers such as the ones you mentioned could be part of the round 2 grow off. A central thread where everyone would be able to share grow data and discuss the different phenotypes they were seeing and what the desired traits to keep around would be a necessity.


I think there’s going to be pros and cons that come along with whatever path you take but your first idea sounded pretty cool to me. Rather than 1 person trying to narrow down their favorite few phenos out of 50+~ females you can get more focus on each individual plant by spreading it out. As an observer I think it would be more interesting seeing multiple people posting updates rather than large photo dumps periodically from one person. Reduces risk of catastrophic failure as well, not as big of a deal if one person has a crop failure.


VERY good point!


This would be super cool to watch! A thread with 8-10 people all running a pack or more of the same seeds would be entertaining. Especially once the cuts start getting passed around and hearing other’s thoughts on selections and stuff. All that documentation sounds exciting.


Yeah that is definitely a best case scenario in my eyes. I don’t expect it to really pan out that way, but you never know… really, in my eyes, it would be cool to have a team of Bodhi nerds making the selections, based off of well known cuts, that they’ve all grown out already… but that will take a lot of logistics, a lot of time and coordination to pull off. Not trying to discourage, we know it can happen, based off of Lazy’s Goji OG F2 thread, but I think the direction would be a little different if everyone was selecting from known clone baselines. They’d have to grow them out first to even know what to select for!


Something else I had been thinking about as well, I am building out a home tissue culture lab with pcr equipment that will allow me to do my own gender testing etc, In theory, I could pop all the seeds, gender test everything at first leaf set to determine who are the males and who are the females, take tissue cultures of all the plants to have them archived in vitro. Then send out rooted clones of just the females to the volunteer growers so they don’t have to worry about dealing with males or making F2’s at that exact moment. They would be able to focus completely on pheno hunting. Then when those round 1 winners are selected I can pull those out of in vitro tissue culture storage and send rooted clones out to the growers for round 2! I see a couple of potential benefits to this:

  1. Not having to worry about males and what to do with them or feeling obligated to make F2’s at this time.

  2. Rooted female clones would be sent out to the growers so they already know everything they are going to grow will be female and a clone so no need to grow out clones later to see what the clone looks like vs the plant from seed.

  3. Ideally all plants will be in vitro storage with tissue culture so if something happens we will have additional copies of the plant to grow out again.

  4. All males will be archived back so once the females have been grown out and different pheno types have been documented out and desirable traits identified, the males can be grown out at a later time to do a selection based off what we see in the females.

  5. F2’s can be made really at anytime and by someone else not involved in the female grow off so takes the pressure off.


If you end up documenting any of that please tag me! Sounds fascinating and would be really cool to see.

Sounds like that would save a lot of effort for sure for the people growing them out. No idea how much effort it would be on your part but sounds like a good way to get straight to business if it could be accomplished.


That would make it even more interesting to watch! That sounds awesome!


Like this?


Really exciting ideas even if they never make it to fruition. I for one would love to participate but with the volume of gear I have to look through and reproduce just in my fridge alone finding the time would be the biggest challenge, but goddamn do I love the idea!


This is probably the biggest issue. Those of us who are huge Bodhi fans that would love to do something like this probably have a seed fridge full of packs we can’t get to already lol.


But if ten members can look through 3 females, that is a decent phenohunt. But what if 40-50 members could look through at least 3 females….


I’d be able to tell ya how the thrip resistance is even indoors :rofl:

Edit: hashplant and wookie crosses so far are decently resistant to that and lived through root aphids.


I think finding a bunch of members whose growing acumen you trust and don’t have stuff to run already might be tough. Would suck to pass all of your beans out only to see a bunch of poorly grown plants and people blaming genetics.


I would prioritize it, and I’m sure there are others! I just took some Sun Ra f2 testers from @greasy and stuck them at the head of a lineup that was 8 strains long :crazy_face::smile:


So you’re sayin’ theres a chance I got these thrips from genetics in a bean and not the fox farm soil?